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3 reviews of Sahara

A fantastic trip to the Sahara

A fantastic trip to the Sahara. Collected salt from a salt lake. Rode a camel. Got whisked away by an Arab on a black horse! Visited the Star Wars set; an amazing trip!!!


Trip to the Sahara Desert, Morocco

Viagem ao Deserto do Saara, Marrocos

Essa com certeza foi a viagem mais surpreendente que já fiz. Tudo foi decidido em questão de dias e confesso que não esperava muito dessa viagem. No entanto, nos primeiros momentos, enquanto andava de camelo pelas dunas, com o sol se pondo, já pude perceber o quão maravilhoso era o Deserto do Saara. Eu já estava encantado com o marrocos, suas paisagens, as pessoas, as cidades, mas nada se compara ao deserto. Enquanto contemplava o céu mais estrelado que já vi na vida, com direito a estrelas cadentes, imaginava o quão maravilhado ficavam os povos antigos que lá viviam e ainda vivem. É de se compreender o grande interesse desses povos pela astronomia. O deserto me fez sentir mais conectado ao Universo e sua grandeza.
This was certainly the most amazing journey already made. Everything was decided in the days issue and I confess that did not expect much from this trip. However, in the first moments, while riding a camel through the dunes, with the sun going down, I could see already the wonderful quo was the Sahara Desert. I was already enamored with Morocco, its landscapes, people, cities, but nothing compares to the desert. As he contemplated the most starry sky that ever seen in my life, complete with shooting stars, imagined quo amazed were the ancient people who lived and still live l. to understand the great interest these people in astronomy. The desert made me feel more connected to the universe and its greatness.
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Sahara Desert

Desierto del Sahara

Siempre fue mi sueño visitar el desierto del Sahara, así que emprendimos un viaje por avión, tren, barco, autobús, automóvil y camello hasta llegar a su corazón en donde habita este árbol solitario.
It was always my dream to visit the Sahara desert, as we undertook a trip by plane, train, boat, bus, automobile and camel to reach his heart in this lonely tree inhabited.
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