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Oscar Wilde Statue


12 reviews of Oscar Wilde Statue

Oscare Wilde in Merrion Square

This is the statue of Oscar Wilde located in Merrion Square Park. It's a bit hidden, and I believe it is facing his birthplace. It's in Merrion Square Park because he was going to meditate. In front of the two monuments are phrases written on some figures.

I love the simple pleasures; They are...

Adoro los placeres sencillos; son el...

Adoro los placeres sencillos; son el último refugio de los hombres complicados, te digo cuando me dices que soy feliz con cualquier cosa. No lo digo yo, que la genialidad, ese pensamiento tan bien condensado, esa manera de disfrutar de los pequeños detalles, es de Oscar Wilde. Estamos en Dublín y tenemos dos opciones. Comer en el MacDonalds o hacer un ‘picnic’ en un parque próximo con ayuda de un supermercado, también próximo. Esta opción sale más cara y el vientecillo más las curiosas palomas, acostumbradas a llenar el gaznate con impuestos revolucionarios a turistas como nosotros, no nos dejan en paz. Sin embargo nos reímos en grupo, con esa sensación extraña de estar viviendo algo especial. Miro la estatua de Wilde, tan relajado, tan alegre, tan informal. Sí, no me lo imagino en una estatua de pie, tieso y formal. Eso no iba con él. ¿De qué te ries?, dices. De nada, contesto. Demasiado sencilla mi sonrisa como para que me llamen complicada.
I love the simple pleasures; They are the last refuge of complicated men, I tell you when you say that I am happy with anything. Not me, that genius, that thought as well condensate, thus to enjoy the small details, is Oscar Wilde. We are in Dubln and we have two options. Dining at the MacDonalds or picnic in the near park with the help of a supermarket, also Prximo. This option leaves more face and the breeze more curious birds, used to fill the throat with revolutionary taxes to tourists like us, leave us alone. However we paddle in a group, with that strange feeling of living something special. Miro Wilde statue, so relaxed, so happy, so casual. S, I can not imagine a statue standing, stiff and formal. That was not going with him. From what you say ?, you laugh. Nothing, I replied. My smile too simple to complicated Call.
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While walking in Merrion Square, I came...

En me promenant dans Merrion Square, je...

En me promenant dans Merrion Square, je tombe nez à nez avec Oscar Wilde. L'homme qui pleure, l'homme qui rit (regardez bien son visage des deux côtés) ! Cette sculpture, située dans le coin sud-ouest du parc, a été réalisée par l'artiste anglais Danny Osborne en 1997. L'écrivain Oscar Wilde y est représenté assis sur un rocher de granit, appuyé sur un coude. "The Fag on the Crag" disent les dublinois. Danny Osborne a joué avec les différentes couleurs et texture de la pierre pour créer un portrait de l'écrivain beaucoup plus vivant que conventionnel. Cette œuvre en hommage à Oscar Wilde est placée en face de la maison qu'il habita pendant son enfance, située au n°1 Merrion Square.
While walking in Merrion Square, I came face to face with Oscar Wilde. The man who cries, the man who laughs (his face look good on both sides)! This sculpture, located in the southwest corner of the park was made by the English artist Danny Osborne in 1997. The writer Oscar Wilde is represented sitting on a granite rock, leaning on one elbow. "The Fag on the Crag" say Dublin. Danny Osborne played with different colors and texture of the stone to create a portrait of the much more alive than conventional writer. This work as a tribute to Oscar Wilde is placed in front of the house where he lived during his childhood, located at No. 1 Merrion Square.
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Part of Dublin Merrion Square Park is a...

Une partie du parc dublinois Merrion...

Une partie du parc dublinois Merrion Square constitue un véritable mémorial à la gloire d’Oscar Wilde, qui a vécu à proximité. Deux superbes statues, figurant un buste et une femme nue, sont posées sur un socle où sont écrites des citations plus ou moins célèbres de l’écrivain irlandais (par exemple, « Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast »). Surtout, devant ces deux statues se trouvent une troisième statue, représentant sur un gros rocher Oscar Wilde dans une position décontractée, l’air fier, une bague au doigt. Une merveille, à ne pas louper !
Part of Dublin Merrion Square Park is a true memorial to the glory of Oscar Wilde, who lived nearby. Two beautiful statues, depicting a bust and a naked woman, are placed on a pedestal where citations are written more or less famous Irish writer (eg "Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast"). Above all, before these two statues are a third statue, representing a large rock Oscar Wilde in a relaxed position, the proud air, ring finger. A wonder not to be missed!
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Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde

Dans Merrion Square, l'un des nombreux parcs de Dublin, on remarque de loin un homme allongé sur une pierre. C'est en fait la statue d'Oscar Wilde, l'air un peu moqueur, qui regarde de l'autre coté de la rue la maison dans laquelle il a vécu. Des citations de l'auteur sont visibles autour de sa statue, gravées sur des "piliers métalliques", et on peut passer un bon moment à les lire! Le parc est aussi très agréable.
In Merrion Square, one of the many parks in Dublin, we can see in the distance a man lying on a stone. This is actually a statue of Oscar Wilde, looks a little mocking, which looks from the other side of the street the house in which he lived. Quotes from the author are visible around his statue, carved on "metal pillars", and you can spend a good time to read! The park is also very nice.
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sarcastic sensuality

sarcástica sensualidad

Me encontré con esta composición en el que el protagonista es uno de mis autores preferidos, resulta significativo, que pese a tener frente a él a tan atractiva femina, se encuentre mirando el torso desnudo de un efebo más a su gusto, que se encuentra al lado. Creo que el autor acierta y transmite, pese a su dicho "el escultor piensa en mármol".
I ran into this composition in which the protagonist is one of my favorite authors, is significant, despite having to face him so attractive femina is watching a shirtless Adonis more to your liking, which is the side. I think the author is right and transmits, despite his saying "the sculptor thinks in marble."
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Face to face with Oscar

Cara a cara con Oscar

En el corazón de la ciudad georgiana de Dublín hay un precioso y cuidado jardín en Merrion Square, la plaza en la que vivió Oscar Wilde. Y frente a su casa hay una peculiar y colorida escultura que representa al escritor en un relajada posición que parece muy apropiada de Oscar.
In the heart of the Georgian city of Dubln there is a lovely garden care and Merrion Square, the square where Oscar Wilde lived. And in front of his house is a quirky and colorful sculpture representing the writer in a relaxed position that seems very appropriate for Oscar.
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Statue of Oscar Wilde

Estatua de Oscar Wilde

Si paseando por Dublín te encuentras esta estatua hazte una foto de recuerdo, pero no te esfuerces por buscarla, ya que no merece la pena como turista.
If strolling Dubln you find this statue become a souvenir photo, but not force yourself to get it, because it's not worth as a tourist.
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Oscar Wilde.

Oscar Wilde.

Estatua de Oscar Wild em Merrion Square
Statue of Oscar Wild em Merrion Square
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Located in a quite central park

Situada en un parque bastante céntrico

Situada en un parque bastante céntrico,no puedes perderte la visita de este escritor tan famoso
Located in a very central park, you can not miss the visit of this famous writer
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It is a very spacious, clean park, and...

Es un parque muy amplio, limpio, y con...

Es un parque muy amplio, limpio, y con mucho movimiento (de personas), había escuchado de Oscar Wilde, no lo recordaba muy bien, en esa visita, pues volví a recordar que fue escritor, y como no, su gran novela El retrato de Dorian Gray; y la de Salomé (que aun no lo leo, pero se antoja).
It is a very spacious, clean park, and with a lot of movement (of people), had heard of Oscar Wilde, he did not remember very well, on that visit, because RET to remember that he was a writer, and of course, his great novel The Picture Dorian Gray; and Salom (not yet read it, but it seems).
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For fans and non-fans of Oscar Wilde.

Para fans y no fans de Oscar Wilde.

Su estatua es la cosa mas bella que he podido ver, esta hecha con una delicadeza que da gusto y con unos colores vivos y preciosos. Cuando supe que había su estatua allí no sabía lo de sus colores, y cuándo la vi en persona de verdad de la buena que flipé.
For fans and non-fans of Oscar Wilde. His statue is the most beautiful thing I"ve seen, is made with a delicacy that gives pleasure and with vivid and beautiful colors. When I knew I had his statue there did not know what their color, and when I saw her in person really good I freaked.
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