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Raj Ghat


14 reviews of Raj Ghat

Gandhi's tomb

Raj Ghat is the tomb of Mahatma Gandhi. It's simple, just like the leader of the independence movement of the Inda would have wanted. It's a marble platform located on the site of Gandhi's cremation, a day after his death on January 31, 1948. The platform is outside in a quiet garden with a constantly-burning flame lit in memory of the Mahatma. Near the river Yamuna in Delhi. On the stone's inscription are the last words of Gandhi. Today, most of the heads of governments from foreign countries, when they go to India, go to the tomb to bow to Gandhi. In respect, you must remove your shoes when you approach the marble platform.

The place is very quiet and you can feel the emotions of the people. Be careful, sometimes they close the mausoleum without warning, because a president is coming or for safety reasons. In general it also closed for national holidays and the day of Gandhi's death, on January 30.
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located besides the yamauna it is a memorial dedicated to gandhiji




A must visit in New Delhi, is the...

Una visita obligada en Nueva Delhi, es...

Una visita obligada en Nueva Delhi, es la del memorial a Gandhi o Raj Ghat, que significa Patio real, y es donde se encuentra una sencilla lapida a modo de losa de mármol donde señala el lugar en el que se incineró el cuerpo de Gandhi el 31 de Enero de 1948, un día posterior al de su asesinato. La losa casi siempre con flores depositada por los hindúes, está flaqueada por una llama permanentemente ardiendo, y una inscripción en la misma con las palabras en sánscrito "Hey Ram "..Que significa !Oh,Dios! Que al parecer fueron esas sus últimas palabras. Si quieres acercarte a la losa, tendrás que descalzarte y guardar un riguroso silencio, cosa no muy difícil, ya que la proximidad de la losa y el recordar a ese gran hombre, hace que no te salgan las palabras y te sumas en un respetuoso silencio para honrar su memoria. En este mismo parque, hay unos monolitos en recuerdo a otros lideres hindúes, como fueron Nerhu, su hija Indira y el hijo de ésta Rajiv , que también señalan el lugar donde fueron incinerados. Algo que me hizo emocionarme fué ver varios grupos de gente de diferentes castas, sobre todo de intocables, en peregrinación para la visita, y que según me dijo el guia que habló con uno de ellos, habían hecho el camino andando a lo largo de 8 días para poder rendir homenaje a su líder y benefactor.
A must visit in New Delhi, is the memorial of Gandhi or Raj Ghat, meaning royal courtyard, and is where a simple headstone as a marble slab which marks the place where the body was incinerated Gandhi January 31, 1948, a day after his assassination. The slab usually with flowers placed by Hindus, is flanked by a constantly burning flame, and an inscription on it with the Sanskrit words "Hey Ram" .. it means! Oh, God! That apparently was those last words. If you want to get close to the floor, you'll have to keep a strict descalzarte and silence, which is not very difficult, since the proximity of the slab and remember that great man, you do not leave you the words and sums in respectful silence to honor his memory. In this same park, there are other monoliths in memory Hindu leaders, as were Nehru, his daughter Indira and her son Rajiv, who also note where they were incinerated. Something that made me excited was seeing several groups of people from different castes, especially untouchables, on pilgrimage to visit, and the guide told me he talked to one of them, had made the journey on foot to over 8 days to pay homage to their leader and benefactor
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A magical place

Un lugar mágico

Un lugar mágico lleno de paz de risas,alegrias de las niñas y niños que van de visita al memorial en recuerdo a gandhi,Un hombre vivió y murió pobre materialmente aunque muy rico interiormente.Que fue capaz de conseguir la independencia de los inglés sin violencia,un hombre sencillo,alegre,tranquilo que jamás se repetirá.No sé si habéis visto la peli yo lloré, cuando ya parecía todo solucionado salio a la calle la multitud lo rodeaba y uno de los suyos,de los más cercanos de su más confianza le saludo juntando las manos y le dijo Namaste para inmediatamente sacar un pistola y matarlo, Ghandi las últimas palabras que dijo fueron !Oh,Señor!, así la India perdio Pakistán que son musulmanes y no les iba eso de no a la violencia. Hablar de este pequeño hombre de estatura y tan grande de alma, no se encuentran las palabras...... En este placentero lugar de amplios espacios con césped,donde van los indios a leer, la paz,la calma mezclada con la alegría de los coleguiajes y de otros niños jugando.Los devotos con una mirada diferente a cualquier otro lugar de India.Antes de entrar desde arriba que ya se va viendo la loza negra......Filas de niños,niñas coleguiales no nos dejaban pasar unos nos miraban sonriendo,la mayoría nos saludaban con la mano diciendo hi(jai)...Continuando el camino vi algo muy curioso chicos y chicas 16 años jugando a competir corriendo, ¿a ver quién gana? Las chicas con las chicas y los chicos con los chicos....Se notaba el tonteo en el aire....Mirabas para otra parte de los amplios jardines de tan cuidado césped familias con sus hijos sentados y los niños de 8 o 9 tirados en el césped cojidos de las manos rodaban por el suelo,lo más curioso es que que la hermana,madre no sé con pantalones hiciera lo mismo de más de 30 años.....Me dio ganas de hacer lo mismo jajajajaja contagiaban la alegría.!Qué bendito lugar! Ya nos descalzamos íbamos hacia ese lugar tan venerado,donde descansan una parte de las cenizas de Ghandi; tras su asesinato fue incinerado y sus cenizas echadas al río ganges aunque una parte reposan aquí. Ya se veía el mausoleo mármol negro sobre la que siempre hay una llama encendida, rodeado de magnolios, sobre un piso tapizado de hierba, es un lugar sagrado al que se accede descalzo, y los indios lo hacen con gran devoción pues allí yacen los restos del salvador de su pueblo. En sáscrito está escrito lo último que dijo Ghandi antes de morir !Oh, señor!....Emociona.
A magical place full of peace of laughter, joys of girls and boys who are visiting the memorial in memory of Gandhi, a man lived and died poor materially but rich interiormente.Que was able to achieve independence from the English without violence a simple, cheerful, quiet man who never repetirá.No know if you saw the movie I cried, when it seemed all sorted out into the street the crowd surrounded him and one of their own, of the closest of his most trusted I greet Namaste clasping his hands and told him to immediately pull out a gun and kill him, Ghandi said the last words were! Oh, Lord !, India and Pakistan are Muslims lost and were not doing that not to violence. Discuss this small man tall and as big of soul, are not the words ...... In this pleasant place large spaces with lawn, where the Indians will read, peace, calm mixed with joy coleguiajes of jugando.Los children and other devotees with a different anywhere else India.Antes entering from above that it is already seeing the black earthenware ...... Rows of children, girls coleguiales not let us look spend some looked at us smiling, most they greeted us with his hand saying hi (jai) ... Continuing the way I saw something very curious boys and girls 16 years playing racing running, to see who wins? Girls with girls and boys with boys .... the lawn tonteo families with their children and children sitting 8 or 9 is felt in the air .... You looked for another part of the extensive gardens such care lying on the grass cojidos hands were rolling on the ground, the funny thing is that the sister, mother pants do not know do the same for over 30 years ..... he made me want to do the same hahaha contagiaban the joy.! What a blessed place! We already went to the shoes off so revered place, where rest part of the ashes of Ghandi; after his assassination was cremated and his ashes thrown into the river ganges although some rest here. And the mausoleum black marble on which there is always an open flame, surrounded by magnolias, on an upholstered floor of grass, is a sacred place accessed barefoot, and the Indians do it with great devotion for there lie the remains looked the savior of his people. In sáscrito it is written Ghandi said the last thing before I die! Oh, sir! .... Thrills.
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La descripción que se hace del memorial a Ghandi, en el rincón publicado por [poi=5469]Elenahispalis[/poi] (clic) es tan buena que me veo incapaz de escribir o añadir nada más. La crónica y descripción que hace del lugar es magistral y recoge totalmente el espíritu del pueblo hindú y el cariño que se profesa a Gandhi. Así que mi contribución a ese rincón será la publicación de unas pocas fotos y sobre todo del vídeo que a parte del mio, creo no lo hay. www.rodamons.net
The description given to Gandhi memorial, on the corner posted by Elenahispalis (click) is so good that I am unable to write or add anything else. The chronicle and description that makes the place is superb and fully reflects the spirit of the Indian people and the love they profess to Gandhi. So my contribution to that corner will be posting a few pictures and especially the video that apart from mine, I think there is not. www.rodamons.net
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Raj Ghat

Raj Ghat

Non loin du National Gandhi Museum se trouve le Raj Ghat. Avec le Gandhi Smriti, ce sont là les deux lieux commémoratifs les plus importants concernant le Mahatma Gandhi. Si le Gandhi Smriti marque l’endroit où ce dernier a été assassiné, le Raj Ghat, pour sa part, n’est autre que le lieu où il fut incinéré. L’endroit, très sobre, présente une dalle de marbre noir où les visiteurs défilent pieds-nus, pour rendre hommage à ce grand homme.
Not far from the National Gandhi Museum is Raj Ghat. With the Gandhi Smriti, these are the two most important places on commmoratifs Mahatma Gandhi. If the Gandhi Smriti brand LENDROIT t o the latter assassin, Raj Ghat, for its part, is none other than the place where he was incinr. Lendroit, very simple, presents a black marble slab where visitors dfilent barefoot, to honor this great man.
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Tribute to a great little man

Omaggio a un piccolo grande Uomo

Nella quiete di uno splendido parco è sito il memoriale al Mahatma Gandhi: una piattaforma quadrata in marmo nero indica il luogo in cui il padre della rivoluzione non violenta, assassinato, venne cremato nel 1948. Sulla pietra sono incise le sue ultime parole e una fiamma perenne ricorda a pellegrini e visitatori il suo spirito illuminato.
In the quiet of a beautiful park is located a memorial to Mahatma Gandhi: a square platform of black marble marks the place where the father of non-violent revolution, assassinated, was cremated in 1948. On the stone is engraved with his last words and a perpetual flame reminds pilgrims and visitors to his enlightened spirit.
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Raj Ghat is the memorial of Mahatma...

Raj Ghat est le mémorial du mahatma ...

Raj Ghat est le mémorial du mahatma Gandhi. Aussi simple que le leader du mouvement indépendantiste indien l´était, c´est une simple plateforme de marbre qui se trouve à l´endroit où il fut incinéré le lendemain de sa mort, le 31 Janvier 1948. La plateforme se trouve en plein air, dans un jardin sobre, avec une flamme qui brule en permanence a la mémoire du mahatma. Nous sommes au bord de la rivière Yamuna, a Delhi. Sur la pierre, les inscriptions gravées seraient les derniers mots prononcés par Gandhi sur son lit de mort. Aujourd´hui, la plupart des chefs d´état en visite en Inde sont invités à présenter leurs respects au Mahatma dans le Raj Ghat. En signe de respect, il faut enlever ses chaussures quand on s´approche de la plateforme de marbre. Le lieu est particulièrement silencieux et on sent l´émotion et le recueillement des visiteurs. Attention, l´endroit est souvent fermé pour des raisons de sécurité notamment autour des jours fériés et de l´anniversaire de la mort de Gandhi, le 30 Janvier.
Raj Ghat is the memorial of Mahatma Gandhi. As simple as the leader of the Indian independence movement was, it is a simple marble platform which is where he was cremated after his death, on 31 January 1948. The platform is located in the air, in a simple garden with a flame that burns continuously to the memory of Mahatma. We are at the edge of the Yamuna river in Delhi. On stone, engraved inscriptions would be the last words uttered by Gandhi on his death bed. Today, most of the heads of state visiting India are invited to pay their respects to the Mahatma in the Raj Ghat. As a sign of respect, remove your shoes when you approach the marble platform. The place is extremely quiet and you feel the emotion and contemplation visitors. Warning, the place is often closed for security reasons especially around holidays and the anniversary of Gandhi's death, on January 30.
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To see him have the chance to stay up...

Para verlo tienes la posibilidad de...

Para verlo tienes la posibilidad de quedarte arriba y verlo de lejos o bajar una rampa y entrar. Pero merece la pena bajar porque cuando estas allí sientes una paz y un silencio impresionantes. Una apreciación para los fumadores, aquí no se debe fumar.
To see him have the chance to stay up and watch it from afar or down a ramp and enter. But worth it because when you're down there feel a peace and quiet impressive. An appreciation for smokers not smoke here.
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Gandhi Adis

Adiós a Ghandi

En mitad de un cuidado jardín se encuentra la gran losa de mármol negro cubierta de flores que indica el lugar donde fui incinerado Ghandi, el padre de India y hombre de paz. Es un lugar de peregrinación para indios y extranjeros que acuden allí a rendir homenaje a un gran hombre.
In the middle of a garden care is the large slab of black marble cover of flowers marks the spot where Gandhi was cremated, India's father and man of peace. It is a place of pilgrimage for Indians and foreigners who come all to pay tribute to a great man.
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Not really interesting ...

Pas vraiment intéressant...

Pas grand chose à voir si ce n'est l'endroit où se trouve supposément la tombe de Gandhi.
Not much to see except where supposedly Gandhi"s Tomb.
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Fui de viaje con un montón de amigo y no cogimos guía pero un chico amigo nuestro había vivido en la India hasta los diecisiete y nos explico un montón de cosas, como que por ejemplo las palabras escritas en este memorial eran las últimas palabras que había dicho gahndi antes de morir!
I was traveling with a bunch of friends and we took no guide but a guy friend of ours had lived in India until the seventeenth and explained a lot of things, like for example the words on this memorial were the last words he had said Gahndi before dying!
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Spectacular monument in memory of Ghandi

Espectacular monumento en memoria de Ghandi

Espectacular monumento en memoria de Ghandi
Spectacular monument in memory of Ghandi
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