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Morella Castle


24 reviews of Morella Castle

Take your time and enjoy it

If I had to choose the most impressive thing about this city, it would be the silhouette the of the castleas you’re driving up to the city. It seems like a three-layer cake, with the castle standing on top.

Tours of the castle begin atthe San Francisco covenant, where they provide you with great information about the place.

It was declared a historic-artistic monument, the castle rises above the city. It was built in the 18th century by a very recognizable Islamic defensive architect. On the tour, you’ll pass through all three levels, following the signs which give you plenty of information. They don’t just give you the name and the year, but put everything in its historical context.

Once you arrive at the highest point (it seems like the stairway is never ending), the castle provides you with incredible views of Morella and the Els Ports region.

I always recommend to take you time here and soak up everything you can. Observe, read, take pictures, learn. The Morella caste is like an open book of history and art, just waiting for you to read it. It’s great to visit with children and adolescents, as well. My nieces freeze up when they enter the prison chamber and read about the living conditions of the prisoners.

Great memories on a great summer afternoon.
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You’ll love Morella

Visiting Morella is visiting one of Spain's most magnificent towns.

Morella has been inhabited by all the Hispanic civilizations (Iberians, Romans, Visigoths, Arabs, etc.).

As a matter of fact, the Arab castle of Morella was conquered by the legendary Cid, before he went to Valencia.

It’s a complex of fortifications forming a ring various kilometers long that surround the castle. The castle was reconstructed in the Middle Ages by the templar knights. Today, it’s fairly destoyed from attacks it underwent during the Carlist Wars, especially those by Carlist general Cabrera (called the Tiger of Maestrazgo – see the sculpture). The entrance gates are of Saint Micheal, Saint Matthew, etc. from the 13th century.

The central street, Don Blasco de Alagón, is bordered by porches, where the merchants and handcrafters work and sell their products since the Middle Ages. Morella is known for their fabrics.

You must see the treasure of the Santa María church: the gate of the apostles and the virgins, and the spectacular charcoal stairway inside that lead to the chorus. The temple has been declared a national monument.

You should also see the Royal Convent of San Francisco, the aqueduct, San Nicolás church that hugs the museum, and the diverse ancestral houses running along the fortified wall.
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Worth the climb

Vale la pena subir

Visita obligada si vas a Morella, al verlo en la cumbre uno se asusta pero la subida es fácil, y solo el último tramo es un poco más fuerte hay que subir 98 peldaños, pero sin prisa se suben bien. Desde la cima del castillo a 1.072 m. hay una vista fantástica donde se puede ver parte de la comarca de Els Ports. Para visitar el castillo hay que entrar por el convento de Sant Francesc, visitar su iglesia, el claustro y la Sala de Profundis donde se pueden ver las pinturas murales medievales de la danza de la muerte. Todo está bien explicado con paneles indicativos y además en la entrada te dan también folleto con el recorrido. Consultar horarios, se paga entrada.
Must if you go to Morella, seeing him at the summit you get scared but the climb is easy, and only the last section is a bit stronger you have to climb 98 peldaos, but hurry up well. From the top of the castle to 1,072 m. fantstica is a view where you can see part of the region of Els Ports. To visit the castle you have to enter the convent of Sant Francesc, visit the church, the cloister and the Sala de Profundis where you can see the medieval wall of the Dance of Death paintings. Everything is well explained and indicative panels at the entrance besides also give you the tour brochure. Consult times, cover charge.
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A lord Castillo

Un señor Castillo

Hoy en día ya se tiene que pagar para casi todo. Para subir al castillo de Morella también se tiene que pagar,algo más de 3 euros. La subida se hace muy cuesta arriba y lo que no deja de sorprender es que haya tantas "estancias" vacias.
Today they have to pay for almost everything. To climb to the castle of Morella also have to pay more than 3 euros. The climb is uphill and what is surprising is that so many "stays" empty.
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Au sommet de la ville de Morella, on retrouve encore une fois, comme dans plusieurs villages de la côte valencienne, un château sur le rocher ! Malgré sa hauteur et sa place limitée, le château possède beaucoup de monuments intérieurs comme les tours de Homenaje, des pavillons et une prison, ainsi que le palais du gouverneur. S'ajoute au château, les fameuses murailles de la ville, avec les portes.
At the top of the town of Morella, once again we find, as in many villages of the Valencian coast, a castle on the rock! Despite its height and limited space, the castle has many inland attractions such as Homenaje towers, pavilions and a prison, and the governor's palace. Adds to the castle, the famous city walls, with doors.
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Culminates the village of Morella, its...


Culmina el pueblo dé Morella, su Castillo donde podemos descubrir su identidad y la historia de esta pequeña y amurallada población.
Culminates the village of Morella, its Castle where we can discover its identity and the history of this small and walled town.
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worth seeing no stopping to see and contemplate

Digno de ver, hay que parar a verlo y contemplarlo.

Digno de ver, hay que parar a verlo y contemplarlo.
worth seeing no stopping to see and contemplate
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We took the guided visit to the castle...

Hicimos la visita guiada al Castillo,...

Hicimos la visita guiada al Castillo, con unas vistas impresionantes, piedras llenas de historia, en la foto la escultura del general Cabrera, también conocido como el "tigre del Maestrazgo"
We took the guided visit to the castle stones full of history, with stunning views, in the overall picture sculpture Cabrera, also known as the "Tiger Mastership"
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It is a beautiful castle, the views are incredible

Es un castillo precioso

Es un castillo precioso, las vistas son increíbles! Hay que ir preparado para este pueblo de rampas y escaleras, la gente es encantadora y cercana! Animaros a venir!
It is a beautiful castle, the views are incredible! You should go prepared for this town of ramps and stairs, the people are lovely and close! Encourage them to veniiiir!
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Very nice people

Muy bonito el pueblo

Se come muy bien ese jamoncito de Teruel rico, rico lo recomiendo. Un buen paisaje y se respira aire muy puro.
that jamoncito of Teruel well eat rich, rich recommend it. A very good scenery and breathe fresh air.
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Pueblo bonito, con grandes y robustas murallas, calles estrechas y empedradascon una arquitectura medieval. tiene numerosas tiendas típicas donde poder comprar dulces tipicos, recuerdos, fosiles y gastronomía. podemos encontrar un museo de restos de dinosaurios. lo q menos nos gusto fue la visita al castillo con un precio demasiado abusivo para lo q se puede ver , la catedral es muy bonita con un órgano y un retablo digno de ver. En el interior hay una esposicion de arte medieval religioso, por lo demás una bisita muy interesante.
People pretty, with large, sturdy walls, narrow streets and medieval architecture empedradascon. has typical shops where you can buy typical sweets, souvenirs, fossils and gastronomy. we can find a museum of dinosaur remains. q what we liked least was the visit to the castle with a price q abusive to what you can see, the cathedral is very nice with an organ and an altarpiece worth seeing. Inside there is an exposition of medieval religious art, so other bisita very interesting one.
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Super bonitooo !!!

Súper bonito

Súper bonito
Super bonitooo !!!
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It reminds me of Saint Malo a lot

Me recuerda a Saint Malo mucho

Me recuerda a Saint Malo mucho
It reminds me of Saint Malo a lot
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Morella, a beautiful village in the...

Morella, un precioso pueblo de la...

Morella, un precioso pueblo de la provincia de Castellón que os recomiendo visitar.
Morella, a beautiful village in the province of Castellón I recommend visiting.
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walled city of great beauty that keeps...

Ciudad amurallada de gran belleza.

Guarda toda la esencia del medievo en sus calles.
walled city of great beauty that keeps the essence of the Middle Ages in the streets.
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Information about Morella Castle