Saint-Léry Church
The small village of Saint-Lery was the starting point for our visit to the forest and it was barely six kiómetros from Paimpont. On arrival, my overriding impression was one of absolute peace and silence. On the streets there was not a soul and I remember that I didn't even hear any birds. The first thing that we saw at the entrance was the lovely typical Breton church with a cemetery attached. It was constructed in the XI-XIII centuries and is listed as a historical monument. At the entrance there are five statues of Saint Elocan, Saint Judicaël, Saint Lery, Anne Duchess of Brittany and a priest named Winegriall.
Some images show Saint Michel slaying a dragon and a person who is devoured by their mortal sins. But undoubtedly the best sight is to admire the clock dating from the eighteenth century, which rings every half hour and every hour. To see it, you have to go through a door located under the choir. It feels very solitary and imposing and it stuck in my memory.
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