Coffee and a Neapolitan, for 1.80 euros
Coffee and a Neapolitan, for 1.80 euros. It is a true pleasure to start the morning with a smile, it is priceless. I pick up a newspaper, I sit at a table with my coffee, smoke mingling with pop music ... and cast a quick glance at today's headlines. Recently a child of three years told me that if my program went on DTT. I had never imagined such a brat using technicalities as unknown at a time when Spanish television was the only source of cartoons. Anyway, I came to talk Santa Eulalia del Horno. A franchise that has spread like wildfire, this is just icing sugar and tastes like cream and chocolate.
"This does not have cream," I say to the waitress, and I change it for another, so my portion this morning turns out to be double. This if perfect. Today I have a bikini operation, today I need a treat before entering work, tell me the next day ... And what the hell!
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