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Île Sainte-Marguerite

7 reviews of Île Sainte-Marguerite

Pier Santa Margarita Island


The Pier on Santa Margarita Island, in addition to the place where the locals moor their boats, is where boats stop that connect the island to Cannes. It is a small jetty, with a waiting area made up of a couple of benches where you can sit and some signs indicating where you have to wait to take the boat to Cannes. Just after getting off the boat on the island, there are several signs pointing to the Fort Royal, the grove and the beach, so you can't get lost.


Sainte Margarite Island Beach


Apart from visiting the Royal Fort, most people visit the beach on Sainte Marguerite. It is a narrow rocky beach bordering the island. Keep in mind this is not fine sand, but pebbles, so bring a pair of sandals. It is quieter than the beaches of Cannes, since it is much less crowded. The sea was very calm when I visited, ideal for taking a dip.

On the island of the Iron Mask!

Sull'isola della Maschera di Ferro!

È una calda giornata di inizio primavera ed io mi trovo nella mondanissima Cannes, sulla Croisette, alla volta del porto da cui partono i traghetti per l'isola di Santa Margherita. A rendere questo luogo una meta turistica è la presenza della prigione dove la leggenda vuole che sia stato rinchiuso l'Uomo dalla Maschera di Ferro. Il tragitto è brevissimo ed in pochi minuti sbarchiamo sull'isola, qui una mappa segnala alcuni snack bar, ben pochi a dire il vero, di cui ne trovo solo uno aperto, suppongo che gli altri aprano d'estate. Percorrendo i sentieri mi sembra di essere su un'isola abbandonata; Cannes, con i suoi café e le sue boutique di moda, il lungomare affollato, ed il porto con gli yatch, sembra così lontana. A parte qualche sporadica storica costruzione, regna sovrana una folta vegetazione mediterranea composta da cedri del Libano, pini e piante di eucalipto, tra le più antiche d'Europa. Eppure l'isola di Santa Margherita è stata abitata sin dall'antichità, a testimoniarlo restano i reperti archeologici conservati nel Museo del Mare, che è ospitato nel Fort Royal voluto dal cardinale Richelieu. Accanto al museo visito le famose prigioni, le celle sono molto simili, un camino ed una sorta di bagno è quel che vi si trova all'interno, tra le inferriate delle piccole finestre si vede il mare. Qui l'unica differenza rispetto all'epoca della Maschera di Ferro è data da alcuni dipinti in cui un artista ha cercato recentemente di rievocare le emozioni provate su quest'isola e visitandone le prigioni. Nelle vicinanze del Forte solo un cannone ed una guardiola, dalla quale come una sentinella osserva il mare un gabbiano.
It is a warm day in early spring, and I am in mondanissima Cannes, the Croisette, towards the port from which ferries depart for the island of Santa Margherita. To make this place a tourist destination is the presence of the prison where legend has it that it was locked up the Man in the Iron Mask. The route is very short, and in a few minutes we landed on the island, here a map highlights some snack bar, very few actually, which I find only one open, I guess the other open in the summer. Walking the paths I seem to be on a desert island, Cannes, with its cafes and its fashion boutiques, crowded the waterfront, and the harbor with yachts, seems so far away. Except for a few sporadic historical building, reigns lush Mediterranean vegetation consists of cedars of Lebanon, pine and eucalyptus trees, among the oldest in Europe. Yet the island of Santa Margherita has been inhabited since ancient times, to witness the archaeological remains preserved in the Maritime Museum, which is housed in the Royal Fort built by Cardinal Richelieu. Next to the museum visit the famous prison, the cells are very similar, a fireplace and a bathroom is sort of what you are indoors, between the bars of the small windows you can see the sea. Here the only difference at the time of the Iron Mask is given by a number of paintings in which the artist has recently tried to evoke the emotions felt on this island and visiting its prisons. Near the fort only a gun and a gatehouse, from which, like a sentinel looking the sea a seagull.
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The Ile Ste Marguerite is one of Lerins...

L'Île Ste Marguerite est une des île de L...

L'Île Ste Marguerite est une des île de Lérins, qui regroupe plusieurs îles dans la baie de Cannes, face aux somptueux hôtels de la ville ! Comme le dit l'histoire (ou la légende ?!), cette île aurait servi de repère ou de lieu d'habitation au Masque de Fer ! Les bateaux sont nombreux à venir s'encrer aux alentours le soir venant, et vous pourrez facilement vous restaurer sur cette île. Mon coup de cœur niveau restaurantion est décerné au restaurant "L'Escale", qui propose une cuisine délicieuse, et dispose d'une belle terrasse face à la mer et au soleil couchant (voir photos !) De nombreuses sorties touristiques sont organisées au départ de Cannes ou de Nice, pour venir vous promener sur ces belles îles.
The Ile Ste Marguerite is one of Lerins Island, which includes several islands in the Bay of Cannes, facing the magnificent hotels in the city! As stated in the story (or legend?), The island would have been the mark or place of residence in the Iron Mask! The boats are likely to come inked around the evening coming, and you can easily eat on the island. My favorite Restaurantion level is awarded to the restaurant "L'Escale", which offers delicious cuisine, and has a beautiful terrace facing the sea and the setting sun (see photos!) Many tourist attractions are organized from Cannes or Nice to meet you walk on these beautiful islands.
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Sainte-Marguerite is the larger of the...

Sainte-Marguerite est la plus grande...

Sainte-Marguerite est la plus grande des deux îles. Son fort royal, décidé par Richelieu, devint prison d'état et est surtout célèbre pour avoir eu comme "pensionnaire" le légendaire "Masque de Fer". Le fort abrite aussi un petit musée de la mer et un centre d'hébergement.
Sainte-Marguerite is the larger of the two. His royal fort, decided by Richelieu, became state prison and is mostly famous for having as "boarder" the legendary "Iron Mask". The fort also houses a small museum of the sea and a center lodgings.
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It deserves a quick passage on a not too hot day,

Merita un rapido passaggio in una giornata non troppo calda.

Merita un rapido passaggio in una giornata non troppo calda.
It deserves a quick passage on a not too hot day,
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An island for walkers, history lovers...

Une îles pour les marcheurs

Les amoureux d'histoire, avec son château et bien sûr de la mer.
An island for walkers, history lovers with its castle and of course the sea.
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great place to relax for long walks or for the beach.

Nice pour se promener

Excellent lieu de détente pour les longues marches ou pour la plage.
great place to relax for long walks or for the beach.
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Information about Île Sainte-Marguerite