Portobello Street Market
When you talk about London, you have to talk about their shops and markets... and there sure are a lot. The Portobello market is especially well-known for its antique and specialty shops, and as the song says "where bought and sold to the Sun." And following this verse, we can see how there is a significant section of vegetables and food stalls of all kinds. As you walk along its steep streets, your nose will not rest for even a second, hundreds of odors invade it mercilessly, trying to get its attention, tempting your senses and tempting you to try a delicacy. From fruits and vegetables of all sizes, via crêpes made instantly, gigantic "Spanish paellas" smelling divinely, hundreds of cakes of all flavors, salmon rolls, marzipan croissants, pizzas or cookies souvenir, even beautiful fish await us so that we take with us.