miguel a. cartagena
Very Original Wall
After our visit in the city of Toledo, we decided to stop in the mall to buy some things we needed. Here was where we found something really original.
In one of the parking lot’s wall that measured about 100 meters we found a series of figures and paintings with a message written on the wall. The message is a quote from an important literary piece, Miguel de Cervantes’ “La Galetea”.
We found next to it the figure of some swans and logs anchored to the wall.
This is a very original way to present a multitude of artists while decorating areas that are usually gray or boring. I think that I have never enjoyed so much a parking lot.
The fact that there were parked cars next to the wall was unfortunate, because it blocked the view, but still it was nice to see a work of this kind in a place where you usually don’t find this kind of things.
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