Mursi Village
Ethiopia is divided into two areas, north and south. In the north are the cities, palaces, castles and churches and south are the tribes. If the North is a wonderful the south is too. Inyou will foind the north are the churches of Lalibela and in the south that of the Mursi Tribe. This warrior tribe long ago discovered the "pay-per-photo" system. Whilst other tribes normally charge a birr per photo, thanks to the Germans and Americans they charge 10, extortionate. The Mursi know they are the most photogenic, especially the dishes that women wear on their lips which slowly stretch the lip out and they then put on a bigger dish.
We arrived, took a few photos and left as quickly as posible. They got a bit aggressive because we were not willing to pay what they wanted for the pictures. Anyway, here are some of the potos I could get, for you all to see. By the way, not all Mursi women wear dishes. Some of themhere simply paint ethnic designs.
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