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11 reviews of MAR - Museu de Arte do Rio

SEA, art in the city center

MAR, arte no centro da cidade

O Museu de Arte do Rio, localizado na Praça Mauá no centro da cidade, é um lugar muito bom para conhecer mais a cidade, saindo da zona sul e indo para um lugar onde se pode olhar um pouco mais a vida cotidiana dos cariocas, pois no centro encontram-se localizadas muitas empresas e o ambiente é um pouco mais de negócios, comercio e trabalhadores. No meio desse ambiente e muito perto do Porto Marítimo do Rio de Janeiro, está localizado o MAR, uma construção composta por um prédio moderno com muros de vidro e onde funciona a Escola do Olhar, um espaço educativo para a produção e a realização de atividades sobre arte e cultura. Ao lado, mas interconectado no interior por uma passarela, está um prédio antigo e de arquitetura imponente, o Palacete Dom João VI, onde geralmente estão as exposições de larga e curta duração que traz o museu. Grande parte das exposições tem a ver com temáticas da cidade, de sua arquitetura, sua estética, história e claro, sua cultura imensamente rica. O museu tem 6 andares e 4 deles têm duas grandes salas de exibição, mas uma das coisas que mais recomendo se você vai, é chegar ao sexto andar onde se encontra com uma pequena praça com vista ao mar, ao porto, à Praça Mauá e aos bairros que encontram-se ao redor geralmente antigos e com fachadas de muita cor, lá você pode curtir uma das melhores vistas dessa zona da cidade, em quanto a brisa refresca o seu rosto. Nesse mesmo andar, tem o restaurante Mauá, com a mesma vista e especializado em culinária exótica, os pratos custam entre R$40,00 e R$70,00. O MAC está aberto ao público de terça feira a domingo das 10h às 17h e o ingresso geral é de R$8,00, mas nas terças feiras tem o ingresso gratuito para todos.
The Rio Art Museum, located in Praa Mau in the city center, a very good place to meet over the city, leaving the south side and going to a place where you can look a little more everyday lives of cariocas, as the center are located many companies and the environment a bit more businesses, commerce and workers. In the midst of this environment and very close to martimo Port of Rio de Janeiro, it is located the SEA a building composed of a modern prdio with glass walls and which houses the School of the Look, an educational space for the production and activity realization about art and culture. Next door, but inside interconnected by a walkway, it is an ancient and imposing architecture prdio, the Palace Dom Joo VI, which usually esto the large exhibitions and short duration that brings the museum. Much of the exhibitions has to do with thematic city, its architecture, its aesthetics, history and of course its immensely rich culture. The museum has 6 floors and 4 of them tm two large rooms exibio, but one of the things I recommend if you go, get to the sixth floor where it meets a small the square overlooking the sea, the harbor, Praa Mau and neighborhoods lying around usually old and very colored facades, there you can enjoy the best views of this area of ​​the city, as the breeze cools your face. On that same floor, has the bad restaurant, with the same view and specializes in exotic cuisine, the dishes cost between R $ 40.00 and R $ 70.00. The MAC is open to the fair will have the public Sunday from 10am s 17h and the overall inflow of R $ 8.00, but the fairs teras has free admission for everyone.
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Brand new!


Esse deve ser um dos museus mais novos do Rio e é muito legal! Com um rico acervo, suas exposições fazem com que esferas históricas e contemporâneas da arte andem lado a lado, através de mostras de longa e curta duração. O ambiente é muito agradável, clean, bem sinalizado e eclético. No terraço, tem um lounge, de onde se pode apreciar a bela vista para a Baía de Guanabara e o Pier Mauá. Sentar num pufe daqueles e passar um tempo lá de bobeira, é super gostoso! Horários e ingressos: Valor: R$ 8,00 (inteira) De terça a domingo, das 10h às 17h. Às terças-feiras, o MAR é gratuito para todos.
This must be one of the newest museums of Rio and is very cool! With a rich collection, its exhibitions make spheres historical and contemporary art go hand in hand, through displays of long and short duration. The atmosphere is very nice, clean, well signposted and eclectic. On the terrace, a lounge, where you can enjoy the beautiful views of Guanabara Bay and the Pier Maua. Sitting in a pouf of those and spend time hanging out there, it's super yummy! Schedules and tickets: Value: £ 8.00 (full) Tuesday to Sunday from 10h to 17h. On Tuesdays, the SEA is free to all.
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Streetart in the streets of Rio in Rio Muse dArt

Du Streetart dans les rues de Rio au Musée d’Art de Rio

Streetart dans les rues de Rio Rio c’est la ville du streetart. Les graffitis sont autorisés et donc visibles de partout. Pour règlementer le truc et éviter que la ville ne ressemble à rien, les tags sont pénalisés. Du coup, les artistes doivent jouer le jeu et donner tout son sens au streetart en livrant leurs plus beaux graffitis. L’atmosphère qui en résulte dans la ville est intéressante, tous les bâtiments ont un bout de leur mur coloré. Selon la nouvelle loi promulguée, le graffiti n’est plus considéré comme un délit «s’il est réalisé dans le but de valoriser le patrimoine public ou privé au moyen d’une expression artistique, avec l’assentiment du propriétaire». Musée d’Art de Rio Le MAR est le Musée d’Art de Rio. Musée de 15.000 mètres carrés qui a récemment ouvert ses portes en Mars 2013, il fait partie des gros travaux qu’effectue la ville de Rio de Janeiro pour les jeux olympiques et la coupe du monde de football, reboostant le côté artistique de Rio. Installé sur la place Maua où arrivent tous les paquebots touristiques, le musée a deux structures, le Pavillon d’exposition – situé dans l’ancien Palacete Joao VI, construit en 1916 de style éclectique – et l’École du Regard, installée dans l’immeuble voisin de style moderne. Il présente divers tableaux, objects, vidéos, dessins et autres sur la ville de Rio de Janeiro. Dans les quatre étages où se trouvent les huit salles d’exposition ne figurent que des collections temporaires (de 5 mois) où les 3 000 pièces actuelles de la collection du musée en formation y sont mélangées.
Streetart in the streets of Rio Rio is the city of streetart. Graffiti is allowed and therefore visible everywhere. To regulate the trick and avoid the city like nothing, tags are penalized. So, artists must play the game and give meaning to the streetart delivering their finest graffiti. The resulting atmosphere in the city is interesting, all the buildings have a piece of their colorful wall. Under the new law enacted, graffiti is no longer considered an offense "if it is done in order to enhance the public or private heritage through artistic expression, with the consent of the owner." Art Museum of Rio MAR is the Art Museum of Rio. Museum of 15,000 square meters which recently opened its doors in March 2013, he was part of the big work qu'effectue the city of Rio de Janeiro Olympic and World Cup soccer games, reboostant the artistic side of Rio. Installed on the Maua square where all the tourist ships arrive, the museum has two structures, the exhibition pavilion - located in the former Palacete Joao VI, built in 1916 in an eclectic style - and the School of Sight, installed in the the neighboring modern style building. It presents various paintings, objects, videos, drawings and other city of Rio de Janeiro. In the four stages where the eight exhibition halls containing only temporary collections (5 months) where 3000 current pieces from the collection of the museum in training are mixed. More information about the exhibitions I've seen in MAR: http://mini-whales.com/blog/2013/12/04/musee-d-art-moderne-de-rio/
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Very interesting

Muy interesante

Una muy linda experiencia, requiere de mucho tiempo si se quiere aprovechar al máximo toda la información que hay allí y todas las actividades interactivas que hay. Hay muchos temas interesantes de los que se puede conocer, entre ellos el universo, la contaminación en la Tierra, las distintas culturas, entre otros. Hay dos entradas posibles, una incluye la experiencia interactiva, la otra no; yo recomiendo la experiencia interactiva para vivir la experiencia completa. Menores de 21 pagan la mitad.
A very nice experience, requires a lot of time if you want to make the most of all the information there and all the interactive activities there. There are many interesting topics that can be known, including the universe, pollution on Earth, different cultures, among others. Very interesting. There are two possible entries, one includes the interactive experience, the other does not; I recommend the interactive experience to live the complete experience. Under 21 pay half.
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Rio Art Museum

Museu de Arte do Rio

O Mar ( Museu de Arte do Rio ) é um dos mais recentes museus inaugurados na cidade. Sempre com exposições bem bacanas e shows é um dos locais da cidade que vale a pena conhecer.
The Sea (Rio Art Museum) opened one of the newest museums in the city. Always very cool exhibitions and shows one of the places in town that is worth knowing.
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Sea emotions

Mar de emoções

Fui conhecer o Museu de Arte do Rio e fiquei impressionada com a beleza do lugar e da vista proporcionada do terraço e de grande parte do ambiente! A estrutura do lugar, que contrasta entre o antigo e moderno, nos tira do lugar comum.
I know Rio Art Museum and I was struck by the beauty of the place and the view from the terrace and provided much of the environment! The structure of the place, which contrasts between ancient and modern take on the commonplace.
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Onde o moderno e o antigo se unem com muita arte e charme!!!! Além das artes que expõe, disponibiliza aos seus visitantes excelente cafeteria, no térreo, e restaurante no último andar com magnífica vista da Baía de Guanabara e do museu do Amanhã!!!
Wonderful!!! Where the modern and the old come together with a lot of art and charm !!!! In addition to the arts it exhibits, it offers its visitors an excellent cafeteria on the ground floor and a restaurant on the top floor with a magnificent view of the Guanabara Bay and the Amanhã museum !!!
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See the history of Rio

Veja a história do Rio

Tem 4 andares de arte. A visitação é feita de cima para baixo.
It has four floors of art. The visitation made from top to bottom.
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One of the most beautiful views of Guanabara Bay

Uma das mais belas vistas da baía de Guanabara

One of the most beautiful views of Guanabara Bay
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Beautiful view! Next to the Museum of Tomorrow.

Linda vista! Próximo ao Museu do Amanhã.

Linda vista! Próximo ao Museu do Amanhã.
Beautiful view! Next to the Museum of Tomorrow.
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Bem legal.

Geralmente algumas exposições são de graça.
Cool. Usually some exhibits are free.
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