Simply heavenly
In the village of MATEULA, there are only 3 hostels: One at the beginning of the village, another next to the temple, in the center of the village fair, and the one where I stayed, at the top of the village. The views from my terrace were simply heavenly. Few times in my life will I enjoy these types of views in my "room". Everything around me was unbeatable. There were no meals, but fruit was around for you. A royal garden and not made by decorating professionals. Some young neighbors in the "flirting" age and a few birds here and there .. which made the only noise. After all of this the price of the "room" was one euro per head per day! ..
Is there any other place in the world better in value?. Ah! Here I'm wrong with the name as other many times. The correct name of the village is MATEULA, but do not remember the hostel. .
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