Ruben Garcia Martinez
One of the most beautiful places in America
I was driving all day from Los Angeles along the coastal road towards San Francisco and I kept looking out the window at the suburbs of Los Angeles. It's a bit of a monotonous landscape but maybe interesting if you're not used to it. I had wanted to discover beautiful places to photograph but my hope was lost by the end of the day. I stumbled through the dark of the night long before reaching my destination and without having encountered any spectacular setting. I saw a sign that said "Morro Bay" and decided to find a motel and rest. The darkness had invaded everything and I could barely catch a glimpse of the ocean. The smell of the sea and the song of the sea lions were the only signs of its existence.
Very tired and a bit sad, I went to bed. I had no idea what I would find the next day. I woke up very early before the sun rose, made coffee in the room and prepared my bag to continue to San Francisco. I walked through the door and the morning was still chilly, even in May. The sky was leaden, the first rays of light filtered through the clouds timidly and only then did I see the beauty of the place where I was. The town had a magical enchanting feel. It was located on a slope with the Pacific Ocean at the bottom and there was a giant rock on water on which you could see the beautiful beaches that were vast and deserted. These were accompanied by sea lions and seagulls and fishermen who were preparing to climb into their small boats. I walked towards the great monolith of stone and the sun broke through the clouds and its light shone on the big rock. The first surfers arrived early to the icy water of the Pacific. I took out my camera and captured that moment and I knew then that I was in one of the most beautiful places in America.
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