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Pushkar Lake


12 reviews of Pushkar Lake

Sacred Lake of Pushkar

In this small town in India is the sacred lake. Thousands of pilgrims come here. The lake has a loudspeaker where prayers will not stop all day. The lake has many ghats, and to go to any of them, not all can be visited, you have to take your shoes off. On this site there is a scam, we were already aware of that and in the guide it commented upon it, so beware if they offer to hold a ceremony of respect for the dead, without paying, because then they want to charge you, and if not pay them is that you can cause trouble for you ... In one of the videos thereis such a character trying to convince us about the "ceremony", which we flatly refuse.

Otherwise the site is spectacular.
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One day in Pushkar Ghats

Un día en los Ghats de Pushkar

Continuando nuestro trayecto por el Rajhastán de India, de las últimas paradas, nos quedaba por descubrir Pushkar, mi sitio favorito del viaje. Pushkar, es uno de los sitios más espirituales, con muchos templos, uno de ellos dedicado a Brahma, existen muy pocos en el mundo. Lo primero que me atrapó, como a cualquier mujer que va a la India fue la calle llena de puestos y tiendas variadas, un mercadillo a lo largo de todo el pueblo lleno de gente hindú despreocupada, amable y sobretodo sonriente, también bastantes turistas en ese mes de julio. Lo segundo fue el desierto de Pushkar, al que fuimos en camello y dormimos ahí después de una "exquisita" cena al fuego mientras los camellos cuidaban de nuestros macutos. Y por último y más importante, los ghats del lago de Pushkar, alejado de turistas, solo hindúes purificándose y divirtiéndose en el agua. Me impresionó por lo familiar que era, grupos de amigos se acercaban al lago a meditar o a divertirse, según la edad y el ambiente en el que se encontraran; afortunadamente nosotras vimos de todo un poco, ya que fuimos un día y dos....y tres además podemos presumir de hacer bastantes amigos ;) A parte del ambiente, las vistas eran preciosas, el lago estaba rodeado de unos templos impresionantes blancos, del que salían las distintas escaleras de cada ghat... todo un mundo. Las fotos lo explican todo.
Continuing our journey through the Rajhastan of India, of the last stops, we were left to discover Pushkar, my favorite travel site. Pushkar is one of the most spiritual sites, with many temples, one dedicated to Brahma, there are very few in the world. The first thing that caught me, as any woman who goes to India was full of street stalls and various shops, a flea market along the whole village full of carefree, friendly and above all smiling Indian people, too many tourists in that July. The second was the desert of Pushkar, which went camel and slept there after an "exquisite" Dinner fire while the camels took care of our backpacks. And finally and most importantly, the ghats of Pushkar Lake, away from tourists, only Hindus purified and having fun in the water. I was struck by how familiar it was, friends were approaching the lake to meditate or fun, depending on age and the environment in which they are situated, fortunately we saw a little of everything as we went one day and two ... ., and three can also boast of making enough friends ;) A part of the environment, the views were beautiful, the lake was surrounded by a white impressive temples, leaving the various steps of each ghat ... an entire world. The pictures explain everything.
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A path through the sacred lake

Un camino por el lago sagrado

El Lago Sagrado de Pushkar es sin duda el alma de la ciudad - se hacía referencia ya en el siglo IV AC y se dice que es donde se bañó Brahma, el dios hindú de la creación. Hoy en día es uno de los lugares de peregrinación más importantes de toda la India y recibe decenas de miles de peregrinos cada año durante el festival Kartik Poornima cuando vienen a bañarse en sus aguas purificadoras. El lago está rodeado más de 50 ghats que crean una pasarela ininterrumpida en la que se puede caminar por todo el lago. Si estás interesado en ver a los bañistas, lo mejor que puedes hacer es ir a primera hora de la mañana, pero también te sugeriría ir por la tarde ya que las vistas del atardecer sobre el lago y la ciudad blanca de Pushkar son espectaculares. Si vas a caminar sobre los ghats, recuerda quitarte los zapatos y ser respetuoso con los bañistas (es decir, no insistir con la cámara en sus caras). Además, inevitablemente se acercará algún tipo ofreciéndote flores como una señal de respeto por el lago - no las aceptes, da igual lo que te digan.
The sacred Pushkar Lake is definitely the soul of the city - haca reference is already in the fourth century BC and is said to be where ba Brahma, the Hindu god of creation. Nowadays it is one of the most important places of pilgrimage throughout India and receives tens of thousands of pilgrims each year during Kartik Poornima the festival when they come to bathe in its purifying waters. The lake is surrounded by more than 50 ghats that create an uninterrupted walkway where you can walk around the lake. If ests interested in seeing bathers, the best you can do is go early in the morning, but also will suggest you go in the afternoon as sunset views over the lake and the white city of Pushkar are spectacular. If you are walking on the ghats, remember to remove your shoes and be respectful of bathers (ie, do not insist with the camera on their faces). In addition, inevitably some kind will bring ofrecindote flowers as a sign of respect for the lake - not accept them, no matter what they tell you.
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The sacred lake of the small town of Pushkar

El lago sagrado de la pequeña ciudad de Pushkar

Que una ciudad tan pequeña atraiga a tantos visitantes sin duda es síntoma de que algo interesante debe haber en ella. Bien sea por sus templos diseminados por toda la ciudad, por sus innumerables tiendas o por ese cierto aire hippie que aún se respira en sus calles, la verdad es que esta ciudad ha pasado a convertirse en un imprescindible de casi cualquier viaje por Rajastán. Y en su centro, la estrella es sin lugar a dudas ese lago al que los hindúes acuden a bañarse y hacer ofrendas. Dar un paseo por allí supone descalzarse, pero que nadie os insista en que no podéis llevar los zapatos en una bolsa. Es muy agradable recorrer los ghats al atardecer cuando uno ha conseguido quitarse de encima esos buscavidas que intentan una y otra vez darte flores para el lago o rezar por toda tu familia siempre a cambio de una cantidad de rupias. También es típico acudir a ver la puesta de sol y aunque siempre se esté acompañado de un montón de extranjeros que han ido a ver lo mismo, el momento merecerá la pena.
Such a small town that attracts many visitors it is certainly interesting symptom that something should be in it. Either for its temples scattered throughout the city, for its numerous shops or that certain hippie air that permeates an streets, the truth is that this city has gone on to become an indispensable Rajastn almost any trip. And at its center, the star is undoubtedly the lake to which Hindus come to bathe and make offerings. Taking a walk by all means shoes off, but no one will insist that Podis not wear the shoes in a bag. Is nice walking the ghats at sunset when one has gotten rid of those hustlers who try again and again to give flowers to the lake or pray for your family forever in exchange for an amount of Rs. It is also typical to go to see the sunset and although it is always accompanied by a lot of foreigners who have come to see the same, the time worthwhile.
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Gaths on Lake Pushkar

Gaths aux abords du lac de Pushkar

C'est en tuant un démon avec un lotus dont trois pétales tombèrent et formèrent les trois lacs sacrées que Brahma, sacro-sainte divinite Hindou et membre de la trinite fondatrice, créa Pushkar... petite bourgade du Rajasthan dont personne ne reste sans égard. Pushkar, c'est une ville sainte articulée autour du lac, près duquel se trouve les ghats rituels. Tous les soirs, un peu avant la tombée du jour, des hommes et des femmes, des enfants, des locaux, des touristes, tous se retrouvent autour de ces bassins pour l'aarti du soir, ils scandent des chants divins que seule la plus obscure des nuitées Rajpoute peut saisir, tant la prière est indistincte du flots des mots qui sont dictés ici. Pushkar, c'est un condensé de ce que peut être l'Inde la plus religieuse, et respectueuse du rite. Pushkar, c est l'in-con-tour-nable perle du Rajasthan.
It's killing a demon with three lotus petals fell and formed the three sacred lakes Brahma, sacred Hindu deity and founder member of the trinity, created Pushkar ... small town in Rajasthan that nobody remains regardless. Pushkar is a holy city built around the lake, which is located near the rituals ghats. Every night, just before nightfall, men and women, children, locals and visitors, all gather around the pools for the evening aarti, they chanted divine songs that only the most dark nights of Rajput can enter, as prayer is indistinct waves of words that are dictated here. Pushkar is a summary of what may be the most religious India, and respectful of the rite. Pushkar, c is the in-con-tour-able Pearl of Rajasthan.
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A sacred lake

Un lago sagrado

El lago que encontramos en el mismo centro del pueblo de Pushkar se considera sagrado. Alrededor de este lago podemos ver una gran cantidad de vida y actos religiosos. A ciertas horas de ciertos días de la semana es posible ver como hombres y mujeres descubren gran parte de su cuerpo y realizan un ritual de baño sagrado para la purificación espiritual y el lavabo del cuerpo. Resulta muy curioso ver escenas de este tipo en un país bastante tradicional donde mostrar ciertas partes del cuerpo se considera una gran falta de respeto.
Lake found in the center of the town of Pushkar is considered sacred. Around this lake we can see a lot of life and religious ceremonies. At certain hours of certain days of the week you can see men and women discover much of his body and perform a ritual of sacred bath for spiritual purification and sink the body. It is very curious to see scenes like this in a very traditional country where certain body parts show is considered a lack of respect.
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Sacred lake

Lac sacré

Situé en plein centre de la ville, le lac sacré est le principal centre d'intérêt de Pushkar, absolument incontournable. Il est le lieu de nombreuses activités telles que prières et autres ablutions sacrées. On peut notamment y effectuer sa purda (prière sacrée) en y déposant une demi noix de coco saupoudrée de poudres multicolores, de grains de riz, de pétales de fleurs.... ou encore y observer les ablutions des hommes ou les femmes qui y lavent le linge... Un moment fort en émotions.
Located in the heart of the city, the holy lake is the main attraction of Pushkar, absolutely essential. It is the site of many activities such as prayers and other sacred ablutions. We can make it especially its Purda (holy prayer) by depositing a half coconut sprinkled with colored powders, grains of rice, flower petals .... or observe the ablutions of men or women who wash clothes ... Strong emotions in time.
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Pushkar Lake

Lac de Pushkar

C’est l’attraction touristique numéro un de la ville. Nous avons adoré nous y promener pour découvrir ses ghats sacrés où se promènent les prêtres. Pas toujours les plus honnêtes, ils réclameront une offrande contre une bénédiction. Faciles à éviter, ils ne nuisent pas à la balade. Le must ? Le coucher de soleil sur le lac. Une des plus belles images de notre voyage.
This is the attraction number one tourist town. We ador we will walk to discover its ghats sacrs o promnent the priests. Not always the most honntes they rclameront an offering against a blessing. Avoid easy, they do not harm the ride. The must? The sunset over the lake. One of the most beautiful pictures of our trip.
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Beware of scam purification of the lake !!!!

Cuidado con el timo de la purificación del lago!!!!

Cuidado con el timo de la purificación del lago!!!! Nos vino un tio diciendonos que nos acercáramos y allí te hacen una purificación, todo empieza muy bonito, te ponen el punto rojo en la frente, te hacen decir unas palabras, etc, hasta que llega el momento de que tienes que pagar o no te purificarás, en principio te dicen que es una donación, pero luego te ponen un mínimo, 5000rup., 6000rup, etc. Nosotros no queríamos dar nada, pero por la insistencia del amigo, decidímos poner 20rup., a lo que el amigo dijo que para eso nos quedáramos el dinero, que eso era una ofensa y que no podía terminar el ritual, con lo cual decidimos levantarnos y largarnos de allí, con las voces del otro diciendo que era un lugar sagrado. Me rio yo!! Si pasas por caja todo es sagrado, sino eres una mala persona!!
Beware scam purification lake!! We came a guy telling us to come and there make a purification, it all starts very nice, they put the red dot on the forehead, make you say a few words, etc., until the time comes that you have to pay or not cleanse, at first you say it is a donation, but then you put a minimum, 5000rup., 6000rup, etc.. We did not want to give anything, but at the insistence of a friend, we decided to put 20rup., What the friend said that we stay for the money, that it was an offense and could not complete the ritual, which decided to get up and get out of there, with the voices of the other saying it was a sacred place. I laugh at myself!! If you spend per box everything is sacred, but you're a bad person!
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Simply, India

Simplemente, India

Simplemente, India
Simply, India
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Sacred City

Ciudad sagrada

Ver amanecer en el lago es una experiencia
Sunrise on the lake is an experience
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I have always been here

Sono sempre stata qui

Il lago di Pushkar (Rajasthan) fin dalle prime volte mi ha sempre dato una sensazione di pace incredibile. Ore ed ore passate a dar da mangiare alle scimmie e capre ad osservare le abluzioni degli indiani. La mattina al lago è carica di energia; passaggi continui di persone (molti sono turisti indiani) che scendono per la puja, cerimonia eseguita dai fedeli indù almeno una volta al giorno con l'offerta di fiori, frutta, riso e dolci alle divinità. Man mano che la giornata prosegue il ritmo diventa più lento. Ci si legge un libro aspettando la luce magica del tramonto, si sorseggia un chai al Sunset Cafè. Questo lago è un luogo di potere, come lo può essere una grande montagna o l'oceano. È l'unico posto dove sono tornata varie volte e dove ritornerò sicuramente perché in fondo penso di essere stata sempre li.
The lake of Pushkar (Rajasthan) from the earliest times has always given me a feeling of incredible peace. Hours and hours spent to feed the monkeys and goats to observe the ablutions of the Indians. In the morning the lake is full of energy; continuous passages of people (many Indian tourists) coming down the puja ceremony performed by Hindus at least once a day with the offering of flowers, fruit, rice and sweets to the deities. As the day goes on the pace becomes slower. We are reading a book waiting for the magical light of the sunset, sipping a chai at the Sunset Cafe. This lake is a place of power, as it can be a great mountain or the ocean. It is the only place where I went several times and will definitely return because in the end I think I was always there.
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