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2 reviews of Pascual Abaj

Pascual Abaj

The Pascual Abaj is The hill that can be found just outside of Chichicastenango, on the same side as the cemetery. People gather there to take part in Mayan rituals of begging the dead to come back down to earth. The ceremonial figure gets there with offerings, and then they all begin to pray in what seems like a mixture of swindle and long speeches, in which you try to communicate with the beyond. It is a very impressive, the amount of people coming. Guatemala does not have the tradition and Mexico to instruct all a shaman, who leads all requests from one community to the gods. Here everyone comes with their children, the whole family asked the same thing, the dead or the gods.

The conquerors tried to impose their religion on the Mayans, but they only pretended to be Catholics while they retained their strong pre-Hispanic Mayan traditions. The most convenient way to get there is by taking a rickshaw. Remember that these ceremonies are very solemn and sacred to the Mayans, and that the altars represent very important things to them. In making offerings to the gods, there are flowers, but also food, alcohol and cigarettes, and they burn incense.
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One can not leave Chichicastenango...

Uno no puede irse de Chichicastenango...

Uno no puede irse de Chichicastenango sin ir a ver el Pascual Abaj. Se halla al sur de la ciudad, en lo alto de una colina. No hay ningún problema para encontrarlo porque todos los lugareños conocen y veneran este lugar. Desde la zona de las morerias (talleres de máscaras) sólo hay que seguir un camino arbolado que va cuesta arriba por la colina. El paseo es muy bello, cubierto de pinares, siempre verde. Al llegar arriba, lo primero en verse es una estatua negra, casi informa, ennegrecida por el humo: es Pascual Abaj. Pascual Abaj significa para los mayas "piedra de sacrificio". Es un santuario en honor a Huyup Tak´ah, dios maya de la tierra cuyo nombre significa "llanura montañosa". Se cuenta que este ídolo de piedra, indescriptible, tienen cientos e incluso miles de años. Ha sufrido algunos daños por parte de extranjeros, pero todo el pueblo de Chichicastenango le sigue venerando. Los brujos y brujas del pueblo acuden regularmente a este lugar para ofrecer a la deidad comida, cigarros, coca colas, flores, un pollo... Suelen ir acompañados de una o varias familias que desean algún favor del dios. Es fascinante presenciar una de estas ceremonias, eso sí, siempre desde una distancia prudencial y desde el respeto y el silencio.
One can not leave Chichicastenango without going to see the Abaj Pascual. It is located south of the city, on top of a hill. There is no problem finding it because all the locals know and revere this place. Since the area of ​​the Morerías (workshops masks) just follow a wooded path going uphill the hill. The walk is beautiful, covered with pine trees, evergreen. At the top, the first thing to be is a black statue, almost reportedly enengrecida by smoke: is Abaj Pascual. Pascual Abaj means for the Maya "sacrificial stone". Is a shrine in honor of Huyup Tak'ah, Mayan earth god whose name means "mountain plain." It is said that this stone idol, indescribable, tien hundreds and even thousands of years. It has suffered some damage by foreigners, but all the people of Chichicastenango will still venerated. The Witches of people regularly go to this place to offer to the deity food, cigarettes, cocacoolas, flowers, a chicken ... Usually accompanied by one or more families who want a favor from God. It is fascinating to witness one of these ceremonies, yes, always from a safe distance and from the respect and silence.
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Information about Pascual Abaj