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9 reviews of Chellah

Vestiges of a time

Vestigi di un tempo

Chellah ou Chella e un sito di grande importanza storica, riconosciuto oggi e protetto, attira tanti turisti. Lontano dalla urbanizzazione invasiva della città di Rabat si trovano i resti della necropoli Merinide del XIII secolo, Chella, costruita sulle rovine dell'antica città romana di Sala Colonia. Il sito prova la presenza dei cartaginesi e fenici sulla riva di Bou Regreg. Gli scavi testimoniano la vita di una città romana, un foro con le tracce della Curia, un arco di trionfo e una fontana monumentale. Un posto lasciato nel abbandono diversi secoli e poi il terremoto del 1755 ha distrutto una gran parte del sito, rimangono da vedere le rovine e immaginare la vita passata. Oggi, questo sito e considerato il più romantico del Marocco. Circondato da una cinta di mura fortificate, si accede attraversando una porta monumentale, riccamente decorata ai cui lati sono due torri merlate semi-ottagonali. Al interno si trovano alcune tombe, una fontana per abluzioni, la moschea di Abu Yussef Yacum con un minareto decorato con maioliche policrome, ora in rovina. In primavera il sito in piena fioritura e più bello, un luogo che crea mistero e leggende. Ogni anno si organizza qui il ” Festival jazz a Chellah”grazie a una collaborazione con l’Unione europea. Si amate la storia, questo sito sarà il punto di partenza per studiare il periodo dei Merinidi, una dinastia berbera che regnò per due secoli in Marocco.
Chellah ou Chella is a site of great historical importance, now recognized and protected, attracts many tourists. Far from invasive urbanization of the city of Rabat are the remains of the necropolis Merinide of the thirteenth century, Chella, built on the ruins of the ancient Roman city of Sala Colonia. The site test the presence of the Carthaginians and Phoenicians on the shore of Bou Regreg. The excavations testify to the life of a Roman town, a hole with traces of the Curia, a triumphal arch and a monumental fountain. A place left in abandoned several centuries and then the earthquake of 1755 destroyed a large part of the site remain to see the ruins and imagine the past life. Today, this site is considered the most romantic of Morocco. Surrounded by a fortified town walls, is accessed through a monumental gateway lavishly decorated the sides of which are two semi-octagonal towers. On the inside there are some tombs, a fountain for ablutions, the mosque of Abu Yussef Yacum with a minaret decorated with polychrome majolica, now in ruins. In spring the site in full bloom and more beautiful, a place that creates mystery and legends. Is organized every year here "Chellah Jazz Festival" thanks to a collaboration with the European Union. We love history, this site will be the starting point to study the period of Marinids, a Berber dynasty who ruled for two centuries in Morocco.
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It is an almost archaeological central...

Se trata de un conjunto arqueológico ...

Se trata de un conjunto arqueológico prácticamente en el centro de Rabat, en el que contemplamos juntos vestigios romanos y árabes, además de una antigua necrópolis, tumbas, murallas e impresionantes nidos de cigueñas. En realidad es un conjunto de lo más heterogéneo. Desde la carretera de circunvalación paralela a la muralla veréis esta pequeña ciudad amurallada como sacada de un cuento. Esta ciudad fue fundada por los fenicios como escala marítima entre Tánger y Mogador (actual Essaouira). Posteriormente en la época preromana se convirtió en una ciudad denominada ya en época romana Colonia Sala y que marcaría los límites del imperio (provincia de la Mauritania Tangitina) hasta el siglo V. No tenemos noticias de ella hasta el siglo XIII cuando Abou Yacoub Yousseff construyó una mezquita y algunos mausuleos, aunque fue abandonada cuando la capital de Marruecos pasó a Fez. Vestigios de un montón de civilizaciones asentadas sobre estas piedras no teneis que dejar de contemplar aquí, en vuestra próxima visita a Rabat-
It is an almost archaeological central Rabat, which together look Roman and Arabic in addition to an ancient necropolis, tombs, walls and impressive storks nests. It's actually a set of the most heterogeneous. From the ring road parallel to the wall you will see this small walled like out of a fairy. This city was founded by the Phoenicians as sea level between Tangier and Mogador (Essaouira current). Later in pre-Roman times became a city in Roman times called Sala Colonia and mark the boundaries of the empire (province of Mauritania Tangitina) until the fifth century We are not aware of it until the thirteenth century when Abou Yacoub Yousseff built a mosque and some mausuleos, but was abandoned when the capital moved to Fez in Morocco. Vestiges of a lot of civilizations settled on these stones do not have to stop looking here at your next visit to Rabat
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The historic site of Chambers (now said...

El sitio histórico de Sala (ahora se ...

El sitio histórico de Sala (ahora se dice Chellah) es el vestigio de la primera cuna de civilización en la región de Rabat. Los hombres se instalaron gracias a la vecindad del río Bou Regreg y de varias fuentes sobre el sitio. Eso fue en el siglo I después de Cristo. Durante la época islámica se fundó la ciudad de Sala del otro lado del río (ahora es Salé) y las ruinas se quedó como Chellah. No puedes distinguir bien las diferentes partes de la ciudad, pero era una escala marítima para los barcos con destino a Essaouira.Parece que la ciudad fue vacíada por los romanos. En la parte exterior se encontró la necropolis, y en el siglo XIII el sultán Abou Yakoub Youssef decidió usar Chellah para hacer un conjunto funerario con una mezquita y algunos mausoleos. Dentro de la muralla hay un jardín maravilloso con cigueñas y muchas aves que migran hacia el sur desde Europa. Está a 20minutos de la estación de Rabat Ville, y más lejos aún de la medina.
The historic site of Chambers (now said Chellah) is the trace of the first cradle of civilization in the region of Rabat. Men were installed thanks to the vicinity of the river Bou Regreg and various sources on the site. That was in the first century after Christ. During the Islamic period the city was founded of Chambers across the river (now Salé) and remained as Chellah ruins. You can not distinguish well the different parts of the city, but it was a sea level for ships bound for the city Essaouira.Parece was emptied by the Romans. On the outside the necropolis was found, and in the thirteenth century Sultan Yakoub Abou Youssef decided to use a set Chellah funeral with a mosque and some mausoleums. Inside the walls there is a wonderful garden with storks and many birds migrating south from Europe. 20min is Rabat Ville station, and farther still from the medina.
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Welcome to the ruins of the city of...

Bienvenue dans les ruines de la ville...

Bienvenue dans les ruines de la ville de shella. Aux portes de Rabat, surplombant la vallée du Bourgreg (le fleuve), cette ancienne ville fortifiée romaine abrite des jardins d'une beauté renversante. Baignées par le soleil, envahies par les parfums, le lieu est d'un calme absolu et la nature y est resplendissante.
Welcome to the ruins of the city of shella. At the gates of Rabat, overlooking the valley of Bourgreg (the river), this ancient Roman city has gardens with a stunning beauty. Bathed by the sun, invaded by the scents, the place is a quiet and nature is resplendent.
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Challah is a great historical monument...

Challah c'est un monument historique...

Challah c'est un monument historique génial je l'ai visité cet année avec ma chérie c'était extra ordinaire tu trouves des espaces verts, des cigognes, des monuments historiques de 1400 ans avant la naissance de J-C etc Vraiment si vous avez l'occasion ne le ratez pas de venir la voir !!!
Challah is a great historical monument I visited this year with my dear it was extra ordinary you find green spaces, storks, historical monuments of 1400 years before the birth of Jesus Christ, etc. So if you have the do not miss the opportunity to come and see!
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Challah is a great historical complex....

Challah es un gran conjunto histórico ...

Challah es un gran conjunto histórico monumental. Yo lo visité cuando tenía 1 año de visita y apenas era un bebé. Este es un lugar extraordinario donde podemos encontrar espacios verdes y con una historia de 1400 años. Si usted tiene la ocasión visítelo porque no le decepcionará. Además es perfecto para pasear.
Challah is a great historical complex. I visited him when he was 1 year visit and he was just a baby. This is a place where we can find extraorfinario greenery and with a history of 1400 years. If you have the chance to visit him because he did not disappoint. It is also perfect for walking.
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The dragon of Chellah

El dragón de Chellah

I bscalo!
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Bewitching places

Lieux envoûtant

Lieux envoûtant
Bewitching places
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Fairy place with a scent of anyiquity.

Endroit feerique avec une senteur de l'anyiquité.

Endroit feerique avec une senteur de l'anyiquité.
Fairy place with a scent of anyiquity.
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