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7 reviews of Saegreifinn

Saegreifinn Restaurant

It took about 5 laps around the block to find the place but once inside, it was worth the ride. It is a rustic restaurant located in Reykjavik's harbor area and, at first, it was a fish shop. Now, you can buy fish at the front and eat in the rear area of the building. The place is very small (it also has a small terrace but the weather in Iceland is often not warm enough) with 3 or 4 long wooden tables. It is advisable to choose your fish from the fridge (they also have whale) and they will prepare it for you. In addition to the sea-fresh fish, they make a delicious lobster soup which has become famous ...

And no wonder! The food is good, the prices are excellent but above all, I recommend a visit to Saegreifinn for how well it reflects the Icelandic spirit (it is full of locals as well as tourists).
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Un sitio de esos que no esperas encontrar en el puerto de la ciudad. Buscando donde cenar una noche, y viendo el panorama de varios restaurantes, decidimos entrar en este, ¿por qué? Dijimos,pues oye, aquí mismo que huele bien. El sitio es muy acogedor, como estar en familia. Las mesas de la zona donde cenamos eran troncos de madera cortados, y las sillas eran botes estancos de barcos. No es que sea lo más cómodo, pero sí más original (hay otra parte con bancos y sillas normales). Al mirar como era el sitio vimos que no hay un menú el cual pides y ya, no, tienes brochetas en una nevera, y no hay más que puedas pedir aparte de la sopa de marisco. En la nevera que comento hay brochetas de todo tipo, salmón, gambas, bacalao...hasta ballena!! Yo me pedí el de ballena y está espectacular; aunque las otras tampoco tienen nada que envidiar, el salmón tremendo... Y para complementar hay brochetas de verduras a la plancha y patatas. Pero lo que hay que pedir sí o sí es la crema de marisco (sopa vease, aunque tiene más textura de crema). De las mejores que he probado en Islandia, muy sabrosa, imprescindible. El precio es como si fuera un plato de restaurante, es decir, barato nada, pero Islandia es caro de por sí. Hay sitios más económicos, todo hay que decirlo. El servicio...bueno, ahí es donde yo no es que tuviera una experiencia del todo positiva. El servicio MUY MUY lento, al traernos los platos faltaba uno, una brocheta de salmón, mia dicho sea de paso xD (tenía para mi la se ballena y salmón, compartidas ambas con mi hermana, mitad y mitad), y todos cenando... y se acabó la cena, y de sobremesa media hora de reloj y esperando la brocheta. Cuando nos levantamos para pagar e irnos sin esa brocheta... la traen, 1 hora después de pedirla, acojonante... Por lo demás lo recomiendo, por probar la crema y la ballena sobre todo, y ver el sitio que merece mucho la pena.
A site for those who do not expect to find in the port city. Looking to have dinner one night, and seeing the picture of several restaurants, we decided to get into this, why? We said, because hey, here it smells good. The place is very cozy, like staying with family. The tables in the area where we dined logs were cut, and the chairs were boats boats watertight. It's not as comfortable, but more original (there's another part to banks and regular chairs). Looking like the site we saw was that there is no menu and you ask which, no, you skewers in a refrigerator, and there is more you could ask for besides seafood soup. In the fridge I mention there are all kinds skewers, salmon, shrimp, cod ... to whales! I ordered the whale and is spectacular, but the other does not have anything to envy, salmon tremendous ... And to complement skewers are grilled vegetables and potatoes. But you have to ask or yes is the clam chowder (soup see, although it has more texture cream). From the best I've had in Iceland, very tasty, essential. The price is like a restaurant dish, that is, nothing cheap, but Iceland is expensive in itself. There are cheaper places, I must say. The service ... well, that's where I do is that I had a positive experience at all. The service very very slow, to bring the dishes lacked one, a skewer of salmon, incidentally mine xD (it was for me the whale and salmon, both shared with my sister, half and half), and all having dinner .. . and finished dinner, and half an hour desktop clock and waiting for the skewer. When we got up to pay and go without that skewers ... bring it, one hour after ask, acojonante ... Otherwise I recommend, to try the cream and especially whale and see the site well worth.
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The baron of the sea

El barón del mar

Esta sería la traducción del nombre en islandés y se debe a que así se conocía al antiguo propietario, por lo visto toda una institución en Reikiavik. La verdad es que el sitio es curioso, por un lado se entra directamente a un comedor pequeño y recogido, con mesas corridas que compartes con otros comensales, y por el otro se entra a una especia de tienda donde tienen expuestos los platos en una nevera. Básicamente se trata de pinchos de pescado, escoges el que quieres y te lo hacen seguidamente. También puedes probar carne de ballena, altamente recomendable y sorprendente. Y como plato estrella la sopa de langosta. La verdad es que estaba todo buenísimo, y teniendo en cuenta los precios de Islandia diría que de los más accesibles.
This would be the translation of the name in Icelandic and it is because that was the name of the former owner, apparently a whole institution in Reykjavik. The truth is that the site is curious, on the one hand you enter directly into a small and collected dining room, with tables that you share with other diners, and on the other you enter a kind of store where you have the dishes displayed in a fridge . Basically it is fish skewers, you choose the one you want and they do it next. You can also try whale meat, highly recommended and surprising. And as a star dish the lobster soup. The truth is that it was all great, and considering the prices of Iceland would say that the most accessible.
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Skewers burned

Brochetas quemadas

La verdad es q comí en mejores sitios y mas baratos q este. La sopa estaba muy rica pero éramos 9 y todas las brochetas estaban quemadas, de pescado, verdura, patata. Ademas tardaron muchísimo en servirnos.
The truth is q ate better and cheaper places q this. The soup was very rich but we were 9 and all were burned skewers, fish, vegetables, potato. You took a lot to serve.
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Great food, the soup gives you life!

Magnífica comida, la sopa te da la vida!!!

El sitio es muy pintoresco y peculiar. Nos costó encontrarlo, la ubicación del mapa no es la correcta. Está en los edificios azules junto al puerto. Recomendable 100%.
Great food, the soup gives you life !!!. The place is very quaint and quirky. We struggled to find it, the location of the map is not correct. It is in the blue buildings next to the port. Recommended 100%.
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Good and cheap

Ottimo ed economico

Minuscolo ed affollato ristorante nel porto di Reykjavik che comincia a godere di una fama tutto sommato meritata, in particolare fra i turisti (ma fra i clienti gli islandesi non mancano). Gli spiedini di pesce sono buoni e non cari ma il piatto forte è la zuppa di aragosta. Purtroppo ci sono anche spiedini di balena, ma la carne di questi splendidi mammiferi in Islanda la troverete spesso. In definitiva un buon posto dove mangiare al porto e, visti gli spazi ristretti, rappresenta anche un'occasione di conoscere altri viaggiatori.
Tiny and crowded restaurant in Reykjavik harbor begins to enjoy a well-deserved reputation after all, especially among tourists (but among customers Icelanders there). The fish skewers are good and not expensive, but the main attraction is the lobster bisque. Unfortunately there are also skewers whale, but the meat of these beautiful mammals in Iceland you will find it often. Finally, a good place to eat at the harbor and, given the limited space, it is also an opportunity to meet other travelers.
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Very good food, unpretentious service and good value for money

Muy buena comida, servicio sin pretensiones y buena relación calidad precio

Muy buena comida, servicio sin pretensiones y buena relación calidad precio
Very good food, unpretentious service and good value for money
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