Renata Werneck
The City of my childhood!
A Cidade da minha infância!
Paracambi é a cidade da minha infância, onde os meu avós viveram e criaram seus filhos, brinquei muito por lá e hoje em dia, toda vez que vou, sinto uma saudade enorme daquele tempo e acabo conhecendo coisas novas sobre a cidade.
Todas as fotos que postei foram feitas por mim em 2012.
Cidade pequena, porém aconchegante.. para quem gosta de viajar e de conhecer lugares diferentes, que pouca gente conhece.. Paracambi é uma ótima pedida, além disso é pertinho da capital, Rio de Janeiro, então não precisa ficar por lá!
Paracambi is the city of my childhood, where my grandparents lived and raised their children, played a lot there and today, every time I go, I feel a huge missed that time and I just know new things about the city. All photos I posted were made by me in 2012. I pulled out the information below site: "Despite being part of the metropolitan area of Rio, the city still retains its interior features and natural beauty, with about 21% of its area covered by Atlantic virtually untouchable, harboring waterfalls, rivers and trails that take visitors to know the richness of its flora and fauna of rare beauty. " What to see: "Knowledge Factory - Who is the Paracambi, can not fail to visit the Knowledge Factory, an old Textile Co. founded in 1871, in an area of 30 thousand square meters. The space has been transformed into an educational complex and houses four centers of higher education and vocational education, the School of Music of Villa-Lobos, the Planetarium and the Toy Viva. Onsite also are being built one Regional Library, the Science Museum and the new headquarters of the Villa-Lobos School. It construction of a nineteenth-century English. " "Park Bullfinch - Another good option is for the visitor to make an ecological walk and enjoy nature in the Bullfinch Municipal Park, located in an area of 1,100 hectares of Atlantic Forest. Already those who enjoy extreme sports can venture rafting and abseiling, in the rapids of Ribeirão das Lages. Meeting point for the sport, which happens every year, always on weekends, is the Terra Verde Farm on Covered Bridge neighborhood. Created by Mayor André Ceciliano by Law 9.985/2000 on January 19, 2002, the Municipal Park Curio, is located on the border between Paracambi and Engineer Paulo de Frontin. The place is run by the Department of Environment and called in honor of the Bullfinch bird native to the region and that is very appreciated by his singing, considered the most beautiful in Brazil. Bullfinch The park is located in an area of 1,100 hectares of Atlantic Forest. ecosystem and have advanced regeneration process, the city is preparing Paracambi local infrastructure able to receive daily hundreds of students, tourists, researchers and locals. The project included the construction of an eco-museum, cafeteria, parking, handicapped visual sensory trail, picnic area and bike path. " Among other wonders ... Small town, yet warm .. for those who enjoy traveling and seeing different places, few people know .. Paracambi is a great choice also is close to the capital, Rio de Janeiro, so do not be there!
