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27 reviews of Plaka

Most popular neighborhood in Athens

Plaka is probably the most popular neighborhood in Athens, as well as one of the oldest. And, given its location just below the Acropolis, it's also the one that attracts the most tourists. The neighborhood consists of a cluster small streets full of restaurants and souvenir shops and is divided into two sections (High Plaka and Anafiotika) by Adrianou Street, one of the oldest streets in the city. The origin of the name is unclear, but there are two more or less accepted ideas: one states that the name derives from the Albanian word "pliakou," meaning old. The second version references a large stone plaque which was once located between the Adrianou, Tripodon and Lysicratous streets.

Plaka is small and very easy to cross on foot. I liked the neighborhood because of the historic streets and monuments, though the crowds of tourists are a bit overwhelming. It's not the best place to eat. The prices aren't exorbitant but the quality and authenticity of the food just didn't seem very good. If you do want to eat, make sure to pick a restaurant frequented by locals.
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When you visit the Acropolis, lower it...

Cuando visites la Acrópolis, bajas de ...

Cuando visites la Acrópolis, bajas de ella y no puedes dejar de darte una larga vuelta por el antiguo barrio de Plaka, está allí a un paso de ella y luego de pasar por el Museo del Agora. Te encantará pues es el barrio más viejo de Atenas, imagínate, pegado a tan gran monumento de la antigüedad, te encontrarás caminando entre callecitas muy pintorescas, plagadas de negocios de venta de recuerdos, sitios para comer e impresionante cantidad de joyerías, que se dedican a vender sus productos artesanales o no, hechos en plata 900, entre los que se destacan los característicos anillo y pulseras con cabezas de carneros y de leones. Quizás estés parando allí mismo, pues hay unos cuantos hoteles a buen precio y aparte por la noche se llena de gente que viene a divertirse, comer y cantar en sus múltiples restaurantes. No dejes de sentarte en la vereda, pues allí tendrás un espectáculo variado. Si vas de día podrás admirar mejor ,dos o tres Iglesias que encontrarás en el camino y ante las cuales valdrá la pena detenerte y sacar unas buenas fotos. También te encontrarás con los senegales que , los habrás visto por otras partes de Europa, vendiendo en la calle sus carteras y bolsos, réplicas de los que comercializan las grandes marcas, pero a un precio por supuesto muy inferior, y quien te dice no compres algo para ti o para algún familiar, que seguramente te agradecerá sobremanera...
When you visit the Acropolis, lower it and you can not help but give a long walk around the old quarter of Plaka, is there a step away from it and then passing the Agora Museum. You'll love it is the oldest neighborhood of Athens, imagine, stuck on such a large monument of antiquity, you'll walk between streets very colorful, full of souvenir sales business, places to eat and impressive amount of jewelers, dedicated to sell their handicrafts or not, made in silver 900, among which stand out the characteristic ring and bracelets with heads of rams and lions, Maybe you're stopping there, as there are a few hotels and other services! night is full of people who come to have fun, eat and sing in its many restaurants. Be sure to sit on the sidewalk, for there you will have a variety show. If you can admire better day, two or three churches you'll find the way and to which it will be worth to stop and take some good pictures. You'll also find the Senegalese that have seen the other parts of Europe, street diendo see their purses and handbags, that sell replicas of major brands, but at a much lower price of course, and who says no buy something for yourself or a family member that will surely greatly appreciated ...
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Plaka is probably one of the best known...

Le quartier de Plaka est sans doute...

Le quartier de Plaka est sans doute l´un des plus connus d´Athènes, c´est aussi l´un des plus anciens. Situé juste en bas de l´Acropole, il attire la plupart des touristes, pour son méli mélo de petites rues, certaines quasi désertes et d´autres noires de monde, où l´on peut trouver aujourd´hui des restaus et boutiques de souvenirs en pagaille. Le quartier s´étend sur 35 hectares, au nord et à l´est de l´Acropole. La rue Adriano, qui est l´une des artères les plus anciennes de la ville, sépare le quartier en deux parties : Plaka haut qui va jusqu´au quartier Anafiotika et Plaka bas qui termine sur la place de monastiraki. L´origine du nom de Plaka n´est pas claire, on dit que ça vient de l´albanais pliakou, qui veut dire vieux, ou encore qu´il y avait une grande plaque de pierre entre les rues Adrianou, Tripodon et Lysicratous. Plaka est un petit quartier, facile à découvrir. C´est le quartier que j´ai le plus aimé, car même s´il y avait du monde, il contient la majeure partie des monuments et des rues historiques les plus intéressants de la ville. Les prix sont vraiment chers pour manger, et la qualité loin d´être la meilleure. Si on a faim, il vaut mieux se faire un pita sur le pouce et aller ailleurs pour bien manger.
Plaka is probably one of the best known of Athens, it is also one of the oldest. Located just down the Acropolis, it attracts the most tourists to its hodge podge of small streets, some almost deserted and other black people, where you can now find restaus and souvenir shops in shambles. The district covers 35 hectares to the north and east of the Acropolis. The Adriano street, which is one of the oldest streets of the city, between the district into two parts: high Plaka going to Anafiotika and there that ends up on monastiraki Plaka. The name Plaka is not clear, they say it comes from the Albanian pliakou, which means old, or that there was a large stone slab between Adrianou, Tripodon and Lysicratous streets. Plaka is a small area, easy to find. This is the area that I liked the most, because even if there were in the world, it contains most of the monuments and the most interesting historical streets. The prices are really expensive to eat, and quality far from the best. If you're hungry, it's best to make a pita on the go and go elsewhere to eat well.
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Plaka, "The" area of ​​Athens, who com...

Plaka, "Le" quartier d'Athènes, celui ...

Plaka, "Le" quartier d'Athènes, celui qui conjugue tous les charmes. On l'atteint en métro à partir de la place Monastiraki. C'est d'abord Plaka le bas et ses boutiques pour touristes, ses petites rues bondées d'échoppes et de groupes. et puis, on commence à grimper ; les ruines grecques et aussi romaines se mêlent aux églises byzantines, certaines à l'abandon ... romantisme. Enfin les ruelles se muent en escaliers à l'assaut de l'Acropole, et c'est là mon quartier préféré, fleuri, avec ses treilles, avec ses tables de café qui occupent la moindre marche et l'atmosphère ... cool, détendue ... le temps arrêté sur le cadran des vacances.
Plaka, "The" area of ​​Athens, who combines all the charms. It is reached by metro from Monastiraki Square. It is first down and Plaka tourist shops, small streets crowded with stalls and groups. and then it begins to rise, as the Greek and Roman ruins mingle with Byzantine churches, some abandoned ... romanticism. Finally, the streets turn into stairs to attack the Acropolis, and this is my favorite area, flowery, with its trellises, with coffee tables that occupy the least walking and atmosphere ... cool, relaxed ... the stop time on the dial holiday.
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Plaka est l’un des quartiers préférés des touristes mais aussi de bon nombre d’Athéniens! Certes, c’est touristique et parfois un peu bondé, mais comment ne pas tomber sous le charme de ce quartier quasiment piéton, loin du brouhaha de la capitale? Comment ne pas avoir envie de s’attabler à l’une de ces dizaines de terrasses, de tavernes, pour déguster des brochettes traditionnelles? Ou encore de faire quelques emplettes dans ces échoppes sagement alignés, au doux parfum de Méditerranée? Impossible à notre avis, alors on s’est laissés porter…
Plaka is one of the neighborhoods prfrs tourists but also many dAthniens! While this is sometimes a bit touristy and bound, but how not to fall under the spell of this neighborhood almost peak, away from the hubbub of the city? How not to want to sattabler moon tens of terraces, taverns, to be tasted traditional kebabs? Or to do some shopping in those chopper wisely lined up, the sweet scent of Mediterranean? Can we believe, then we sest laisss wear
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Plaka is a neighborhood that makes the...

Le quartier de Plaka est le quartier...

Le quartier de Plaka est le quartier qui fait le tur de l'copole, c'est un quartier très touristiques ou se trouvent de nombreuses boutiques de souvenirs mais aussi un nombre innimaginable de café. Parmis ces caé certains ont des "roof garden" ou il est possible de prendre son café en jouissant ainsi d'une vue en hauteur sur Athenes. A ne pas manquer
Plaka is a neighborhood that makes the tur copole is a very touristy area or there are many souvenir shops as well as a number innimaginable coffee. CAE among these some have "roof garden" or you can take your coffee and enjoying elevated views over Athens. Do not miss
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Plaka is the most beautiful...

Plaka é o bairro mais bonito de Atenas, ...

Plaka é o bairro mais bonito de Atenas, fica junto à Acrópole e tem umas ruelas encantadores. É em Plaka que se encontram grande parte da zona comercial de Atenas. A praça Monastiraki em pleno bairro de Plaka merece ser visitada juntamente com a sua igreja. Há diversos restaurantes de boa qualidade nesta zona.
Plaka is the most beautiful neighborhood of Athens, the Acropolis is next and has some charming alleyways. It is in Plaka which are largely commercial district of Athens. The square in the middle of Monastiraki Plaka district worth visiting along with his church. There are many good quality restaurants in the area.
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The neighborhood at the foot of the Acropolis

El barrio a los pies de la Acrópolis

A los pies de la Acrópolis se encuentra este pintoresco barrio de estrechas calles y pequeñas placitas repletas de tabernas y souvenirs. Es el lugar indicado para compras, pero lo típico de la zona es poder almorzar o cenar en alguna de las pequeñas tabernas, donde poder degustar la rica gastronomía griega. Plaka se encuentra cerca de la Plaza Syntagma, desde donde se puede tomar cualquier de las líneas de transporte público y desplazarse por la ciudad.
At the foot of the Acropolis is this quaint neighborhood of narrow streets and small squares filled with taverns and souvenirs. It is the place for shopping, but typical of the area is to lunch or dinner at one of the taverns pequeas, where you can taste the rich Greek gastronomy. Plaka is near Syntagma Square, where you can take any of the lines of public transport and around the city.
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It is the oldest neighborhood in the city of Athens.

Es el barrio más antiguo de la ciudad de Atenas.

Perderse por sus callejuelas es de lo más bonito. Las tabernas más típicas y los platos más deliciosos los encontrarás aquí. Además es el barrio para ir de compras... los productos típicos están aquí...
It is the oldest neighborhood in the city of Athens ... getting lost in its streets is the most beautiful. The most typical taverns and the most delicious dishes you will find here. It is also the neighborhood for shopping ... the typical products are here ...
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Historic, mythical, typical, must-have

Historique, mythique, typique, incontournable

The quartier d’Athènes. Coloré, festif. Pláka est définitivement le quartier d’Athènes à savourer sans modération.
THE district of Athens. Historical, mythical, typical, inescapable, colorful, festive, Pláka is definitely the district of Athens to savor without moderation ...
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On every street you go, there's a great...

Por cualquier calle que vayas ,hay un...

Por cualquier calle que vayas ,hay un ambiente estupendo ,con tabernas para comer o cenar en la calle y la sensación de ser bien acogido donde vayas.
On every street you go, there's a great atmosphere, with tavernas for lunch or dinner on the street and the feeling of being welcome wherever you go.
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The oldest neighborhood in Athens

O bairro mais antigo de Atenas

Plaka, é o bairro mais antigo de Atenas com ruas pitorescas ótimos restaurantes e bares.
Plaka, is the oldest neighborhood in Athens with picturesque streets great restaurants and bars.
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Barrio de Plaka

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Very characteristic and really place

Luogo molto caratteristico e davvero

Carino per passeggiare e cenare.
Very characteristic and really nice place to walk and have dinner.
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Via the Acropolis

Vía la Acrópolis

Vía la Acrópolis
Via the Acropolis
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