Alicia Ortego
Sacred bull
The Nandi is a sacred bull worshipped by the Hindus so for this reason it present in many of the temples of India. This bull is particularly unique. In 1659 this 5 foot tall statue was carved from a single piece of black granite. It also has its own priest-guardian. You can find this Nandi on the pilgram path to the Temple of Chamundi Hill. The climb is is a bit touch and even moreso in the summer heat so we decided to go by bus up the hill and walk back down. As it was the weekend, and it was full of people and college tours. Much of the path has been cemented with steps. There are baboons crossing the road too so you need to keep your eye out ...
I would not want one of these to bit me as they´re a bit aggressive and love to steal things. There were also large cobwebs and big spiders hanging from one side of the road to the other in some sections. The vegetation is thick throughout the area so sometimes they were right over our heads!
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