Las sandalias de Ulises
Santuario della Consolata
Santuario della Consolata is built where the Church of San Andrés once was. The last major phase of the Santuario's expansion dates back to between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries which was commissioned to the architect Carlo Ceppi, ve was almost immediately replaced by the engineer Antonio Vandone di Cortemiglia. Ceppi designed the project that included the construction of four oval chapels around Guarini's hexagon, and two platforms next to the presbytery of the Santuario's chapel. The sanctuary area was further extended and changed the appearance of the area around the hexagon significantly.
The western entrance which used to lead into the classroom of San Andrés has since been closed, making the southern entrance the main entrance which leads directly to the altar with the image of Our Lady Comforter. From Della Consolata Street another entrance was opened which gave direct access to the sanctuary area. This place is really awesome! Outside does not look as pretty as the inside, there are several levels and they make a big impact, it's really beautiful!
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