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Rila Monastery

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22 reviews of Rila Monastery

World Heritage Site monastery

The frescoes of the monastery are impressive. There are no sign left inside, just pictures of the exterior. This monastery is the most important monument of Bulgaria and has been declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco.


World Heritage

Patrimonio de la Humanidad.

El Monasterio de Rila es un imprescindible de Bulgaria y si vas a Sofia recomiendo encarecidamente hacer una excursión para verlo. Hay muchas empresas que ofrecen excursiones de un día desde Sofia y fuimos con Traventuria, uno de los más conocidos que os recomiendo. El Monasterio de Rila es simplemente alucinante – es un monasterio del siglo X ubicado en las montañas de Rila que es famoso por su iglesia central cubierta dentro y fuera por frescos coloridos y tremenda detalle. También, es un monumento de inmensa importancia para el pueblo búlgaro ya que ha servido como un bastión de la cultural e idioma búlgara durante la época otomana e incluso fue un escondite para revolucionarios durante la época comunista. En fin, es el corazón cultural y religioso de Bulgaria, un hecho reconocido en los años 70 cuando fue nombrado Patrimonio de la Humidad por la UNESCO. Sus frescos famosos son casi sobrecogedores cuando los ves por primera vez. Las pinturas de las bóvedas exteriores son tan relucientes y extensas que te podrías pasar una hora ahí admirándolos. Aunque la fotografía está prohibida en la interior de la iglesia, os puedo decir que los frescos de dentro son más espectacular aún. No te vayas a Bulgaria sin pasar por el Monasterio de Rila. Realmente merece la pena.
Rila Monastery is a must for Bulgaria and if you go to make a tour Sofia strongly recommend to see. There are many companies that offer day trips from Sofia and went with Traventuria, one of the best known that I recommend. The Rila Monastery is just amazing - it"s a tenth-century monastery located in the Rila Mountains which is famous for its central church covered inside and outside by colorful frescoes and tremendous detail. Also, it is a monument of immense importance to the Bulgarian people has since served as a bastion of cultural and Bulgarian language during the Ottoman period and even was a hideout for revolutionaries during the communist era. In short, it is the cultural and religious heart of Bulgaria, a fact recognized in the 70s when he was named World Heritage by UNESCO humility. Its famous frescoes are almost overwhelming when you see them for the first time. The paintings of external vaults are so bright and large you could spend an hour there admiring them. Although photography is prohibited in the interior of the church, I can say that the frescoes inside are even more spectacular. Do not go to Bulgaria without going through the Rila Monastery. Really worth.
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Visitar el Monasterio de Rila y alojarse en él, o en los alojamientos cercanos te regala una de la experiencias mas satisfactorias que un viajero aventurero puede recordar. Y es que podrás disfrutar de uno de los monumentos mas bellos del mundo a cualquier hora del día, en soledad, y acompañado en este mi caso por el piar de los cientos de vencejos que vuelan por su patio y dos perros que andan siempre en las inmediaciones del lugar. Me alojé dos noches en un Hotel a escasos 100 metros del monasterio y tanto por la noche como por las mañanas, después o antes de las excursiones preceptivas por el macizo de Rila, que es precioso, visitaba el claustro y la Iglesia sin turistas a la vista. Un auténtico lujo que recomiendo a todos los que viajen por la zona. Declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad en 1983, fue fundado en el s. X por San Juan de Rila, un monje ermitaño que nació en la zona y que huyendo de la degeneración de la sociedad de aquel entonces, se fue a vivir a una gruta cercana, a la que dedicaré también un rincón. Tras terremotos, incendios y ataques del ejército otomano el monasterio primitivo sufrió muchas reconstrucciones, y la parte mas antigua que se conserva es la torre de piedra situada en la parte trasera del templo. El templo es obra de la primera mitad s. XIX y para pintar sus frescos se contrató a los mejores artistas de la zona, siendo una auténtica obra de arte. Su ubicación entre las inmensas montañas boscosas, las brumas de la noche, el sol de la mañana, las tormentas de la tarde, hacen del lugar uno de los mas bonitos para fotografiar de los que he visitado en mi vida. La soledad de mi visita a veces era interrumpida por algún monje ortodoxo que en esos momentos salía de la Iglesia para subir al monasterio. Como veréis una experiencia mística, un deleite para los sentidos.
Visit the Rila Monastery and stay on it, or in nearby hotels will give you one of the most satisfying experiences you an adventurous traveler can remember. And you can enjoy one of the most beautiful monuments in the world at any time of day, alone, and in this my case accompanied by the chirping of hundreds of swifts flying around his yard and two dogs who are always in immediate area. I stayed two nights in a hotel just 100 meters from the monastery and both at night and in the morning, after or before the mandatory tours in the mountains of Rila, it's beautiful, visit the cloister and the church without tourists to the view. A real treat that I recommend to everyone traveling through the area. Declared a World Heritage Site in 1983, was founded in the s. X by St. John of Rila, a hermit monk who was born in the area and fleeing the degeneration of society at the time, was moved to a nearby cave, which also dedicate a corner. After earthquakes, fires and attacks of the Ottoman army primitive monastery suffered many reconstructions, and the oldest remaining part is the stone tower at the rear of the temple. The temple is the work of the first half s. XIX and paint frescoes he hired the best artists of the area, being a work of art. Its location between the vast forested mountains, the mists of the night, the morning sun, afternoon storms, make it one of the most beautiful to photograph those who have visited in my life. The solitude of my visit was sometimes interrupted by an Orthodox monk who at the time he left the church to go up to the monastery. As you can see a mystical experience, a delight for the senses.
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Pearl of rare beauty and spirituality

Perla di rara bellezza e spiritualità

Se pensate alla Bulgaria cosa vi viene in mente? Mar Nero, spiagge ricche di gente e vita, Sofia capitale europea? Ebbene per le vostre vacanze o anche solo per un week end magari di riflessione e spiritualità questo paese è in grado di offrirvi un gioiello raro e incantato, immerso nei boschi a 1.150 mt e a 120 km dalla capitale. Il Monastero di Rila venne dichiarato monumento storico nazionale nel 1976 e iscritto a livello internazionale nei siti patrimonio dell'umanità dell'UNESCO nel 1983. Fu fondato dall'eremita San Giovanni di Rila nel X secolo e fu costruito dai discepoli che si erano recati da lui per studiare. Visto il grande rispetto di cui godeva il monastero tutti i re bulgari vi portarono spesso grandi doni. Il santuario raggiunse il suo culmine nel periodo dal XII al XIV secolo. Distrutto sotto il periodo ottomano, il Monastero di Rila venne ricostruito durante il Risorgimento nazionale grazie alle offerte, provenienti da ogni parte del paese, donate dai bulgari più facoltosi. Centro culturale e spirituale influente oggi è il maggior monastero del paese. La sua ricca biblioteca conta circa 32.000 opere di cui 9.000 sono manoscritti. Consiglio di viaggio: a partire dal centro di Sofia ci sono vari taxi o autobus che potete noleggiare per raggiungere il monastero dividendovi (se siete in pochi o viaggiatori singoli) il costo con altri turisti.
If you plan to Bulgaria what comes to mind? Black Sea beaches full of people and life, Sofia European capital? Well for your vacation or just a weekend of reflection and spirituality maybe this country is able to offer a rare jewel and enchanting, nestled in the woods at 1,150 m and 120 km from the capital. The Rila Monastery was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1976 and enrolled at international level in the UNESCO World Heritage in 1983. It was founded by the hermit St. John of Rila in the tenth century and was built by the disciples who went to him for study. Given the great respect he enjoyed the monastery all Bulgarian kings often brought you great gifts. The sanctuary reached its peak in the period from the twelfth to the fourteenth century. Destroyed under the Ottoman period, the Rila Monastery was rebuilt during the Risorgimento Italy thanks to offers from every part of the country, donated by wealthy Bulgarians. Cultural and spiritual center influential today is the largest monastery in the country. Its rich library has about 32,000 works of which 9,000 are manuscripts. Travel advice: starting from the center of Sofia there are several taxi or bus you can hire to reach the monastery dividendovi (if you're in a few or single travelers) the cost with other tourists.
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The most popular excursion in the area

La excursión más popular de la zona.

El guía nos dijo que quizá no fuera el sitio más espectacular para ir, pero que si era el más popular y el que nadie debía perderse. Y tenía razón. El Monasterio es espectacular, al igual que sus pinturas y las historias que hay detrás de ellas. Nosotros lo vimos todo nevado y fue realmente bonito. Lo curioso de las pinturas es que son bastante simples y uno, sin tener conocimiento alguno de arte o de la historia, puede interpretar las escenas y algunos personajes. Nos quedamos con ganas de subir las escaleras que daban a las habitaciones para ver la iglesia desde arriba, pero estaba solo permitido para quien se hospedaba ahí. En una de las fotos se puede ver la tumba de uno de los antiguos reyes de Bulgaria, en el interior de la iglesia.
The guide told us that maybe it was not the most spectacular place to go, but that it was the most popular and the one that nobody should miss. And he was right The Monastery is spectacular, as are its paintings and the stories behind them. We saw it all snowy and it was really beautiful. The curious thing about the paintings is that they are quite simple and one, without having any knowledge of art or history, can interpret the scenes and some characters. We were eager to go up the stairs that led to the rooms to see the church from above, but it was only allowed for those who stayed there. In one of the photos you can see the tomb of one of the ancient kings of Bulgaria, inside the church.
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It is the largest monastery in the...

Es el monasterio mas grande de los...

Es el monasterio mas grande de los Balcanes .Es la joya mas valiosa de los búlgaros, realmente una obra de arte que impresiona por su grandeza e historia. Construido en el siglo X, por el monje Ivan Rilski en la montaña Rila a 1100 metros a nivel del mar, rodeado por la belleza de un parque natural. En la mitad del siglo XV es destruido por los turcos que en aquellos tiempos tienen bajo su dominio el país. Durante muchos años, muchas veces sufre cuantiosos daños por los turcos pero la fe de la gente y las ganas de guardar este tesoro lo han ido levantando una y otra vez. El parque natural que rodea el monasterio no tiene comparación con ningún otro parque en Bulgaria, en los Balcanes, ni siquiera en Europa. Casi toda la parte del bosque son árboles milenarios,muchos de ellos son unicos de su especie. A día de hoy el monasterio tiene valiosas pinturas y escritos que pueden ver los visitantes, sin ningún coste. El monasterio es uno de los principales destinos de un turista en Bulgaria. O mejor dicho – El primero.
It is the largest monastery in the Balkans.'s The most valuable jewel of the Bulgarians, truly a work of art that impresses with its grandeur and history. Built in the tenth century by the monk Ivan Rilski in the Rila mountain at 1100 meters above sea level, surrounded by the beauty of a natural park. In the middle of the fifteenth century is destroyed by the Turks in those days under their control the country. For many years, often suffers extensive damage by the Turks but the faith of the people and the desire to save this treasure have been raised again and again. The natural park surrounding the monastery is unmatched by any other park in Bulgaria, the Balkans, even in Europe. Almost all of the forest are ancient trees, many of which are unique to their species. Today the monastery is valuable paintings and writings that visitors can view at no cost. The monastery is one of the main destinations for a tourist in Bulgaria. Or rather - the first.
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Near the town of Blagoevgrad, an hour...

Cerca de la ciudad de Blagoevgrad, a...

Cerca de la ciudad de Blagoevgrad, a una hora y media de Sofía, se encuentra el monasterio de Rila. Es el más grande de la región, y uno de los más famosos del país. El monasterio está inscrito a la lista del Patrimonio mundial de la Humanidad de la UNESCO. Saliendo de Sofía, puedes organizar un día con una agencia de viaje, o alquilar un coche, se hace fácilmente en un día, volviendo a la capital por la noche. El monasterio está muy bien preservado y tiene pinturas y frescos increíbles. Fue construido en el siglo X por el santo Iván Rilski, que era un hermitaño. Pertenece a la iglesia ortodoxa búlgara. Ubicado cerca de las preciosas montañas del Pirín, el monasterio es una atracción popular entre la gente que viene a esquiar, y está bastante lleno a lo largo del año. Es un lugar muy santo para el país, cuyos gobernadores y tsares siempre han sido muy generosos con donaciones para permitir a los monjes que vivieran y lo pudieran decorar ricamente. El monasterio fue destruido por un fuego en 1833, pero lo han vuelto a construir, en el estilo "renacimiento búlgaro", un estilo que pone en relieve los valores nacionalistas. Una joya que no puedes perder si vas a Bulgaria.
Near the town of Blagoevgrad, an hour and a half of Sofia, is the Rila Monastery. It is the largest in the region, and one of the country's most famous. The monastery is inscribed on the list of World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Leaving Sofia, you can arrange a day with a travel agency, or rent a car, is easily done in a day, returning to the capital at night. The monastery is well preserved and has incredible paintings and frescoes. It was built in the tenth century by Saint Ivan Rilski, who was a hermit. It belongs to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. Located near the beautiful mountains of Pirin, the monastery is a popular attraction for people coming to ski, and is quite busy throughout the year. It is a very holy place for the country, whose governors and tsares always been very generous with donations to allow the monks to live and could decorate lavishly. The monastery was destroyed by a fire in 1833, but has been re-built in the style "Bulgarian Revival", a style that highlights nationalist values. A jewel that can not lose if you go to Bulgaria.
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One day at Rila Monastery

Um dia no Mosteiro de Rila

Sempre ouvi falar do Mosteiro de Rila na Bulgária como o ponto mais famoso do país então na minha visita a Sofia, capital da Bulgária, aproveitei para fazer um daytrip até o local. Como fiquei hospedada por couchsurfing em Sofia achei muito difícil encontrar informação de passeio pela cidade, não encontrei nenhum ponto de informação turística em Sofia então me desloquei até um hostel no centro da cidade e fiz o passeio com o pessoal do hostel, porque a cidade de Rila não fica tão perto da capital e não dá pra ir por conta própria a não ser que você alugue um carro. O Mosteiro de São João de Rila é o maior da igreja ortodoxa no país e por isso o mais famoso e considerado o maior tesouro da Bulgária, não é pra menos, achei a igreja dentro do monastério a mais bonita que já vi na vida. Ele fica entre as montanhas então a paisagem é magnifica e transmite uma sensação de paz e tranquilidade junto à natureza. É declarado Patrimônio da Humanidade pela Unesco.
Ever heard of the Rila Monastery in Bulgaria as the most famous part of the country then on my visit to Sofia, capital of Bulgaria, took the opportunity to make a daytrip to the location. How was hosted by couchsurfing in Sofia found it very difficult to find information around town, found no tourist information office in Sofia then shifted me to a hostel in the city center and did the tour with the staff of the hostel, because the city of Rila is not so close to the capital and you can not go on your own unless you rent a car. The Monastery of St. John of Rila is the largest Orthodox church in the country and therefore the most famous and considered the greatest treasure of Bulgaria, is not to less, found the church inside the monastery the most beautiful I have ever seen in my life. It lies between the mountains so the scenery is magnificent and conveys a sense of peace and tranquility in nature. Declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco.
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Rila monastery is surrounded by...

Le monastère de Rila qui est entouré de m...

Le monastère de Rila qui est entouré de montagnes, se trouve à 17 km de la ville de Rila. La seule route qui mène à ce monastère est bien évidemment faite de virages très serrés, mais le monument qui nous attend en haut vaut bien tous ces petits désagréments. Durant la journée, l'endroit est gorgé de touristes, mais dès le début de soirée, l'endroit redevient calme. Il est possible de passer une nuit dans le monastère et cela vaut vraiment le coup, même si les règles sont strictes : Interdiction de fumer et de boire de l'alcool dans l'enceinte du monastère et interdiction de sortir du monastère après 21h (ce qui veut dire que la dernière cigarette doit être fumée avant). Les chambres sont rustiques (toilettes sur le palier et absence de douche) mais confortables. La nuit tombée, le site est encore plus beau qu'en journée. On peut admirer le soleil se coucher derrière les montagnes et s'endormir paisiblement.
Rila monastery is surrounded by mountains, is located 17 km from the town of Rila. The only road to the monastery is obviously made of very tight turns, but the monument that awaits us up well worth all these little annoyances. During the day, the place is overflowing with tourists, but at the beginning of the evening, the place becomes calm. It is possible to spend a night in the monastery and it really worth it, even if the rules are strict: No smoking and drinking alcohol in the monastery and forbidden to leave the monastery after 21h (this which means that the last cigarette to be smoked before). The rooms are rustic (toilet on the landing and no shower) but comfortable. At night, the site is even more beautiful than day. You can watch the sun set behind the mountains and fall asleep peacefully.
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Popes, icons and cells

Popes, icônes et cellules

Le monastère de Rila est le principal monument de Bulgarie. Lieu de pèlerinage hyperfréquenté, cet imposant bâtiment s'ouvre en un vallon boisé. Son architecture est remarquable, faisant alterner pierres sombres et claires et rangées de briques. L'ensemble, que jouxte une tour de fortification médiévale, date du 19ème siècle. C'est une réussite esthétique. Les bâtiments des moines font cercle autour de l'église principale, "de la Nativité de la Vierge". Les peintures des arcades de l'église sont particulièrement évocatrices. A l'intérieur, religion et superstition se chevauchent : on embrasse avec ferveur les icônes tout en glissant monnaie au pope qui veille à la bonne entrée des fonds. On peut dormir dans des cellules, mais le confort est très sommaire.
The Rila Monastery is the largest monument in Bulgaria. Shrine hyperfréquenté, this imposing building opens into a wooded valley. Its architecture is noteworthy, alternating light and dark rows of stones and bricks. All that adjoins a medieval fortification tower, dates from the 19th century. It is an aesthetic success. Buildings monks form a circle around the main church, "the Nativity of the Virgin." The paintings arches of the church are particularly evocative. Inside, religion and superstition overlap: we embrace fervently icons while dragging currency priest who oversees the entry of funds. You can sleep in cells, but the comfort is very sketchy.
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It is the most important monastery in...

Es el monasterio más importante de ...

Es el monasterio más importante de Bulgaria y está declarado patrimonio de la humanidad por la UNESCO. La verdad es que no me extraña nada porque es una auténtica maravilla. Situado en las montañas de Rila, se erige la iglesia del monasterio ricamente decorada tanto en su interior como en su exterior, rodeada de las celdas de los monjes y demás instalaciones monásticas. Una visita a las antiguas dependencias de la guardia del monasterio y cocinas bien merece la pena, así como un paseo por los alrededores, fuera del perímetro del monasterio.
It is the most important monastery in Bulgaria and has been declared World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The truth is that it does not surprise me because it's a marvel. Located in the Rila Mountains, stands the monastery church richly decorated both inside and the outside, surrounded by the cells of the monks and other monastic facilities. A visit to the old buildings of the monastery guard and well worth kitchens and a walk around the outside perimeter of the monastery.
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It is my favorite monastery of all that I have seen in my travels around the world

Es mi monasterio favorito de todos los que he visto en mis viajes por el mundo

Perdido en las montañas, lo visité entre la niebla y la llovizna y la experiencia de ver surgir esa maravilla ante tus ojos elevándose sobre la bruma para refulgir mojada a la leve luz ambiental es fastuosa.
It is my favorite monastery of all that I have seen in my travels around the world. Lost in the mountains, I visited between the mist and the drizzle and the experience of seeing that wonder appeared before your eyes rising in the mist to glisten wet to the light ambient light is lavish.
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In another life

En otra vida

Increíble lugar para sentir que somos lo más pequeño del universo. Es un majestuoso monasterio sumergido en un valle increíble. Sus colores transportan a otra vida. Estar allí deja sin palabras. Tiene unas pinturas asombrosas y toda su arquitectura es preciosa. Nunca vi nada igual. La carretera para llegar allí puede ser algo mala pero merece la pena. En la ocasión que estuve allí había tormenta, un día de sol y nubes en el que tuvimos que quedarnos allí durante unas horas esperando a que dejara de llover. Los colores que se dejaban ver por el sol entre las nubes casi negras eran impresionantes. Recomiendo visitarlo si tenéis oportunidad.
In another life. Amazing place to feel that we are the smallest thing in the universe. It is a majestic monastery submerged in an incredible valley. Their colors transport to another life. Being there leaves you speechless. It has amazing paintings and all its architecture is beautiful. I never saw anything like it. The road to get there can be somewhat bad but it"s worth it. On the occasion I was there there was a storm, a day of sun and clouds in which we had to stay there for a few hours waiting for it to stop raining. The colors that were seen by the sun among the almost black clouds were impressive. I recommend visiting if you have the chance.
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The Rila Monastery is located in the...

El monasterio de Rila de se localiza en...

El monasterio de Rila de se localiza en las montañas Rila a 120 Km. al sur de Sofía y a 100 Km. de Banska, en Bulgaria. Es el segundo gran templo de la iglesia ortodoxa. Es un lugar impregnado por un misticismo propio del valle en donde se encuentra. La dimensión del monasterio se encuentra oculta por la cantidad de árboles que se encuentran a su alrededor, ya que esta formado de varios niveles, en donde resaltan las cúpulas que lo conforman. Dentro podemos encontrar pinturas al fresco representado diversos personajes bíblicos, y un iconostasio dorado en donde se encuentran plasmados 36 momentos bíblicos. Este monasterio ha sido motivo de muchas destrucciones y reconstrucciones. Sus orígenes de remontan al año 927 cuando Iván Rilski lo funda y sirve como refugio de ermitaños, atraídos por la fama de santidad de Rilski, quienes desean seguir su ejemplo. La historia propia del monasterio cuenta que Rilski, conocido como San Juan de Rila, vivió santamente en el hueco de un árbol en forma de ataúd. La tumba de Rila es un lugar sagrado visitado por muchos fieles ortodoxos, quienes forman una cola silenciosa para besar los restos de Rila. El auténtico tesoro del Monasterio de Rila es lo que representa: la recuperación de una obstinada identidad cultural castigada por la historia, es un ejemplo característico de la Resistencia Búlgara y simboliza el sentimiento de identidad cultural eslavita después de siglos de ocupación por el Imperio Otomano. Representa uno de los mayores símbolos del patrimonio e historia búlgara. El monasterio es un edificio con cinco cúpulas bizantinas pintado a rayas rojas, rodeado por los pabellones de las celdas distribuidas en 4 pisos con sus corredores de doble arcada, una cocina con una chimenea gigante y cuatro capillas; todo ello en torno a un extenso patio.
The Rila Monastery is located in the Rila Mountains, 120 km south of Sofia and 100 km from Banska in Bulgaria. It is the second largest Orthodox church building. It is a place steeped in a mysticism own valley where it is located. The dimension of the monastery is hidden by the amount of trees that are around, as this comprises various levels, where the domes highlight the preparation. Inside we find frescoes depicted various biblical characters, and a gilded iconostasis where are embodied Bible 36 times. This monastery has been the subject of many destructions and reconstructions. Its origins date back to the year 927 when Ivan Rilski founded and serves as a refuge for hermits, attracted by the fame of sanctity of Rilski, who wish to follow their example. The story itself that Rilski monastery, known as St. John of Rila, lived piously in the hollow of a tree-shaped coffin. Rila's tomb is a sacred place visited by many Orthodox believers, who form a queue to kiss the remains silent Rila. The real treasure of the Rila Monastery is what it represents: the recovery of a stubborn cultural identity punished by history, is a characteristic example of the Bulgarian resistance and symbolizes eslavita sense of cultural identity after centuries of occupation by the Ottoman Empire. It represents one of the greatest symbols of Bulgarian history and heritage. The monastery is a building with five domes Byzantine painted red stripes, surrounded by the flags of the cells spread over 4 floors with double arcade racers, a kitchen with a giant fireplace and four chapels, all around a large patio .
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The Rila Monastery is one of the main...

El Monasterio de Rila es una de las...

El Monasterio de Rila es una de las principales atracciones "cerca" de Sofía, capital de Bulgaria. Es espectacular y está muy bien conservado. Se ofrecen visitas guiadas y si se organiza la visita desde la capital, se pueden hacer otras paradas interesantes por el camino. Es una zona donde suele hacer frío!
The Rila Monastery is one of the main attractions "near" in Sofia, capital of Bulgaria. It is spectacular and is very well preserved. Guided tours are available and if the visit is organized from the capital, you can do other interesting stops along the way. It is an area where it is often cold!
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Information about Rila Monastery