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Old Town of Cáceres

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96 reviews of Old Town of Cáceres

The footsteps of Jews, Arabs, and Christians

The history of Cáceres goes back around 25,000 years, proof of which can be found in Late Paleolithic-era cave paintings found in a cave in the historic district. The cave is unfortunately closed to the public but there is an exact replica in the Interpretative Center. Cáceres was founded by the Romans in 25B.C. and is recognized as a bi-millennial city. Its later history was plagued by battles between Christians and Moors for control of the city, which was finally recovered in April 23rd, 1229 (St. George’s Day, patron of Cáceres) by Alfonso IX. When we pass beneath the Estrella Arch of the Puerta Nueva (15th century), we are really passing through much more than just physical space; we’re literally taking a trip through time and exploring the same worn cobblestones that felt the footsteps of Jews, Arabs, Christians, Mozarabs, nobleman, peasants, soldiers, and clergy on their way to the Plaza of Santa María , its Cathedral, and palaces.

It would be too much to describe all of the more than 100 buildings or historic places found within the old city walls, but the best way to begin is by visiting the city’s museums, especially that found in the Plaza de Las Veletas with its archaeological, ethnographical, and artistic collection and fully-preserved Arab cistern. The exhibit hall in the wall-walk of Santa Ana has a collection of objects from the modern history of Cáceres, and in the Palace of the Regional Administration there’s a multimedia exhibit about the province. You also shouldn’t miss the exhibit about the Three Cultures in the Tower of Bujaco, built in the 12th century. This gives access to the battlement and its overwhelming views of the medieval city.
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Old Town of Cáceres

Caceres is one of Spain's best preserved old towns. You can access the old walled city from the Plaza Mayor which, even today, still seems like it breathes medieval air. Besides the fact that the town is in such excellent condition, the most striking thing is that no modern buildings distort the landscape. This is what makes it a wholly unique city. You really should visit it when traveling to Extremadura as it is, along with Merida, the city with the largest legacy of community heritage.


Cáceres is one of the two main cities ...

Cáceres è una delle due principali c...

Cáceres è una delle due principali città della Regione dell'Estremadura, in Spagna, confinante con il Portogallo. Si tratta senza dubbio di uno dei centri storici più ricchi e completi del mondo, tanto da essere dichiarato Patrimonio dell'Umanità nel 1986. La città mescola diversi stili, da quello rinascimentale spagnolo e italiano al gotico e plateresco. Fondata dai Romani nel 34 a.C., raggiunse il suo massimo splendore nel '400 grazie al denaro dei Conquistadores tornati dal Nuovo Mondo. La città vecchia, contenuta tra le mura, è un susseguirsi di palazzi, chiese e piazze magnifiche e perfettamente integrate tra loro. Merita sicuramente la visita.
Cáceres is one of the two main cities of the Region of Extremadura in Spain, bordering with Portugal. It is without doubt one of the richest towns in the world and complete enough to be declared a World Heritage Site in 1986. The city mixes different styles, from Gothic to Renaissance Spanish and Italian and plateresque. Founded by the Romans in 34 BC, reached its peak in 400 thanks to the money of the Conquistadors returned from the New World. The old town, which is contained within the walls, is a succession of palaces, churches and squares magnificent and perfectly integrated. Definitely worth the visit.
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Old Town views Cceres

Vistas Casco Antiguo de Cáceres

En el Casco Antiguo de Cáceres puedes pasar varias horas por sus calles y plazas haciendo fotos o simplemente disfrutando de él, ya que es como si te trasladases a la época medieval. Hace poco me fui con la cámara a pasar la tarde, perderme un poco, ver algún que otro museo y hacer muchas muchas fotos.
In the Old Town of Cáceres can spend several hours through the streets and squares taking pictures or just enjoy it as it is as if you trasladases to medieval times. I recently went with the camera to spend the afternoon, lost a bit, see the odd museum and do many many photos.
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Walk to work.

Paseo hacia el trabajo.

Mi centro de trabajo es el Palacio de Carvajal, en plena parte antigua de Cáceres, la mayoría de las veces voy al trabajo andando y, casi siempre, hago el mismo camino; desde la plaza de San Juan me dirijo a la Plaza de Publio Hurtado (traseras del Ayuntamiento), cruzo la Puerta del Portillo para acceder al recinto amurallado, paso por la Plaza de Caldereros, bajo por la Cuesta de Aldana hasta la Plaza de Santa María y llego al Palacio de Carvajal. Este recorrido lo hago un día si y otro también siempre que voy al trabajo, y ya lo hago como quien va a por el pan, casi ni me fijo por donde voy. Pero para aquellos que no conozcan Cáceres les voy a explicar por donde paso realmente todas las mañanas. Llego a la Plaza de San Juan donde encontramos la Iglesia de San Juan Bautista, también llamada San Juan de los Ovejeros, esto lo cuento por que mi suegra se apellida Ovejero y sé que le va a hacer ilusión. Desde aquí pasamos a la Plaza de Publio Hurtado y a la derecha encontramos una de las entradas al recinto amurallado, la Puerta de Santa Ana, particularmente esta es la puerta de la muralla que más me gusta, de momento aún no entramos por ella, al lado tenemos la Casa Mirón, sede del Museo Municipal de Cáceres, seguimos avanzando y llegamos a la Plaza de Las Piñuelas, en las traseras del Ayuntamiento, aquí podemos ver la Torre del Horno y desde las empinadas escaleras una vista elevada del Foro de los Balbos y de la Plaza Mayor de Cáceres. Ahora sí nos disponemos a entrar en el recinto amurallado por la puerta del Portillo que nos lleva a la Plaza de Caldereros en la que destacan dos grandes palacios; la Casa de la Generala y la Casa de los Ribera, atravesamos esta plaza hasta toparnos de frente con la Casa Pizarro-Espadero, más conocida como la Casa del Mono. Giramos a la izquierda para bajar por la Cuesta de Aldana, por cierto, en esta bajada nos encontramos con El Corral de las Cigüeñas, café-bar-concierto con una actividad frenética, muy recomendable como diría una buena amiga, bueno seguimos con el garbeo al trabajo, al llegar al final salimos a la Plaza de Santa María justo al mismo tiempo que pasamos por la puerta de la Casa de los Moraga. Una vez en la plaza si giramos en sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj, podemos ver los siguientes palacios; Palacio de los Golfines de Abajo, Palacio de la Diputación Provincial, Concatedral de Santa María, Casa de Ovando, Palacio Episcopal y Palacio de Mayoralgo. Después del giro de 360º, y si no nos hemos mareado, ya solo queda atravesar la plaza en diagonal para llegar al Palacio de Carvajal.
My workplace is the Palacio de Carvajal, during the old part of Cáceres, most of the time I go to work on foot and almost always make the same way, from the Plaza de San Juan I head to the Plaza de P. Hurtado (rear of Town Hall), cross the Puerta del Portillo to access the walled enclosure, step Boilermakers Square under the Cuesta de Aldana to the Plaza de Santa Maria and get to the Palacio de Carvajal. This tour will make a every other day or whenever you go to work, and I'll do like going for the bread, hardly fixed me where I'm going. But for those who do not know I will explain Cáceres where really step every morning. I arrive at the Plaza de San Juan where we find the Church of San Juan Bautista, San Juan also called the Shepherds, I tell this because my mother's last name Shepherd and I know he will do illusion. From here we went to the Plaza de P. Hurtado and right are one of the entrances to the walled, Puerta de Santa Ana, particularly this is the gate of the wall that I like, yet the moment she walked in, next we Myron House, headquarters of the Municipal Museum of Cáceres, we move forward and reach the Plaza de Las Piñuelas in the rear of the City, here we see the Torre del Horno and from the steep stairs elevated view of the Forum Balbos and Plaza Mayor of Caceres. Now we are about to enter the walled by Portillo door that leads to the Plaza Boilermakers in which two large complex palaces, the House and the General's House of Ribera, crossed the square to run into opposite Pizarro-Espadero the House, known as the Monkey House. Turn left to go down the slope Aldana, incidentally, this drop we find El Corral of the Storks, coffee-bar-concert with frenetic activity, highly recommended as a good friend would say, well continue with garbeo to work, to get to the end we went to the Plaza de Santa María just while we went through the door of the House of Moraga. Once in the square if you turn counterclockwise to clockwise, we can see the following palaces Palace Golfines Down, Palace of the Provincial Council, Cathedral of Santa Maria, Casa de Ovando, Episcopal Palace and Palace Mayoralgo . After 360 °, and if we have not dizzy, i am just cross the square diagonally to reach the Palacio de Carvajal.
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Transported to the Middle Ages

Transporta al medievo

Pasear por las calles del casco antiguo de Cáceres transporta al Medievo y al Renacimiento. Es de los mejor conservados en Europa, normal que sea Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Un punto clave es la Plaza Mayor, de ahí se puede subir las escaleras que conducen al arco de la estrella y al atraversarlo, estás en una época diferente, has viajado al pasado: calles, plazas, palacios, iglesias y murallas. Lo mejor es perderser por la historia en ellas. Vaya una joya que tienen en Cáceres, ademas puedes visitar casi todo gratis. Es precioso y esta muy bien conservado. La visita guiada por la noche es un espectáculo! Muy buenos actores!...
Stroll the streets of the old town of Cáceres transported to the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. It is the best preserved in Europe, normal as World Heritage. A key point is the Plaza Mayor, from there you can climb the stairs leading to the arc of the star and cross it, you're in a different era, has traveled to the past: streets, squares, palaces, churches and walls. It is best perderser by history on them. Go a gem they have in Cáceres, plus you can visit almost all free. This is beautiful and very well preserved. The guided night tour is a show! Very good actors! ...
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A trip to the past

Un viaje al pasado

Una vez entras en la parte antigua de Cáceres es como si volvieses a la edad antigua, hay muy pocas cosas que te recuerden que estas en el Siglo XXI, ya que en la parte interior de la muralla (se conserva casi en su totalidad) todos los edificios y calles se mantienen en su aspecto original y no te encontrarás ningún edificio moderno. En la plaza mayor podrás disfrutar de comidas típicas en cualquiera de los restaurantes o taperías que hay, siempre disfrutando de las vistas de la zona monumental. Os recomiendo que la conozcáis y os deis un paseito por sus calles.
Once you enter the old part of Cceres is like coming old age, there are very few things that remind you you're in the twenty-first century, as in the inside of the wall (preserved almost in its entirety) all buildings and streets are kept in their original appearance and do not encontrars No single modern building. In the main square podrs tpicas enjoy meals at any of the restaurants or taperas there, always enjoying the view of the historic area. I recommend that the conozcis and trully one little walk through its streets.
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This well preserved and wonderful place...

Este bien conservado y maravilloso...

Este bien conservado y maravilloso lugar te transportará a la Edad Media en cuanto te pierdas entre sus estrechos callejones y amplías plazas, el casco antiguo se divide en 4 parroquias a partir de las cuales se desarrolló la estructura de la ciudad... Santa María, San Juan, San Mateo y Santiago... sitios imperdibles dentro del casco histórico: iglesia de San Francisco (mi favorita), la plaza mayor, el arco de las estrella, también hay un sinfín de casas nobles cuya portada siempre está adornada por el escudo de la familia.... en fin, si quieres volver en el tiempo, está hermosa ciudad es ideal
This well preserved and wonderful place will transport you to the Middle Ages as soon as you get lost in its narrow alleys and wide squares, the old town is divided into 4 parishes from which the structure of the city was developed ... Santa María, San Juan, San Mateo and Santiago ... unmissable places within the historic center: San Francisco church (my favorite), the main square, the star arch, there are also countless noble houses whose front is always adorned by the family coat .... in short, if you want to go back in time, this beautiful city is ideal
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A wonderful place where you can transport yourself to another era

Un lugar maravilloso dónde podrás transportarte a otra época.

Habitada históricamente por romanos, musulmanes, cristianos y judíos, lleva en sus calles y en sus construcciones la herencia finamente entretejida de todas esas culturas. Te sorprenderá sobre todo si tienes el privilegio de que te guíen contándote sus historias.
A wonderful place where you can transport yourself to another era. Inhabited historically by Romans, Muslims, Christians and Jews, it carries in its streets and its buildings the finely woven heritage of all those cultures. It will surprise you especially if you have the privilege of being guided by telling you their stories.
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Essential visit

Visita imprescindible

Muy interesante contratar la visita guiada y luego perderse por los rincones que nos vayamos encontrando. También es muy interesante visitar la Concatedral y subir a la torre del campanario y por supuesto el Aljibe, el segundo mejor conservado de Europa.
Very interesting hire the tour and then lost in the corners finding us out. It is also very interesting to visit the Cathedral and climb the bell tower and of course the cistern, the second best preserved in Europe.
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this palace has a tower

Le centre historique n'est plus habité

Le centre abrite des bureaux administratifs. Les marches montent aux remparts. Il faut monter par l'arc de la Estrella de Churriguera, l'on arrive à la plaza de Santa María où se trouve la cathédrale du même nom avec voûtes gothiques et détails renaissance. Derrière se trouve le palais de Carvajal qui accueille l'Office de tourisme. Il faut se promener dans les jardins à l'arrière, vous verrez une tour mauresque qui abrite des fresques du XVIeme. En face de la cathédrale se dressent 3 belles demeures seigneuriales de style renaissance en pierre, le palacio épiscopal, le palacio de Hernando de Ovando, nommé par les rois catholiques Nicolas Ovando succéda à Christophe Colomb comme gouverneur des Antilles. Il faut noter le palacio de los Golfines de Abajo. Ce palais possède une tour (gothique tardif) avec éléments churrigueresques.
THE HISTORICAL CENTER IS NO LONGER. THE ABRIDAL CENTER OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES. THE MARCHES rise to the ramparts. you have to climb up the arc de la Estrella de Churriguera, you reach the Plaza de Santa María where you will find the Cathedral of the same name with Gothic vaults and Renaissance details. Behind is the Carvajal Palace which hosts the Tourist Office. you have to walk in the gardens at the back you will see a Moorish tower which houses frescoes of the XVIth. in front of the cathedral are 3 beautiful manor houses of renaissance style in stone the episcopal palace, the palace of Hernando de Ovando, named by the Catholic kings Nicolas Ovando succeeded Christopher Columbus as governor of the West Indies. it is worth noting the Palacio de los Golfines de Abajo. this palace has a tower (late Gothic) Churrigueresques elements.
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We must take advantage of visiting the various shops selling the Iberian ham and other

Há que aproveitar a visitar as várias lojas de venda do presunto ibérico e outras

Inúmeras, iguarias apetecíveis típicas da região entre elas os queijos, em especial o queijo premiado de nome “Torta de casar”.
It is necessary to take advantage of visiting the various shops selling Iberian ham and other, numerous, typical delicacies of the region among them the cheeses, in particular the cheese awarded "Torta de casar".
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Casco Antiguo nocturno and rainy.

Casco Antiguo nocturno y lluvioso.

Casco Antiguo night and rainy.
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Cáceres is my city and I would show it ...

Cáceres es mi ciudad y me gustaría m...

Cáceres es mi ciudad y me gustaría mostrarla para todo aquel que no la conozca. Es pequeña pero a la vez independiente y perderse en sus calles es un auténtico placer para los sentidos. Para ver que todo esto es verdad venid a verlo pero si no aquí teneis algunas fotos.
Cáceres is my city and I would show it to anyone who does not know. It's small yet independent and lost in the streets is a pleasure for the senses. To see that this is true come and see but if not here are some pictures.
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Information about Old Town of Cáceres