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The National Gallery

10:00 - 18:00
Opening Hours
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 21:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
Phone number
Do not wait to book your activities
74.65 £
166.12 £

37 reviews of The National Gallery


Presiding over London's Trafalgar Square is the spectacular building of the National Gallery, one of the most important museums in the world. Michelangelo, Van Gogh, Leonardo da Vinci, Renoir, Velasquez ... are just a sample of the geniuses ve have works in this gallery. Some of the most impressive (which attract more visitors) are the world famous Van Gogh Sunflowers, The Water Lily Pond, Monet, Madonna and Child, Santa Ana and San Juanito, Leonardo , The Arnolfini Portrait by Van Eyck, The Rokeby Venus by Velázquez ... There are about 2000 Western European paintings. Admission is free, like all public museums in London, but if you want access to often exceptional temporary exhibitions, you have to pay.

Currently there is a exhibition on Picasso. They also organize guided tours daily at 11:30 and 14:30 h, also on Wednesdays at 18:30. Visit Trafalgar Square at night as the building of the National Gallery is often illuminated with images of the current temporary exhibition.
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Awesome place


The National Portrait Gallery is one of...

La Galerie Nationale de Portraits est...

La Galerie Nationale de Portraits est l´un des musées les plus visités de Londres, avec la Tate Modern, le British Museum et la National Gallery. Le musée a trois étages, et on y trouve les portrait d´hommes et femmes célèbres, qui ont influencé l´histoire de la couronne et du monde en général. Les étages se divisent par thème, principalement par époque, XVIIème, XVIIIème, ou bien l´expo du moment qui est « Vanity Fair Portraits : Photos de 1913 à 2008 », et réunit 150 portraits qui ont fait la couverture de la fameuse revue depuis sa création à nos jours. Il y a également une sale de recherche, précieuse source d´information, avec des dizaines d´ordinateurs, qui permettent de consulter la base de données complète du musée, mais également des autres portraits exposés dans le monde. Il y a une expo temporaire en ce moment su les prix 2007 de photographie de portrais, à laquelle de jeunes photographes ont participé, et espèrent se faire connaître. Le musée a également une boutique souvenirs, une bibliothèque et un restaurant. L´entrée générale est gratuite, les expos temporaires payantes, mais généralement peu chères, 1 livres pour celles-là.
The National Portrait Gallery is one of the most visited museums in London, with the Tate Modern, the British Museum and the National Gallery. The museum has three floors, and there is the famous portrait of men and women who have influenced the history of the crown and the world in general. The floors are divided by theme, mainly time, seventeenth, eighteenth, or the show of the moment is "Vanity Fair Portraits: Photographs from 1913 to 2008," and brings together 150 portraits that made the cover of the famous magazine since its inception to the present day. There is also a dirty research, valuable source of information, with dozens of computers, which allow you to view the complete database of the museum, but also exposed other portraits in the world. There is a temporary exhibition that time knew the 2007 awards Photography portrais in which young photographers participated and hope to become known. The museum also has a souvenir shop, a library and a restaurant. General admission is free, with charge, but generally inexpensive temporary exhibitions, one book for those.
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The National Gallery is one of the...

La National Gallery es uno de los más ...

La National Gallery es uno de los más grandes y más importantes museos de Londres. Fue fundada en 1824, y tiene una impresionante colección, más que todo de pinturas, que van desde el siglo XIII hasta el XX. Las colecciones más recientes se encuentran en los museos de arte moderno de la ciudad. La National Gallery se encuentra en la plaza de Trafalgar Square. La entrada es gratuita, pero puedes dejar una donación en la entrada para contribuir al buen funcionamiento del museo, que recibe más de 4 millones de visitantes al año. El inmueble es un gran edificio de estilo neoclásico, que se parece al Partenón de Atenas, con un gran domo encima. Es un museo más pequeño que el del Louvre en París, o que el del Prado de Madrid, pero la National Gallery fue creada al inicio por la nacionalización de colecciones privadas, que pertenecían a los príncipes y reyes ingleses. Las donaciones todavía representan dos tercios de las colecciones y hay un montón de obras maestreas, como los Girasoles e Vang Gogh, telas de Rembrandt, Rubens, Velásquez, Titian, Da Vinci… La parte impresionista es muy amplia, con Monet, Van Gogh y muchos más. Durante la segunda guerra mundial, las telas se escondieron en Gales y fueron muy bien preservadas.
The National Gallery is one of the largest and most important museums of London. It was founded in 1824 and has an impressive collection, mostly of paintings, ranging from the thirteenth to the twentieth century. The latest collections are in museums of modern art in the city. The National Gallery is in Trafalgar Square. Admission is free, but you can leave a donation at the entrance to contribute to the smooth operation of the museum, which receives more than 4 million visitors a year. The property is a large neoclassical building, which resembles the Parthenon in Athens, with a large dome on top. It is a smaller museum than the Louvre in Paris or the Prado in Madrid, but the National Gallery was founded at the beginning of the nationalization of private collections belonging to the princes and kings of England. Donations still represent two-thirds of the collections and there are plenty of maestreas works such as Van Gogh Sunflowers and fabrics, Rembrandt, Rubens, Velasquez, Titian, Da Vinci ... The part is extensive Impressionist, Monet, Van Gogh and many more. During World War II, fabrics hid in Wales and were very well preserved.
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Majestic art

Un'arte maestosa

Ho visitato questo luogo nei primi giorni di maggio del 2011, ero in compagnia di mia madre. Dopo aver assillato per giorni i miei genitori, pregandoli di accompagnarmi in un luogo che se non avessi visitato in quel momento che mi trovavo a Londra me ne sarei in seguito pentita, mia mamma cedette, e una mattina, dopo un buon caffè, ci dirigemmo verso quell'imponente edificio che fino ad allora avevo visto solo nei film. Prima di entrare mi dovetti per forza fermare ad ammirarne la maestosità architettonica: sembrava quasi di trovarsi di fronte a un tempio greco incastonato tra le mura di un edificio più moderno ma altrettanto affascinante. Una volta entrata rimasi all'interno per ore e ore, apprezzando ogni pittura e soffermandomi su alcuni dei quadri più meravigliosi sui quali abbia mai posato gli occhi. Io che amo l'arte consiglio vivamente la visita di questo luogo affascinante, che accoglie dei capolavori su tela all'interno delle sue stanze altrettanto maestose e pittoresche.
I visited this place in early May of 2011, I was with my mother. After harassed for days my parents, asking them to take me to a place that if I had not visited in that moment that I was in London I would later regret, my mom gave in, and one morning, after a good cup of coffee, we headed to that formidable building that until then I had only seen in movies. Prior to joining I had to force stop to admire the architectural majesty: it seemed to be in front of a greek temple nestled between the walls of a building more modern but equally fascinating. Once inside I was inside for hours, enjoying every painting and reflecting on some of the most beautiful paintings on which I have ever laid eyes on. I love that art highly recommend a visit to this fascinating place, which houses masterpieces on canvas within its premises less majestic and picturesque.
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The London National Gallery has about...

A London National Gallery possui cerca...

A London National Gallery possui cerca de 2300 pinturas abrangendo diversos estilos, desde o início do Renascimento até ao Impressionismo. A galeria tem uma das maiores colecções de pintura do mundo. As principais pinturas da National Gallery são A Virgem e o Menino com Santa Ana e São João Baptista, O Casal Arnolfini, Os Embaixadores, O Díptico Wilton, a Vénus Rokeby, a Natividade Mística, A Banhista, A Ceia de Emaús, A Rapariga a Tocar Espineta, Os Banhistas em La Grenouillière entre muitas outras. A National Gallery situa-se em Trafalgar Square, uma das mais movimentadas praças de Londres.
The London National Gallery has about 2,300 paintings covering many styles, from the beginning of the Renaissance to Impressionism. The gallery has one of the largest collections of paintings in the world. The major paintings from the National Gallery are The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne and Saint John the Baptist, The Arnolfini couple, The Ambassadors, The Wilton Diptych, the Rokeby Venus, the Mystic Nativity, The Bather, The Supper at Emmaus, The Girl in the Play Spinet, The Bathers at La Grenouillière among many others. The National Gallery located in Trafalgar Square, one of the busiest squares in London.
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Le musée de la National Gallery est très réputé à Londres, car il accueille de très belles œuvres de peintres célèbres comme Van Gogh, Monet, Raphael, Renoir, et tant d'autres. Situé au sommet de la place de Trafalgar, le musée est gratuit ( chose étonnante étant donné les richesses qu'il contient !) et vous pouvez demander un guide audio avec votre London Pass dans la langue de votre choix, pour suivre une partie de la collection avec des explications sur l'artiste et l'oeuvre. Nous nous sommes attardés surtout devant les Tournesols de Van Gogh.
The Museum of the National Gallery in London is very famous because it is home to beautiful works of famous artists such as Van Gogh, Monet, Raphael, Renoir, and many others. Located at the top of Trafalgar Square, the museum is free (surprisingly given the wealth it contains!) And you can request an audio guide with your London Pass in the language of your choice to follow some of the collection with explanations about the artist and the work. We focused especially to the Van Gogh Sunflowers.
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Enjoying a strategic location and...

Bénéficiant d’un emplacement à la fois stra...

Bénéficiant d’un emplacement à la fois stratégique et idéal, faisant face au Mall Royal, en plein cœur du quartier des ministères et surplombant la très célèbre place de Trafalgar Square, la National Gallery est l’un des principaux musées de la capitale londonienne, connu à travers le monde pour la qualité de ses œuvres. L’entrée y est gratuite et l’on ne peut qu’être ébloui par les 2 000 œuvres et autres peintures présentées, datant du XIVème siècle à aujourd’hui. Un véritable haut lieu culturel pour les amateurs de peinture, à ne rater sous aucun prétexte.
Enjoying a strategic location and convenient time, facing the Royal Mall, in the heart of the government district and overlooking the famous Trafalgar Square, the National Gallery is one of the leading museums of the London capital known throughout the world for the quality of his works. Admission is free and can only be dazzled by the 2000 works and other paintings presented, dating from the fourteenth century to today. A true cultural mecca for lovers of painting, not be missed.
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The National Gallery in London is a...

La galerie nationale de Londres est...

La galerie nationale de Londres est aussi un des musées gratuits dans cette ville mais personnellement je n'ai pas beaucoup aimée. C'est une galerie avec beaucoup de cadres de grands peintres et même que ses couleurs sont très beaux je n'aime pas trop les peintures catholiques, une ou deux oui mais, la plupart de peintures dans ce musée c'était sur ça. Alors, si quelqu'un aime ce type de cadres vous aller l'adorer ce musée. Et c'est qui est aussi très dommage c'est qu'ici on ne peut pas prendre de photos, c'est interdit dans toute la galerie.
The National Gallery in London is a free museum in this city but I personally do not have much loved. This is a gallery with many great artists and executives as well as the colors are beautiful I do not like the Catholic paintings, one or two yes, but most of paintings in this museum that was on it. So if someone likes this kind of frames you get the love this museum. And who is also a shame is that here we can not take pictures, it is forbidden throughout the gallery.
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THE National Gallery museum is located...

LE musée le National Gallery est situé d...

LE musée le National Gallery est situé dans la ville de londres et plus précisément au Nord de place de Trafalgar Square. On découvre dans le musée un patrimoine anglais artistique très riche. Le batiment fait face à la célèbre colonne Nelson de Trafalgare Square. Situé dans le coeur historique de la vile de Londres, il est très facile de s'y rendre. véritatable lieux touristique de votre visite TRafalgar Square et le National Gallery sont des emblèmes culturels de la capitale anglaise
THE National Gallery museum is located in the city of london and more specifically North Trafalgar Square. We discover in the museum an English artistic heritage rich. The building faces the famous Nelson column Trafalgare Square. Located in the historic heart of the vile London, it is very easy to get there. véritatable tourist places you visit Trafalgar Square and the National Gallery are cultural landmarks of the English capital
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I fell in love with this museum.

Me enamoré de este museo.

¡Salí impresionada! La colección de arte que tiene es impresionante. ¡Si te gusta tanto como a mí lo disfrutarás de lo lindo! Otra parada obligatoria para cualquiera que viaje a Londres :)
I left impressed! The art collection is impressive. If you like it as much as I enjoy a great time! Another must for anyone traveling to London :)
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Open your eyes, you will combls!

Ouvrez les yeux, vous serez comblés!

Les photos étant interdites à l'intérieur, il faut se contenter d'imaginer le lieu : trônant sur la place de Trafalgar Square, un immense musée gratuit, 2300 toiles venues des grandes écoles d'Europe occidentale, des salles qui couvrent une période allant du XIIIème au début du XXème siècle, 4h de promenade parmi Van Gogh, Boticelli, Velasquez, Turner, Monet et j'en passe... A vos marques, prêts, observez!
Photos are not allowed inside, we must be content to imagine the place: enthroned on Trafalgar Square, a huge free museum, 2300 paintings come from the major schools of Western Europe, halls covering a period thirteenth in the early twentieth century, 4h walk from Van Gogh, Botticelli, Velasquez, Turner, Monet and so on ... On your marks, get set, watch out!
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The heart of London

El corazón de Londres

No es el centro del mundo pero junto con Nueva York, Roma y París, es una de las ciudades más visitadas de todo el planeta.
It is not the center of the world but along with New York, Rome and Paris, is one of the most visited cities across the globe.
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The National Gallery is a museum that...

Le National Gallery est un musée qui ...

Le National Gallery est un musée qui vous fait découvrir les génies de la peinture. Vous y trouverez les plus belles collections de peintures Européenne. L'entrée est gratuite. Il se trouve sur la place de Trafalgar Square. Sa date d'ouverture est 1824, le nombre d'œuvres est de 2300. Prenez votre temps pour le visiter, une journée ne suffira pas.
The National Gallery is a museum that makes you discover the genius of painting. You'll find the finest collections of European paintings. Admission is free. It is located on Trafalgar Square. Its opening date is 1824, the number of works is 2300. Take your time to visit, one day is not enough.
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