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[{"Comment":{"id":"6451365","total_score":"27","content":"Located at the entrance of the old city, just beyond the gate to the walls, this square functions as a first impression of the city; And it did not disappoint! With very well preserved buildings and bars and restaurants with outdoor tables, it is an excellent choice of rest and dining.","title":"First impression","hidden":0,"post_time":"2017-06-06 18:20:42","lang_flag":"pt","original_content":"Situada na entrada da cidade antiga, logo depois do port\u00e3o de acesso \u00e0s muralhas, essa pra\u00e7a funciona como uma primeira impress\u00e3o da cidade; e n\u00e3o desaponta! Com constru\u00e7\u00f5es muito bem preservadas e bares e restaurantes com mesas externas, \u00e9 uma excelente op\u00e7\u00e3o de descanso e de refei\u00e7\u00f5es.","original_title":"Primeira impress\u00e3o"},"User":{"id":"6691333","name":"Simone Osias","username":"simoneosias","has_avatar":"1","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/6691333_80x80.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"10410170","hashcode":"fe475ff6cdd9d64d3914d17350ce8952","post_time":"2017-06-06 18:20:42","o_width":"4608","o_height":"3456","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"10410171","hashcode":"37d6557317760ddd842a52282f1d1f4f","post_time":"2017-06-06 18:20:42","o_width":"4608","o_height":"3456","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":"5"}]
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Red Roof Inn - Merrillville

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    1 review of Red Roof Inn - Merrillville

    Redesigned Rooms

    The Red Roof Inn Merrillville now has redesigned rooms with added comfort and more amenities such as T-Mobile wi-fi. It is near Southlake Mall, Deep River Water Park, Star Plaza Theatre and a large variety of restaurants. It has clock radio, cable TV, movies and video games in all the rooms and there are refrigerators in deluxe rooms.

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    Information about Red Roof Inn - Merrillville
    Hotel information
    8290 Georgia St, Merrillville, IN 46406227
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