Morocco's Main Seaport
Tangier's Port is one of the key points of sea communication between Spain and Morocco. There are routes from Algeciras (one hour), Tarifa (35 minutes), and even from Barcelona (28 hours). This is Morocco's main seaport because of its strategic location between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. It is the country's number one port for traffic and passengers. On leaving the harbour there are numerous hustlers trying to get a tip for taking you to the medina or to your hotel. They are generally harmless. The best way to overcome them is to take a taxi. If you go to downtown, to the medina, or the centre, you have to take a blue taxi, which are small and metered.
They do not generally cost more than 1.5 or 2 euro. If you are going outside the city or to a town nearby, you can catch one of the bigger taxis, which are cream-coloured, not metered, and you have to negotiate the price before you get in.
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