Pizzería Guerrín
Eat 'of dorapa' in slang, means to step up. This modality is still practiced in this classic and popular pizzeria in Corrientes. In GUERRIN the bar is popular, but it also has a lounge where you will find people eating as God intended, or sitting at a table. The pizzeria has been in operation since 1932 and is a classic Buenos Aires establishment. In my opinion it serves the best pizzas, pies fainas and Corrientes Avenue. The atmosphere, typical of the avenue, is as it should be: Loud and crowded. GUERRIN is one of the best places to end the night after enjoying a film in the nearby cinema. If
You really want to eat as they do in Buenos Aires, but sure not to sit, but rather, eat anchovy pizza with tomato mozzarella or special in the bar 'of dorapa'.
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