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Theatre of Marcellus

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17 reviews of Theatre of Marcellus

A little bit hidden

After testing the Bocca della Verita, we took the opportunity to continue our walk through Rome. We took the Via Luigi Petroselli and arrived directly at the Theatre of Marcellus.

Unlike the mighty Colosseum, the Theatre of Marcellus remains a bit hidden in the background, ready for those who chose to visit. The theater once had a capacity for over 10,000 spectators and was also once the largest in the city. It was inaugurated by the Emperor Augustus who named it after his nephew Marcellus who died under mysterious circumstances a few years later, but it was actually Julius Caesar who ordered its construction.

Centuries later, wealthy family homes were built on its ruins. You can still see these now-uninhabited homes resting on the ruins. Recently, they discovered other temples like the Porticus Octaviae. As happens in many other Roman theaters, summer operas and concerts are held in the facilities.
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Partially conserved

This is an ancient Roman theatre that's in a partial state of preservation. It was built by Julius Caesar but finished by Augustus between 13-11BC. It was dedicated to Marcus Claudius Marcellus, nephew of Augustus, who later died. The theatre was damaged in a fire and again during the battles between Vitellius and Vespasian and finally abandoned in the early 4th century. After its abandonment, the stones were used to repair the Cestio Bridge and it was later transformed into a fortress, luckily preventing further destruction. In the 13th century, the building was occupied by the noble Savelli family and then fell into the hands of the Orsini family in the 18th century.

A Renaissance palace occupies the third floor.
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Theatre of Marcellus


What is a trompe l'oeil? It is a visual deception made with a drawing or piece of architecture. These are much more common than they seem in Rome.

The Theatre of Marcellus, though, is the real deal.The ruins of the Roman theater were used to build a palace occupied by the Savelli and Orsini families until the 1920's when they left and the place was restored. I always thought that it was impossible for anyone to live there and it was all just a lie, but this is actually the truth!

es muy impresionante.


Es muy impresionante.
llegamos con mi familia a través de un tour guiado gratuito. free walk tour con Karla. lo recomiendo.
el teatro es muy llamativo y tiene una historia muy atractiva. les recomiendo visitarlo.

Free entry

This is an ancient Roman theater which is close to Vittoriano and worth visiting. It’s partially preserved and free to visit. It was built by Julius Caesar and finished by Augustus. The Porticus Octaviae is just around the corner and also makes for an interesting visit.


The Teatro de Marcelo is the second coliseum in Rome

El Teatro de Marcelo es el segundo coliseo de Roma

Más pequeño y más decadente que su hermano más famoso, pero bastante chulo no obstante. Terminado en el año 13 aC, el Teatro de Marcelo sigue el típico diseño de teatro romano con sus imponentes arcos, rampas y pasillos, y aunque es más pequeño que el Coliseo, podía albergar hasta 20,000 espectadores en su día. Durante el declive de Roma, las ruinas del teatro se transmitieron a familias ricas, algunas de las cuales construyeron su residencia sobre los arcos del teatro. Aunque no se puede visitar el teatro por dentro, los terrenos alrededor del teatro son libres de explorar y albergan otras reliquias romanas como el Templo de Apolo Sosiano o el Pórtico de Octavia.
The Teatro de Marcelo is the second coliseum in Rome, smaller and more decadent than its more famous brother, but quite cool nonetheless. Completed in the year 13 BC, the Marcelo Theater follows the typical Roman theater design with its imposing arches, ramps and corridors, and although it is smaller than the Coliseum, it could hold up to 20,000 spectators in its day. During the decline of Rome, the ruins of the theater were passed on to wealthy families, some of whom built their residence on the arches of the theater. Although you can not visit the theater inside, the grounds around the theater are free to explore and house other Roman relics such as the Temple of Apollo Sosiano or the Octavia Portico.
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The theater of Marcello

Le théâtre de Marcello

Le théâtre de Marcello est un théâtre antique, commencé sous Jules César. C’est le seul théâtre en pierre d l’époque qui ai subsité mais avec le temps, l’édifice s’est beaucoup abimé, il a été restauré au 16ème siècle par une riche famille romaine. Un partie a été transformé et utilisé en palais comme le prouve les fenêtres de style renaissance ajoutées au théâtre.
Theatre Marcello is an ancient theater, started under Julius Caesar. This is the only theater in the time of stone that have subsite but with time, the building was much damaged, it was restored in the 16th century by a wealthy Roman family. A portion was converted into a palace and used as proof windows added to the Renaissance Theatre.
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With the appearance of a mini Colosseum...

Avec des allures de mini Colisée, le ...

Avec des allures de mini Colisée, le théatre de Marcellus fut construit à l'époque du règne de César. Situé sur le champ de Mars, il est à deux pas du Capitole et des forums. Le théatre possède 3 étages, deux qui se ressemblent puis un différent tout en haut, on dit qu'il pouvait y avoir entre 10 000 et 15 000 personnes.
With the appearance of a mini Colosseum theater of Marcellus was built during the reign of Caesar. Located on the Champ de Mars, it is close to the Capitol and forums. The theater has three floors, two are alike and different at the top, it says that there could be between 10,000 and 15,000 people.
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Theaters in Rome

Teatros em Roma

O Teatro Marcelo foi inaugurado no ano de 23 AC por Augusto e foi dedicado ao seu sobrinho e genro, Marcelo que tinha morrido há pouco tempo com apenas 19 anos. Quando foi acabado, o Teatro Marcelo tinha capacidade para vinte mil pessoas, passado algum tempo entrou em ruínas e nunca foi recuperado. Serviu de apoio a palácios medievais e renascentistas e a fortalezas. Quando foi construído era o teatro mais famoso de Roma.
The Theatre Marcelo was inaugurated in the year 23 BC by Augustus and was dedicated to his nephew and son-Marcelo who had recently died at only 19. When it was finished, the Theatre Marcelo had the capacity to twenty thousand people, spent some time went into ruins and was never recovered. He served in support of palaces and medieval and Renaissance fortresses. When it was built it was the most famous theater in Rome.
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Teatro di Marcello

Teatro di Marcello

Ce théâtre, dédié par Auguste ( 1er siècle avant J-C ) à un neveu défunt, pouvait acceuillir 15 000 personnes. Au XVI ème siècle, il fut surmonté d'un palais construit par Peruzzi. Plus loin, le portique dédié à la soeur de l'empereur, Octavie, faisait partie d'un plus vaste ensemble incluant temples et curie.
This theater, dedicated by Augustus (1st century BC) to a deceased nephew, could accommodate 15,000 people. In the sixteenth century, it was topped with a palace built by Peruzzi. Further, the portal dedicated to the emperor's sister, Octavia, was part of a broader package including temples and curia.
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Theatre of Marcellus

Théâtre de Marcellus

Le théâtre de Marcellus se situe sur le Champs de Mars à Rome. Théâtre antique ( le plus ancien théâtre de pierre romain), sa construction a commencé sous César pour s'achever durant le règne d'Auguste. Il a été restauré au XVIe siècle dans un style baroque. Il se compose de 3 étages et pouvait accueillir 15000 spectateurs.
The Theatre of Marcellus is located on the Champs de Mars in Rome. Roman Theatre (the oldest theater Roman stone), its construction began under Caesar and ended during the reign of Augustus. It was restored in the sixteenth century in a baroque style. It consists of 3 floors and can accommodate 15,000 spectators.
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Rome by night, a magical vision of...

Rome by night , une vision de...

Rome by night , une vision de defilement magique qui renvoie a la scene de fellini roma ou le cineaste prends l'argument d'un groupe parcourant rome en scooter pour montrer et faire partager l'amour pour sa ville.
Rome by night, a magical vision of defilement which returns to the scene of fellini roma or filmmaker take the argument of a group traveling rome scooter to show and share the love for his city.
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A magical rincn Rome.

Un rincón mágico de Roma.

Saliendo un poco del recorrido normal se encuentra este teatro Romano, espectacular y bien conservado. Los edificios modernos de alrededor le confieren un carácter único al lugar. No dejen de visitarlo.
Going a little normal route is the Roman, spectacular and well preserved theater. Modern buildings around gives it a unique character to the place. Do not forget to visit.
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Breathtaking place.

Endroit à couper le souffle.

Seul hic, quand j’y étais en février 2018 il y avait beaucoup de travaux.
Breathtaking place. Only problem, when I was there in February 2018 there was a lot of work.
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It surprised me for good

Me sorprendió para bien

Lo encontré por casualidad como suele pasar en Roma cuando vas paseando o de camino a algún otro monumento.
I found it by chance as it usually happens in Rome when you go walking or on the way to some other monument and it surprised me for good.
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