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8 reviews of Oberammergau

This picturesque and historical German...


This picturesque and historical German town, Oberammergau, belongs to the district of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, in Bavaria. It is known for the showing of the Passion of the Chris which takes place every 10 years. This tradition dates back to the seventeenth century. In the facades of Oberammergau exists what is called Lüftlmalerei, something common in areas of Upper Bavaria. They recreate pictures on house facades - in the eyes of the beholder these pictures seem to be almost real. It's like an outdoor museum; stories are told on the walls, some are religious, some are fairy tales. A highlight is, for example, "Pilatushaus" or "House of Pilate".

This eighteenth century house boasts the freshest and most impressive highlights of Oberammergau. It's facade is the palace of Pontius Pilate and the scenes are so deep and intricate that they appear to be a three-dimensional image. Also very striking are the children stories which are shown on the facades, such as Little Red Riding Hood and Hansel and Gretel. These are just some of the images that show the fronts of Oberammergau but there are many more. You can take an idyllic walk through its streets and admire the backdrop of the Alps. Definitely a charming walk.
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On the road of castles of Bavire

Sur la route des châteaux de Bavière

Sur la route des Hautes Alpes au Sud de l’Allemagne, à quelques kilomètres de la frontière autrichienne et à cinq minutes en voiture de l’un des trois châteaux célèbres du roi Louis II de Bavière (château de Linderhof) voici le gros bourg de Oberammergau dans le district de Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Oberammergau est situé au bord de la rivière Ammer, le bourg est célèbre pour les peintures baroques sur la façade de nombreuses maisons anciennes : le « Lüftlmalerei ». La plus célèbre de ces maisons est la maison Pilate, « Pilatus Haus », richement décorée, que vous pourrez visiter. Oberammergau offre toutes les caractéristiques des villes à fréquentation touristique importante : restaurants, boutiques, hôtels et maisons d’hôtes. Etape presque incontournable sur la route des châteaux de Bavière, garez votre voiture et promenez-vous au hasard dans ses rues en vous éloignant un peu de la rue principale pour un agréable retour au XVIIIème siècle (façades datées à partir de 1750). Dans un registre plus logistique je vous recommande un arrêt prolongé à la boutique de Noël Christkindlmarkt sur la place de l’église, un autre chez le glacier Eiscafe Paradiso dans la rue principale pour des crèmes glacées top qualité (et très généreuses, je vous recommande celle aux cerises), et un dîner au restaurant de l’hôtel Maximilian, le Ammergauer Maxbraü pour une robuste cuisine bavaroise. Si vous disposez d’un peu plus de temps empruntez le "Cable Car" (téléphérique) au départ de Laber-Bergbahn à cette adresse : Ludwig-Lang-Str. 59 82487 Oberammergau Vous grimperez à 1 684m, sur la montagne Laber pour profiter d’un superbe panorama qui s’étend jusqu’à Munich. Lorsque j’y étais des parapentistes s’élançaient pour profiter de cette vue à couper le souffle. En hiver il peut s’agir également d’un point de départ pour de nombreuses pistes de ski. Un restaurant vous attend au sommet. En haute saison la dernière télécabine redescend à 17h30. A quelques kilomètres en voiture, ne ratez pas la visite de la basilique baroque de Ettal, une basilique située à l’intérieur d’un monastère dans lequel vivent encore des religieuses.
The High Alpine Road in southern Germany, a few kilometers from the Austrian border and five minutes drive from one of the three famous castles of King Ludwig II of Bavaria (Linderhof Castle) Here the large village of Oberammergau in the district of Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Oberammergau is located beside the River Ammer, the town is famous for the baroque paintings on the facade of many old houses: the "Lüftlmalerei." The most famous of these houses is the house Pilate, "Pilatus Haus", richly decorated, you can visit. Oberammergau offers all the features of the cities major tourist attendance: restaurants, shops, hotels and guest houses. Step almost inevitable on the road of the castles of Bavaria, park your car and walk randomly in the streets in a little away from the main street for a pleasant return to the eighteenth century (facades dating from 1750). In a logistic register I recommend an extended Christmas shop Christkindlmarkt on the church square off, another at the Paradiso glacier Eiscafe in the main street for ice cream top quality (and very generous, I recommend the cherry), and dinner at the hotel restaurant Maximilian, the Ammergauer Maxbräu for robust Bavarian cuisine. If you have a little more time take the "Cable Car" (cable car) from Laber-Bergbahn at this address: Ludwig-Lang-Str. 59 82487 Oberammergau Climb to 1 684m on the Laber mountain to enjoy a panoramic view that extends to Munich. When I was there paragliders sprang to enjoy the breathtaking view. In winter it can also be a starting point for many ski slopes. There is a restaurant at the top. In high season the last cable car back down to 17.30. A short drive away, do not miss visiting the Baroque Church of Ettal, a basilica located inside a monastery where nuns still live.
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Visiting Bavaria, I went through this...

En visitant la Bavière, je suis passée p...

En visitant la Bavière, je suis passée par cette charmante petite ville aux maisons peintes en trompe l’œil, comme on le voit souvent dans cette belle région. Ici cependant, ces façades peintes au XVIIIe siècle, dites « Lüftlmalerei », sont particulièrement nombreuses et font la renommée de la ville. Le lieu est également réputé pour ses sculptures et gravures sur bois, et plusieurs boutiques vendent le fruit de cet art pratiqué ici depuis le XIIe siècle. Enfin, Oberammergau est, tous les 10 ans, le lieu d’une manifestation aujourd’hui mondialement connue appelée « Jeu de la Passion ». Celle-ci vit le jour dans un contexte de guerres et d’épidémie de peste au XVIIe siècle par un serment des habitants de célébrer tous les dix ans un « Jeu de la souffrance, de la mort et de la résurrection de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ »… Je n’ai personnellement jamais assisté à l’événement, mais sachez que sa 41ème édition aura lieu en 2010 soit l’année prochaine ! Un endroit où s'arrêter dans tous les cas, ne serait-ce que pour flâner dans le centre-ville et admirer les peintures baroques qui ornent les façades des maisons.
Visiting Bavaria, I went through this charming little town with houses painted trompe l'oeil, as we often see in this beautiful area. Here, however, the facades painted in the eighteenth century, called "Lüftlmalerei" are particularly numerous and are the hallmark of the city. The place is also famous for its sculptures and woodcuts, and several shops selling the fruit of this art practiced here since the twelfth century. Finally, Oberammergau every 10 years, instead of the now world famous event called "Passion Play." It was born in a context of war and plague in the seventeenth century by an oath of inhabitants celebrate every ten years a "Game of the suffering, death and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ "... I have personally never attended the event, but know that its 41th edition will take place in 2010 or next year! A place to stop in all cases, even if only to stroll through the city and admire the baroque paintings that adorn the facades of houses.
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Small town in the Alps

Pequena cidade dos Alpes

Oberammergau é uma pequena vila próxima de Munique, à entrada dos Alpes Bávaros, e é conhecida essencialmente por três coisas: Os luftmalerei, a paisagem deslumbrante, a representação da Paixão de Cristo e o artesanato de madeira. Os luftmalerei são frescos pintados nas paredes das casas ilustrando a Paixão de Cristo. A paisagem deslumbrante é mais apreciável na Primavera quando existe ainda neve no cume dosalpes. A representação de Cristo é uma ceimónia teatral que sucede de 10 em 10 anos, desde 1634, como gratidão dos povos por a vila ter sido poupada à Peste Negra. Finalmente, como em muitas ciadades do centro da Europa existe a tradição de trabalhar a madeira em artigos de artesanato. Recomendado
Oberammergau is a small village near Munich, at the entrance of the Bavarian Alps, and is known primarily for three things: The luftmalerei, the stunning scenery, the representation of the Passion of Christ and wooden crafts. The luftmalerei are frescoed walls of houses illustrating the Passion of Christ. The breathtaking scenery is more appreciable in the spring when there is still snow on the summit dosalpes. The representation of Christ is a theater that succeeds ceimónia 10 in 10 years, since 1634, in gratitude of the people of the village have been spared the Black Plague. Finally, as in many ciadades central Europe there is a tradition of woodworking in handicraft items. Recommended
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Passionate people

Un pueblo apasionado

Oberammergau fué todo un descubrimiento ya que íbamos camino de Garmisch-Partenkirchen donde teníamos el hotel. Fué una sorpresa muy agradable por la espectacular decoración en las fachadas de las viviendas, sus arreglos florales y sus artesanos de la madera. Si viajais por esta zona haciendo "la ruta romántica" no dejeis de visitarlo.
Oberammergau was a revelation as we were heading to Garmisch-Partenkirchen where we had hotel. It was a very pleasant surprise for the spectacular decoration on the facades of the houses, their flower arrangements and wood craftsmen. If yours is this area doing "the Romantic Road" do not let to visit.
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Passionate people

Un pueblo apasionado

Oberammergau fué todo un descubrimiento ya que íbamos camino de Garmisch-Partenkirchen y nos desviamos para hacer una pausa en el camino. Espectacular sus casas con esos preciosos murales. Espectacular sus arreglos florales y sus artesanos de la madera. Si estaís por esta zona haciendo "La ruta romantica" acercaros a esta población. No os defraudará. Y cerca de aquí, visitad Wieskirche, una preciosa iglesia rococó patrimonio de la Unesco.
Oberammergau was a revelation as we were heading to Garmisch-Partenkirchen and we turn to pause along the way. Spectacular home with those beautiful murals. Spectacular flower arrangements and wood craftsmen. If you are in this area by "The route romantica" get close to this population. Do not disappoint. And near here, visit Wies, a beautiful rococo church Unesco heritage.
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We arrived without wanting to...

Llegamos sin querer a oberammergau....

Llegamos sin querer a oberammergau. Cuando reservé hotel para visitar el Zugspite y el castillo de Luis II de Baviera, no advertí que el elegido no estaba en garmisch como pensaba. Llegámos por camino de montaña entre pinos, lagos verdes y nubes que casi tocábamos con las manos. Un lugar realmente atemporal. Un rincón maravilloso que parece suspendido en el tiempo.
We arrived without wanting to oberammergau. When you reserv hotel to visit Zugspite and castle of Ludwig II of Bavaria, not advert that was not chosen GARMISCH as I thought. Llegmos by mountain road between pines, green lakes and clouds that almost tocbamos hands. A truly timeless place. A wonderful rincn that seems suspended in time.
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Beautiful village of painted houses

Precioso pueblo de casas pintadas

Precioso pueblo de casas pintadas
Beautiful village of painted houses
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Information about Oberammergau