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Monument to Discoverer Faith

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16 reviews of Monument to Discoverer Faith

Monument to Discoverer Faith


The Discoverer Faith Monument is dedicated to Christopher Columbus and is one of the main symbols of Huelva. It is located at the confluence of the rivers Tinto and Odiel (called Punta del Sebo), about 4 km from the city center and almost opposite La Rabida, where you can find Columbian Caravels Pier and the Monastery La Rabida. The image of Columbus stands on a pedestal representing the Aztec, Inca, Maya and Christian faiths, as well as commemorative plates. It was designed in a cubist style by Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney in 1929.


faith Discoverer

Fe Descubridora

Aunque en numerosos sitios lo denominan así, lo cierto es que se trata del Monumento a Colón en la Punta del Sebo. Así fue concebido por Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, autora del mismo. El Monumento fue construido bajo los auspicios de la Columbus Memorial Found. de Nueva York y fue un regalo de los Estados Unidos al pueblo español. Fue inaugurado por Miguel Primo de Rivera el 21 de abril de 1929 en presencia de numerosas autoridades españolas y norteamericanas así como de la propia Whitney. Toda la documentación que obra en el archivo personal de la escultora así lo denomina sin lugar a dudas. Como muestra os dejo un ejemplar de las invitaciones usadas para la inauguración procedente del archivo personal de la escultora Whitney.
Although many sites as they call it, the fact is that it is the Monument to Columbus in the Punta del Sebo. As he conceived by Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, author of the same. The monument was built under the auspices of the Columbus Memorial Found. New York and was a gift from the United States into Spanish people. It was inaugurated by Miguel Primo de Rivera on April 21, 1929 in the presence of numerous Spanish authorities and the US as well as Whitney own. All documentation that work in the personnel file of the sculptress as it is called without a doubt. As shown I leave a copy of invitations used for the inauguration from the personal file of the Whitney sculptress.
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Massive and colossal.

Massif et colossal.

Dans les faubourgs d'Huelva, au confluent des deux rios, Odiel et Tinto, tourné face vers le large, un colosse incarne le navigateur Christophe Colomb. Ce monument ne passe pas inaperçu en bout de rive juste avant le pont routier qui mène vers les zones industrielles et les raffineries. Il s'agit d'une œuvre "américaine" de 1924 due au sculpteur Gertrude V. Whitney et ce aux frais de la "Columbus Memorial Fund", cadeau des États-Unis au peuple espagnol.
In the suburbs of Huelva, at the confluence of two rios, Odiel and Tinto, tourn face off, a giant embodies navigator Christopher Columbus. This monument does not go unnoticed in the end just before the road bridge bank that leads to industrial areas and refineries. This is a work "amricaine" in 1924 by the sculptor Gertrude V. Whitney and the expense of the "Columbus Memorial Fund," the United States of gift to the Spanish people.
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it"s very good

esta muy bien

Esta muy cerca de la Rábida (Palos de la Frontera) en la que podréis visitar las carabelas de Cristóbal Colón.
It is very close to the Rábida (Palos de la Frontera) where you can visit the caravels of Christopher Columbus.
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To see

Da vedere

Il Monumento a la Fe Descubridora sicuramente rientra tra le cose da vedere a Huelva e il modo migliore per goderne a pieno, è arrivarci in bici dal centro città. Si può sfruttare così l'ottima pista ciclabile che porta fin sotto il monumento e se si va al tramonto la mezz'oretta di pedalata sarà allietata dagli splendidi colori del tramonto di Huelva.
The Monumento a la Fe Descubridora certainly is one of the things to see in Huelva and the best way to enjoy it in full, you get there by bike from the city center. So you can use the excellent bike path that leads right up to the monument and if you go at sunset the half hour ride will be accompanied by the beautiful colors of the sunset of Huelva.
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Nice to see you almost at the end of...

Bello, peccato lo abbiamo visto all...

Bello, peccato lo abbiamo visto all ultimo minuto dopo aver passato avenida Montenegro.
Nice to see you almost at the end of the avenida montenegro and I have not been able to see it close
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is very pretty

Es muy bonito

Se sitúa justamente al final del marítimo. Se puede llegar andando desde el muelle del río tinto y disfrutar a su vez de un paseo por el marítimo.
it is located just at the end of the maritime. You can walk from the quay of the Rio Tinto and enjoy a walk along the maritime. is very pretty.
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Histórico monumento en la punta del sebo, donde se puede observar la unión de los dos Ríos tinto y Odiel y el puerto de Huelva.
Historic monument in Punta del Sebo, where you can see the union of the two rivers Tinto and Odiel and the Port of Huelv
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Next to the quay of the red the most outstanding of the city

icono de Huelva Lo mas destacado de la ciudad

icono de Huelva Lo mas destacado de la ciudad
Next to the quay of the red the most outstanding of the city
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Impressive monument near the estuary and with sea views.

Impresionante monumento cerca de la ría y con vistas del mar.

Impresionante monumento cerca de la ría y con vistas del mar.
Impressive monument near the estuary and with sea views.
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Beautiful views

Preciosas vistas

Lo tipiquísimo de Huelva.
The tipiquisimo of Huelva. Beautiful views
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a classic.

Un clásico.

Un clásico.
a classic.
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very good place to walk walk outdoors

Muy buen sitio de paseo para pasear al aire libre.

Muy buen sitio de paseo para pasear al aire libre.
very good place to walk walk outdoors
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Enigmatic enclave

Enclave enigmático

Enclave enigmático
Enigmatic enclave
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Information about Monument to Discoverer Faith