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Thang Long Water Puppet Theater

23 contributors
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6.01 £
6.01 £

17 reviews of Thang Long Water Puppet Theater

Water Puppets

Water puppetry is an ancient Vietnam art form. There are two stories that seem to explain its origin: one says that it was started among rice farmers who worked in the flooded rice paddies of the Red River delta. The other states that it began with traditional puppets being used during a great flood.

While the audience will invariably be mainly western tourists, the fact is that the show is just beautiful. I loved the stories! Peasants defending their villages against dragons, inter-clan battles, fisherman fighting with their fish (to the point to where it seems like there was a real live fish in the water), all accompanied by music which seems to breathe life into the show.

The musicians are in a sort of box off to one side of the stage, which itself is a water tank. The puppets are controlled by people on the sides of the stage (in waist-deep water) who move them with long sticks adapted with some mechanism to move the puppets back and forth.

Apparently, the puppets only last 3 or 4 months and then you have to replace them. Their manufacture is big business but you can also find smaller examples in nearby souvenir shops.

The shows tend to fill up, so make sure to get your tickets a few hours ahead of time or else you'll be spending the night in your hotel room!
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Complete spectacle

Visiting this small theatre in Hanoi to see the water puppets is quite an experience. It’s very cheap and there are several shows each day. The shows last around an hour and there is a surcharge if you wish to film or take photos. This is a genuine expression of Vietnamese culture which combines music, song, and puppets. I think everyone in the audience was impressed with the skill and professionalism of the people behind the puppets.

Fantasy and color in water

Fantasía y color en el agua

El Teatro de Marionetas en el Agua de Hanoi se encuentra en una esquina del Lago Hoan Kiem, su ubicación es muy céntrica. Es un espectáculo único en el mundo cuyos orígenes datan del Siglo X. Surgió de un entretenimiento que se practicaba en los arrozales. Se trata de unas marionetas muy especiales, en lugar de estar articuladas a través de hilos verticales están articuladas y movibles a través de unas estacas y alambres horizontales y que a través de ingeniosas poleas son accionanadas de forma horizontal. Los artistas están escondidos detrás de un talón y el escenario es una piscina. Las marionetas en si ya son verdaderas obras de arte, de madera lacada con vistoso colores, las hay que llegan a pesar hasta 15 Kgs. Las marionetas representan pescadores, campesinos, bailarinas, emperadores, guerreros, etc. Y siguen un guión basado en escenas de la vida cotidiana en la antigüedad, histórias y leyendas. Todo ello amenizado por cantos y música vietnamita. Los músicos y las cantantes están situadas en un altillo lateral a la izquierda del escenario-piscina. El acceso al Teatro es a pie de calle y hay que salvar unas escaleras que configuran las gradas en el interior a modo de anfiteatro con lo cual la visibilidad es óptima. El aforo del Teatro viene a ser como de unas 200 personas, aunque las sesiones son continuadas. Éstas duran una hora y si no se ha adquirido previamente la entrada a veces hay que esperar a la siguiente sesión. La compañía de marionetas se llama Thang Long. Una vez finalizada la representación los artistas que manejan las marionetas salen de detrás de la cortina a saludar al público. Un verdadero impacto al estar acostumbrada la vista a las miniaturas de las marionetas y ver a estos artistas en su tamaño real. Cada artistas llega a manejar hasta cuatro marionetas a la vez. El teatro de Marionetas en el Agua de Hanoi es una de las atracciones turísticas más visitadas en Hanoi. www.rodamons.net
The Puppet Theatre in Hanoi Water is in a corner of Hoan Kiem Lake, the location is very central. It is a unique spectacle in the world whose origins date back to the X. Century It grew out of a hobby practiced in the rice fields. Puppets is very special, instead of being articulated through vertical threads are hinged and movable through stakes and horizontal wires and through pulleys are ingenious accionanadas horizontally. Artists are hidden behind a heel and the stage is a pool. The puppets in if you are true works of art, colorful lacquered wood with colors, you have to weigh up to 15 Kgs The puppets represent fishermen, farmers, dancers, emperors, warriors, etc.. And follow a script based on scenes of everyday life in ancient stories and legends. All enlivened by songs and Vietnamese music. The musicians and singers are located on a mezzanine on the left side of the stage-pool. Access to the theater is at street level and you have to save some steps that make up the stands inside a natural amphitheater with which the visibility is excellent. The capacity of the theater is like about 200 people, although the sessions are ongoing. They last an hour and if you have not previously purchased entry sometimes you have to wait for the next session. The puppet company called Thang Long. Once the representation of artists who handle the puppets out from behind the curtain to greet the public. A real impact to be used to view thumbnails of the puppets and see these artists in their actual size. Each artist gets to handle up to four puppets at once. Puppet Theatre in Hanoi Water is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Hanoi. www.rodamons.net
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Now that Christmas is approaching, and...

Ahora que se acerca la Navidad, y que...

Ahora que se acerca la Navidad, y que los padres tienen que ingeniárselas para entretener a sus hijos, es cuando más proliferan los espectáculos de marionetas. En nuestro Viaje a Vietnam y Camboya, pude disfrutar de un espectáculo de títeres ancestral, y que no está dirigido sólo a los más pequeños. Estoy hablando del Teatro de Marionetas de Agua, una de las expresiones culturales vietnamitas más importantes junto a la música y las danzas tradicionales. También conocidas como roi nuoc, las Marionetas de Agua tienen una antigüedad estimada de unos mil años, tantos como la ciudad de Hanoi. Antiguamente, estas funciones se celebraban en los ríos, lagos o arrozales, pero hoy en día, existen lugares especialmente acondicionados para este espectáculo. Nosotros, por ejemplo, estuvimos en el célebre Teatro de Marionetas de Agua Thang Long cerca del lago Hoan Kiem. La entrada nos costó 40.000 dongs por persona y el teatro estaba a parir. El espectáculo dura cerca de una hora, y en él se tocan temas habituales de la cultura viet como historias de campesinos o leyendas de animales mitológicos vietnamitas. La habilidad de los titiriteros con las marionetas talladas en madera es fascinante. Además, la música y los cantos tradicionales amenizan la función, así como los trucos con humo y los fuegos artificiales. Todos los viajes a Vietnam seguro que incluirán una visita al Teatro de Marionetas de Agua Thang Long. Aunque si podéis escoger, que no os lleven nada más aterrizar en Hanoi. El viaje de casi un día nos privó de estar al 100% para disfrutar al máximo del espectáculo.
Now that Christmas is approaching, and that parents have to manage to entertain your kids, that's when puppet shows proliferate. On our trip to Vietnam and Cambodia, I enjoyed a puppet show ancestral, and is not intended only for children. I'm talking about the Water Puppet Theatre, one of the most important cultural expressions with Vietnamese music and traditional dances. Also known as roi nuoc, Water Puppets have estimated age of a thousand years, as many as the city of Hanoi. Previously, these functions were held in rivers, lakes or rice fields, but today, there are places specially designed for the show. We, for example, were in the famous Water Puppet Theatre Thang Long near Lake Hoan Kiem. Admission cost us 40,000 VND per person and the theater was to give birth. The show lasts about an hour, and it will touch on issues of culture viet common as stories or legends peasant Vietnamese mythological animals. The skill of the puppeteers with puppets carved wood is fascinating. In addition, music and traditional songs enliven the role and tricks with smoke and fireworks. All Vietnam travel insurance which will include a visit to the Water Puppet Theatre Thang Long. Even if you can choose, which do not carry just landed in Hanoi. The journey of almost deprived us of one day be 100% for maximum enjoyment of the show.
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One of the attractions of Hanoi, and...

Unas de las atracciones de Hanoi, y que...

Unas de las atracciones de Hanoi, y que no debes dejar de ir por lo original y artístico, son las representaciones de Marionetas en el agua. En el teatro del centro, frente al lago de la Espada restituida El origen de estas representaciones, vienen de cientos de años atrás, cuando eran escenificadas por y para los campesinos en los pueblos, dentro del agua de los campos de arroz. En el escenario, hay un pequeño estanque lleno de agua, imitando los campos de arroz, desde donde los actores manejan las marionetas. La narrativa casi siempre son relacionadas con leyendas de dragones o seres mitologicos. En un lateral están situados los músicos y el narrador que va contando la obra. Algo que me llamó mucho la atención era la sala de espera del teatro, más parecida a la sala de espera de una estación de autobuses, pero sobre todo que la mayoría de las personas que esperabamos para entrar a la representación, no eran turistas, sino vietnamitas..Y es que para ellos esta representación forma parte de su cultura y tradición
One of the attractions of Hanoi, and you should not go for the original and artistic representations are puppets in the water. In the downtown theater, lakefront of the Restored Sword The origin of these representations come from hundreds of years ago, when they were staged by and for farmers in the villages, in the water of the rice fields. On stage, there is a small pond filled with water, mimicking the rice fields, where the actors handle the puppets. The narrative is almost always related to legends of dragons or mythological beings. On one side are located the musicians and the narrator who is counting the work. Something that caught my attention was the waiting room of the theater, more like the waiting room of a bus station, but especially that most of the people we expected to get representation, they were not tourists but Vietnamese .. And is that for them this representation is part of their culture and tradition
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Bordering the Hoan Kiem Lake, in the...

Bordant le lac Hoan Kiem, en plein...

Bordant le lac Hoan Kiem, en plein centre de la capitale vietnamienne, le théatre Thang Long est l'un des plus célèbres de la ville. Et pour cause ! Il propose en effet un spectacle tout à fait original et insolite, puisqu'il s'agit d'un spectacle de marionnettes. Mais rassurez-vous, rien de comparable avec notre bon vieux Guignol lyonnais ! Ce sont des marionnettes traditionnelles, typiquement vietnamiennes, qui possède la particularité d'évoluer sur l'eau. Le spectacle met en scène des scènes quotidiennes de la vie courante vietnamienne, ainsi que des légendes populaires. Les personnages sont extrêmement bien représentés, ils semblent presque vivants et surtout on ne peut qu'être impressionnés par l'agilité des manipulateurs cachés derrière un délicat rideau de bambon. Et en plus, le spectacle est particulièrement drôle et l'on rit beaucoup. Une très bonne soirée en perspective, mais il faut impérativement réserver car les séances sont pleines souvent plusieurs jours à l'avance.
Bordering the Hoan Kiem Lake, in the heart of the Vietnamese capital, Thang Long theater is one of the most famous of the city. And for good reason! Indeed, it presents a spectacle quite original and unusual, because it is a puppet show. But do not worry, nothing like good old Lyon Guignol! These are traditional puppets, typically Vietnamese, who has the distinction of change on the water. The show depicts everyday scenes of Vietnamese life and popular legends. The characters are extremely well represented, they almost seem alive and above can only be impressed by the agility hidden behind a delicate curtain bambon manipulators. And besides, the show is particularly funny and we laugh a lot. A very good evening in perspective, it is essential to book for sessions are often full days in advance.
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Puppet spectacle on the water in Hanoi

Espectáculo de marionetas en el agua de Hanoi

Algo altamente recomendable si viajas solo o en pareja, pero obligado si vas con niños. Hay sesiones todos los días y aunque es algo muy turístico, sin duda merece la pena. La música es muy folclórica vietnamita, con flautines y xilofones típicos de eta región, y las historias que nos cuentan en estas representaciones, tienen mucho que ver con la vida que se hace en el campo y las leyendas típicas vietnamitas. No faltan el campesino valiente, la bella doncella, el malvado señor y el poderoso dragón que antes era un hermoso pez. Las marionetas son de manera lacada y son movidas por los titiriteros a través de una larga caña de bambú con cuerdas. Todo esto sobre el agua, lo que hace del espectáculo algo único y original.
Something highly recommended if you are traveling alone or with a partner, but required if you had children. There are meetings every day and although very touristy, definitely worth it. The music is very folk Vietnamese, with piccolos and typical xylophones eta region, and the stories they tell us in these representations, have much to do with the life that is in the field and the typical Vietnamese legends. Do not miss the brave peasant, the fair maiden, the evil lord and the mighty dragon was a beautiful fish before. Puppets are lacquered and are so moved by puppeteers through a long bamboo pole with ropes. All this on the water, what makes something unique and original show.
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The theater of dolls is a...

Le théâtre des poupées est une re...

Le théâtre des poupées est une représentation de marionnettes aquatiques qui s’animent dans un bassin. Soutenus par des musiques traditionnelles vietnamiennes, ces pantins retracent grand nombre de légendes qui habitent la culture et le panthéon asiatique. Elles ne se contentent pas d’être terriblement folkloriques, certaines interactions sont l’œuvre de marionnettistes de génies qui parviennent à passer du cérémoniel à l’humour avec une aisance fascinante. Le spectacle dure une heure et coûte 40 000 ou 60 000 dongs, selon vos emplacements.
The theater of dolls is a representation of water puppets come alive in a pool. Supported by Vietnamese traditional music, these puppets depict many legends that inhabit the culture and the Asian pantheon. They do not just be terribly folk, some interactions are the work of puppeteers geniuses who manage to pass the ceremonial of humor with a fascinating ease. The show lasts one hour and costs 40 000 or 60 000 VND, depending on your location.
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Water Puppet Theatre

Water Puppet Theatre

Pour $3, on peut assister à une représentation de marionnettes, façon Vietnam. Dans cet art, originaire du Vietnam du Nord, on ne suspend pas les marionnettes à des fils et en l'air, mais c'est dans l'eau qu'on les contrôle. La scène est en effet un grand bassin rempli d'eau! Quelques personnes dans le bassin tiennent de longues tiges de bambou à l'horizontal pour mouvoir ces petits personnages de bois. 50% du spectacle réside dans la prestation de l'orchestre traditionnel qui anime la représentation.
For $ 3 you can watch a puppet show, so Vietnam. In this art, a native of North Vietnam, it does not suspend the puppets and the son in the air, but it is in the water that controls them. The scene is indeed a large basin filled with water! Some people in the basin take long bamboo poles horizontally to move these small figures of wood. 50% of the show lies in the provision of traditional orchestra that drives the performance.
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Puppets in the water! Music, singing...

Marionetas en el agua!! Música, canto ...

Marionetas en el agua!! Música, canto y marionetas típicas de Vietnam, el espectáculo dura unos 50min. Muy entretenido y agradable. La entrada puede ser de 60.000 ó de 100.000 VDN y tienen varias funciones al día.
Puppets in the water! Music, singing and puppets typical of Vietnam, the show lasts about 50min. Very entertaining and enjoyable. Input may be 60,000 or 100,000 VND and have several shows a day.
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Estábamos en el campo, visitando unos arrozales y fuimos hasta este lugar, realmente sorprende por lo distinto, obviamente que sus historias son elementales y no hacen falta subtitulados. Me parecen originales de Vietnam, porque no las he visto en otro lugar.
We were in the field, visiting rice fields and went to this place, really surprised by how different, obviously that their stories are elementary and do captioned missing. I seem originals Vietnam, because I have not seen elsewhere.
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The puppet show in the water is...

El espectáculo de las marionetas en el ...

El espectáculo de las marionetas en el agua es fascinante. Durante la época de lluvias, los campos en Vietnam permanecen inundados a la espera de que el arroz crezca y puedan conseguir una buena cosecha. Las marionetas representan todas las actividades cotidianas de la vida en el campo en Vietnam, y es fantástico ver como se mueven los titiriteros, vestidos de negro, entre el agua.
The puppet show in the water is fascinating. During the rainy season, the fields remain flooded in Vietnam waiting for the rice to grow and can get a good harvest. The puppets represent all daily activities of life in the countryside in Vietnam, and it is great to see how they move the puppeteers, dressed in black, from the water.
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It's a bit of a must

C’est un peu le passage obligé

C’est un peu comme le guignol chez nous. Mais il y a des endroits tout aussi sympathiques pour voir les marionnettes. Il y a l’après-midi au musée ethnographique à Noé il y a également un petit théâtre au bord du lac Hoanh khiem qui reçoit un peu moins de public plus intimiste et plus sympa.
It is a bit of a must It"s a bit like the puppet at home But there are also nice places to see the puppets There is an afternoon at the ethnographic museum in Noah there is also a small theater on Hoanh Lake khiem which receives a little less public more intimate and more friendly
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Unlike any kind of theater I've ever seen. We often forget that they are puppets!

Diferente de todo tipo de teatro que já tenha visto. Muitas vezes até esquecemos que são marionetes!

Diferente de todo tipo de teatro que já tenha visto. Muitas vezes até esquecemos que são marionetes!
Unlike any kind of theater I"ve ever seen. We often forget that they are puppets! Unlike any kind of theater I"ve ever seen. We often forget that they are puppets!
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It is essential

C est incontournable

On peut aussi les voir dans les villages et au musée ethnographique dans des conditions plus sympa.
For the tourists it is impossible to circumvent but one can also see them in the villages and in the ethnographic museum in more pleasant conditions
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Information about Thang Long Water Puppet Theater