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Niagara Falls - New York

29 reviews of Niagara Falls - New York

Where Clouds are Made


After arriving in Niagara Falls City, in New York, you can see "a kind of smoke" that reaches into the sky. It's the waterfalls that dampen you after just approaching. They're full of life, with a fall of over 50 meters, and on a sunny day, the droplets make a bouncing rainbow. I grabbed my camera and adjusted the shutter, I tried to show that experience of colour, sound, and humidity.

Niagra Fall

People from all around the world came to see the beauty of the beauty of Niagra Fall in New York City. They are bussy to capture more and more photo to remember their one of the best time with this natural beauty

Very recommended


I went on the lady of the mist boat, and it was incredibly amazing, I just felt like screaming because the energy at the falls is unique. The boat get very close and at some point I felt like I was on a dream.

Ps: I also went to the cave of the winds, which is on the US side.

Niagra Fall

L 'water that thunders!

L' acqua che tuona!

Arriviamo a Niagara Falls lato Stati Uniti dove ci aspetta uno spettacolo emozionante. Da lontano si scorge la nuvola d’ acqua che la gigantesca caduta d’ acqua genera e già ci sentiamo intimoriti da questo spettacolo che offre la natura. Dopo aver sostato per circa un’ ora, si spostiamo al lato canadese e passiamo la frontiera con formalità ridotte al minimo. Si respira un’ aria di grande civiltà…ed è una sensazione bellissima. La guida ci fornisce i biglietti per il battello che ci porterà fin sotto il salto d’ acqua e quindi ci imbarchiamo. Mi viene un dubbio: ma se il motore andasse in avaria, che ci succede? Dritti sulle rapide? Ma no, niente paura dice la guida, il battello ha ben quattro motori! L’ esperienza è favolosa! Dopo aver indossato gli strani impermeabili colorati che ci vengono forniti, ci avviamo verso la cascata. Non abbiamo parole, è uno spettacolo fantastico. Le mie foto-video-riprese sono effettuate in modo rocambolesco: per non bagnare troppo gli obbiettivi mi nascondo, nei momenti più “bagnati ”indietro ad una struttura del battello, per poi apparire all’ improvviso e riprendere. Non riesco comunque ad evitarmi uno scroscio d’ acqua che mi inzuppa.
We arrive in the United States side of Niagara Falls where we expect an exciting show. From a distance you can see the cloud of 'the giant water fall d' water generates and already we feel awed by this spectacle that nature has to offer. After stopping for about an 'now, you move to the side and pass the Canadian border formalities minimized. It exudes an 'air of a great civilization ... and it's a wonderful feeling. The guide provides the tickets for the boat that will take us right up to the jump d 'water, and then we embark. I have a doubt: but if the engine went into failure, which happens to us? Straight on the rapids? But no, do not worry, says the guide, the boat has four engines! The 'experience is awesome! After wearing the strange colored raincoats supplied to us, we are heading towards the waterfall. We have no words, it is a fantastic show. My photos-video-shoot are made so daring: not too wet for the goals I hide, in the most "wet" back to a structure of the boat, and then appear to 'sudden and resume. I still can not avoid me a burst d 'water that soaks me.
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If I have already explained these...

Si j'ai déjà expliqué ces mots, tant mi...

Si j'ai déjà expliqué ces mots, tant mieux, sinon, tant pis, ce sera pour une autre fois. Le Canada est donc pour moi un voyage de noces, mais pour le coup, un voyage de noces en solitaire, mais tout solitaire qu'il soit, il se devait de passer par les chutes du Niagara. Cette formation naturelle est simplement impressionnante, certes, ce ne sont pas les plus grandes du monde, sauf que je ne pense pas qu'on puisse se trouver à... 1m50 des plus grandes. Sérieusement, vous pouvez presque toucher l'eau, et d'ailleurs, sur une certaine zone, c'est plutôt l'eau qui vous touche. Petit bémol, la ville qui se trouve derrière les chutes, ils en ont fait un temple à la consommation, tout est bon pour dépenser (ou gaspiller) de l'argent, fast foods à gogo, musées de seconde zone et j'en passe. Ca ternit un peu le tableau à mon goût. Cependant la marche d'approche pour les chutes, pour peu qu'on prenne le temps de s'arrêter de temps en temps vaut elle aussi le coup.
If I have already explained these words, so much the better, if not, too bad, that's for another time. Canada is therefore my honeymoon, but this time, a honeymoon alone, but lonely he is, he had to go through the Niagara Falls. This natural formation is simply impressive, certainly, it is not the largest in the world, except that I do not think you can find ... 1m50 larger. Seriously, you can almost touch the water, and also to a certain area, but rather the water that you touch. Small problem, the city is behind the falls, they made a temple to consumption, everything is good to spend (or waste) money, fast foods galore, second-class museums and so on . It tarnishes a little table for my taste. However, the approach walk to the falls, if we take the time to stop from time to time is also the spot.
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The American side of Niagara Falls are...

Les chutes du Niagara côté américain so...

Les chutes du Niagara côté américain sont constituées de deux des trois chutes qui constituent les Chutes du Niagara. Il y a donc les "American Falls" et "le Voile de la Mariée" qui est la plus petite. Dons reprenons, La ville de Niagara Falls fait partie de l'état de New York au Etats-Unis. Cet un endroit très touristique mais ça vaut vraiment le coup. C'est réellement spectaculaire à voir. On en prend plein les yeux; on se promène le long de la promenade pour voir les chutes sur toutes les coutures et ensuite, incontournable, je vous conseille d'embarquer sur le célèbre bateau "Maid of the Mist" pour cette fois avoir une vue des chutes vu du dessus. On est alors au plus près des chutes, on se fait arroser, on entend plus que le bruit provoqué par la violence de l'eau qui tombe. On se croirait dans un autre monde. Une expérience extraordianire!
The American side of Niagara Falls are composed of two of the three falls that make up Niagara Falls. So there are "American Falls" and "Bridal Veil" is the smallest. Donations resume, the city of Niagara Falls is part of the state of New York in the United States. This a very touristy place but it is really worth it. It is truly spectacular to see. We take full eyes, you walk along the promenade to see the falls from every angle and then, must, I suggest you board the famous boat "Maid of the Mist" for this time have a view falls viewed from above. It is then closer to the falls, there is water means more than the noise caused by the violence of the falling water. It's like another world. A extraordianire experience!
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Niagara Falls is actually threefold: *...

Les chutes du Niagara sont en fait...

Les chutes du Niagara sont en fait triples : * Le « fer à cheval » (Horseshoe Falls) ou chutes canadiennes ; * Les « chutes américaines » (American Falls) ; * Le « voile de la mariée » (Bridal Veil Falls), d’une taille moindre. Bien qu’elles ne soient pas particulièrement hautes, les chutes du Niagara sont très larges et certainement les plus connues à travers le monde. Cette merveille naturelle, haut-lieu du tourisme depuis plus d’un siècle, est partagée par les villes jumelles de Niagara Falls dans l’État de New York aux États-Unis et Niagara Falls dans la province canadienne de l’Ontario.
Niagara Falls is actually threefold: * The "horseshoe" (Horseshoe Falls) or Canadian Falls, * The "American Falls" (American Falls) * The "Bridal Veil" (Bridal Veil Falls), d a lesser size. Although they are not particularly high, the Niagara Falls are very wide and certainly the most famous worldwide. This natural wonder, tourism mecca for over a century, is shared by the twin cities of Niagara Falls, New York in the United States and Niagara Falls in the Canadian province of Ontario.
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Niagara Falls and Niagara Falls are a...

Les chutes Niagara ou les chutes du...

Les chutes Niagara ou les chutes du Niagara sont un ensemble de chutes d'eau situées à la frontière entre les Etats Unis et le Canada . Il y' a trois chutes du Niagara : le "fer à cheval" ou chutes canadiennes ( la plus large et la plus haute ) , les chutes Américaines ( plus petites que le fer de cheval) et le "voile de la mariée" ( la plus petite) . Les chutes du Niagara sont très larges . Avec un débit de 2800 m3 par seconde elles sont les plus puissantes chutes d'Amérique du nord. Les chutes du Niagara sont certainement les chutes les plus connues à travers le monde.
Niagara Falls and Niagara Falls are a set of waterfalls on the border between the United States and Canada. There has three Niagara Falls: the "horseshoe" or (the widest and highest) Canadian Falls, the American Falls (smaller than the horseshoe) and the "Bridal Veil" (the smaller). The Niagara Falls are very wide. With a flow rate of 2800 m3 per second are the most powerful waterfalls in North America. The Niagara Falls are certainly the best known throughout the world falls.
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The Niagara Falls

Les Chutes du Niagara

Les fameuses chutes du Niagara... Impossible d'aller dans le coin sans s'y arrêter, et honnêtement ça vaut vraiment le détour. Il n'est pas possible de rendre sur les photos la sensation qu'on éprouve sur place, le bruit de l'eau, l'embrun, la puissance des chutes. Les plus courageux pourront prendre le bateau qu'on voit sur une des photos (attention, les gens à bord étaient vraiment trempes!). Même sans faire d'attraction, compter quand même 18$ pour garer votre voiture au seul parking à proximité des chutes (tarif unique).
The famous Niagara Falls ... Can not go into the corner without stopping, and honestly it really is worth seeing. It is not possible to make the pictures the feeling one experiences there, the sound of water, spray, power falls. The more energetic can take the boat you see on a picture (note the people on board were really soaked!). Even without amusement, as though $ 18 to park your car in one parking lot near the falls (single rate).
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Sencillamente impresionante. No hay palabras para describir lo que es ver esa corriente de agua y el sonido tan fuerte que produce. Sin lugar a dudas es un lugar que hay que ver si se está por la zona. Cerca de las cataratas hay algunas tiendas, restaurantes y demás.
Simply stunning. There are no words to describe what it is to see the stream of water and the sound so loud that it produces. Undoubtedly it is a must-see if you are in the area. Near the falls there are some shops, restaurants and others.
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An incredible place to visit, I...

Un lugar increíble para visitar, lo ...

Un lugar increíble para visitar, lo recomiendo al 100%. Llevaba años queriendo ir y por fin pude tener mi experiencia. Lo que mas me llego a sorprender es la visita que te hacen en barco cerca de las cataratas y por el lado Canadiense la caida de ella. Además por la noche, ambas cataratas (EE.UU y Canada) Las alumbras con unos giugantescos focos de varios colores, las cuales las hacen atractivas las 24H.
An incredible place to visit, I recommend it 100%. Years wore wanting to go and I finally have my experience. What I came to surprise me more is the visit that make you boat near the falls from the Canadian side and the hang of it. In addition night, both cataracts (USA and Canada) The lights brighten with a giugantescos of various colors, which make them attractive 24H.
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Nice place to visit

Bonito lugar para visitar

He ido en varias ocasiones estando por acá ya que cada vez que tengo amigos o familia visitando NY no quieren dejar de conocerlas y bien merece la pena ir.
I've gone several times since being by ac every time I have friends or family visiting NY not want to stop know and well worth going.
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The emotion is great to see live all...

L'emozione è grandissima vedere dal ...

L'emozione è grandissima vedere dal vivo tutta quella maestosità e la forza che l'acqua è in grado d sprigionare è fantastico !!da provare è anche il giro fino sotto alle cascate al costo d 20 dollari grazie a delle piccole imbarcazioni .
The emotion is great to see live all that majesty and strength that water is capable of unleashing is fantastic! Try is also the ride up to the falls at a cost of under $ 20, thanks to the small boats.
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are spectacular you feel a harmony and an encounter with the

Espectaculares paisajes otoñales

Sientes una armonía y un encuentro con la naturaleza único. Octubre es un excelente mes para ir, hace un clima ameno, no es tan frío y se puede observar la caída de las hojas de los arboles. Espectaculares paisajes otoñales.
they are spectacular you feel a harmony and an encounter with the unique nature, October is an excellent me to go a pleasant weather is not so cold and you can observe the fall of the leaves of the trees, spectacular autumn landscapes
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Desde Nueva York se puede volar a Buffalo para ver las cataratas del Niágara. Desde el aeropuerto se puede ir de varias maneras, aunque la más cómoda y fácil es alquilar un coche. Las cataratas se pueden ver desde el estado de Nueva York, pero las mejores vistas son las de Canadá por lo que hay que cruzar la frontera. Se puede hacer a pie y lo único que hace falta es el pasaporte (para cruzar la frontera de Estados Unidos para volver hay que pagar 50 céntimos de dólar! Increíble!). La zona de Ontario es muy turística, pero desde ahí se ve la curva de la cascada completa. Al parecer hay una ruta detrás de la cascada y un recorrido en barco, pero en primavera, cuando yo fui, todavía estaban cerrados.
From New York you can fly to Buffalo to see Niagara Nigara. From the airport you can go several ways, but the most chest of drawers and easy is to rent a car. The falls can be seen from the state of New York, but the best views are from Canada so you have to cross the border. It can be done on foot and the only thing needed is the passport (to cross the US border to return there to pay 50 cntimos of dollar! Incredible!). Ontario area is very touristic, but since ah curve is complete cascade. Apparently there is a path behind the waterfall and a boat trip, but in spring, when I visited, were still closed.
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Information about Niagara Falls - New York