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Plaza de la Reina

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Valencia: Wine & Tapas Route with Sommelier Guide
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6 reviews of Plaza de la Reina

This place can represent the "central"...

Cette place peut représenter la « place c...

Cette place peut représenter la « place centrale » de Valence, ou en tout cas de la partie « ancienne » de la ville. La cathédrale donne à cet endroit un caractère ancestral, voir mythique, mais les nombreux restaurants et autres lieux de restaurations divers ont désormais beaucoup plus attirés les touristes et les passants. Les voitures peuvent circuler tout autour de la place, au centre de laquelle un parterre de fleurs, arbres et herbe permet aux piétons de se promener. Un petit marché propose chaque jour une multitude de produits locaux ou artisanaux, bien souvent destinés aux touristes, très nombreux à vadrouiller dans les environs ! Certains restaurants de cette place sont décrits sur Monnuage, tous ne sont pas du tout recommandés ! Si vous cherchez une glace par exemple, évitez à tout prix l’enseigne « Bertal » (enseigne toute jaune), où les glaces sont épouvantables (et je pèse mes mots !), caoutchouteuses, bref à éviter ! Cette place voit circuler du monde à toute heure du jour et de la nuit, et il n’est pas rare de voir des jeunes étudiants ou internationaux de divers pays se retrouver les soirs d’été sur la place, pour discuter (souvent autour d’une bouteille d’alcool !), et se « chauffer » pour partir en soirée !
This place can represent the "central" Valencia, or at least the "old" part of town. Cathedral gives this place an ancestral character, mythical view, but many restaurants and other places of various restorations have become much more attracted tourists and passersby. Cars can circulate all around the square, the center of which a bed of flowers, trees and grass allows pedestrians to walk. A small market offers every day a multitude of local and artisanal products, often for tourists, many to roam around! Some restaurants are featured on this site MonNuage, not everyone is the recommended all! If you want a glass for example, avoid at all costs the sign "Bertal" (any yellow sign), where the ice is terrible (and I mean it!), Rubbery, short to avoid! This site shows the world move at any time of day or night, and it is not uncommon to see young students from different countries or international meet summer evenings the place to discuss (often around a bottle of alcohol!), and "heat" to go in the evening!
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This square is the central square of...

Esta plaza representa la plaza central...

Esta plaza representa la plaza central de Valencia, o de la parte antigua de la ciudad. La catedral le da un toque antiguo casi mítico, pero los demás lugares ahora son muy turísticos, restaurantes y tiendas de recuerdos, nada que ver con lo que era antes. Los coches pueden pasar alrededor de la plaza, en el centro de la cual hay flores y árboles para que puedas caminar, sacar fotos a la catedral sin molestias del tráfico. Un peuqeño mercado ofrece cada día productos locales y artesanales, en general también orientados a los numerosos turistas que pasean por aquí. Para verdaderos productos valencianos, mejor vete al mercado central. Los restaurantes, pues igual, es mejor si puedes ir a comer en otro lugar, porque igual, se aprovechan mucho del turismo y no tienen interés en servir una comida de calidad o eso parece. La plaza antes era el lugar de junta para empezar la noche con un botellón, pero ahora está más tranquila.
This square is the central square of Valencia, or the old part of the city. The cathedral adds a nearly mythical ancient, but others are now tourist attractions, restaurants and souvenir shops, nothing to do with what it was before. Cars can pass around the square in the center of which there are flowers and trees so you can walk, take pictures of the cathedral without traffic hassles. A market peuqeño offers daily local produce and crafts in general also oriented to the many tourists visiting here. For true Valencian products, better go to the central market. The restaurants, as well, it is better if you can go to eat elsewhere because equal prey heavily on tourism and have no interest in serving quality food it seems. The square was once the meeting place to start the evening with a bottle, but is now calmer.
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Valencia is a must-see tourist city of...

Valence est une ville touristique...

Valence est une ville touristique incontournable de l'Espagne. C'est une ville très agréable où séjourner, une véritable boîte à merveilles. En plein centre se trouve la place de la Reine - la plaza de la Reina en espagnol. C'est l'un des plus beaux sites de la capitale valencienne. Cette place, dotée d’un petit jardin, est très belle et vaste. Elle abonde en cafés, bars et restaurants, nous offre un marché de produits locaux. Cette place nous offre la fameuse tour "Micalet". Elle est très appréciée par les touristes et les Valenciens.
Valencia is a must-see tourist city of Spain. This is a very pleasant city to stay, a real box wonders. In the center is the Plaza de la Reine - Plaza de la Reina Spanish. This is one of the most beautiful sites of the Valencian capital. This place, with a small garden is beautiful and spacious. It is full of cafes, bars and restaurants, we offer a local produce market. This site gives us the famous tower "Micalet". It is very popular with tourists and Valencian.
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Plaza de la Reina is located in the...

La Plaza de la Reina est située au cœur d...

La Plaza de la Reina est située au cœur de la vieille ville de Valencia. C'est une grande place, avec un petit parc, et les nombreux cafés et restaurants proposent leurs terrasses. A l'extrémité de la Plaza de la Reina on aperçoit déjà la cathédrale et le clocher, qui se à son extrémité nord. Juste à côté de la place, à l'extrémité ouest sud, se trouve la petite Plaza Santa Catalina, où vous pourrez visiter Iglesia de Santa Catalina.
Plaza de la Reina is located in the heart of the old city of Valencia. This is a great place, with a small park and the many cafes and restaurants offer their terraces. At extrmit the Plaza de la Reina is already aperoit the cathedral and bell tower, which is the north extrmit. Right side of the square, west extrmit south, lies the small Plaza Santa Catalina, where you can visit Iglesia de Santa Catalina.
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A beautiful plaza dosde you will find two of the most famous towers of Valencia


Una plaza preciosa dosde se encuentran dos de las torres más famosas de Valencia: La torre de Santa Catalina y la Torre campanario de la Catedral de Valencia, El Miguelete.
A beautiful plaza dosde you will find two of the most famous towers in Valencia: The Santa Catalina tower and the bell tower of the Cathedral of Valencia, El Miguelete.
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The most important square of Valencia

La piazza più importante di Valencia

Plaza de la Reina, la piazza simbolo di Valencia, l'altissimo campanile di Micalet, l'entrata della cattedrale di Santa Maria, il piccolo giardino situato al centro fanno della piazza di Valencia un luogo magico, perfetto per qualsiasi attività dal semplice ristoro, a un piccolo pisolino o alla lettura di un bel libro. La piazza è sempre affollata da turisti e dai cittadini di Valencia oltre ad essere un luogo dove si possono ammirare le bellezze di una città che è stata influenzata nel corso dei secoli da culture diverse (latina, visigota e araba) e anche luogo di manifestazione dei propri pensieri da parte dei cittadini nel mio breve soggiorno a Valencia ne ho potute vedere un paio. La piazza è anche sede di molti locali e ristoranti dove si possono assaggiare i piatti più comuni della cucina valenciana come l'arross negro, la famosissima paella e i tapas o dove si può semplicemente gustare un thè o un caffè. A Plaza de la Reina si trova un punto di informazione turistico dove potrete chiedere qualsiasi informazioni, il personale è molto gentile e disponibilissimo, organizzano anche visite guidate a piedi della città e il punto ti partenza è proprio Plaza de la Reina.
Plaza de la Reina, the square symbol of Valencia, the tall bell tower of Micalet, the entrance of the Cathedral of Santa Maria, the small garden in the center of the square to make Valencia a magical place, perfect for any activity from simple refreshment, to a small nap or reading a good book. The square is always crowded with tourists and citizens of Valencia as well as being a place where you can admire the beauty of a city that has been influenced over the centuries by different cultures (Latin, Visigothic and Arabic) and also a place of manifestation of thoughts from the people in my short stay in Valencia I've been able to see a couple. The square is also home to many bars and restaurants where you can taste the most common dishes of Valencian cuisine such as flushed black, the famous paella and tapas or where you can simply enjoy a cup of tea or coffee. In Plaza de la Reina is a tourist information point where you can ask for any information, the staff is very polite and friendliest, also organize guided walking tours of the city and the point you start it is Plaza de la Reina.
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