Rodrigo Nieto
Medieval Market of Sigüenza
If anything characterizes Siguenza it is Medieval history, its beauty and its Medieval markets. The most popular Medieval Days are the 2nd July weekend, organised by the Medieval Association of Siguenza. Its magic is that people dress up as Medieval People, have bonfires in the streets with horses and squires. Medieval market lets you enjoy the stalls selling lace, meats, sweets, ornaments and a myriad of products of the time. Interestingly, during the medieval market days, they only accept the legal currency of the time, ie The Maravedí. Do not worry if you're wondering where the hell I get MARAVEDIES, hehe.
You get them in the information booths of Medieval Association. But you can also enjoy the market not only in the streets and on the dates indicated but also in the main square of Siguenza, seeing the Cathedral. As I say a flashback to one of the most beautiful and magical stages of history: The Middle Ages.
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