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Lake Manyara National Park

7 reviews of Lake Manyara National Park

See animals


Lake Manyara is a small Tanzanian park that is famous for its variety of birds and its climbing lions. During the dry season the lake is away from the main tracks so it is rather complicated to go bird watching, but on the contrary it is easier to see the animals. The most common animals are hippos, elephants, giraffes and buffalo. Despite being famous for its lions, spotted cats is not easy to see. If this is the first park you visit you will find it interesting. but if you have visited others, as we had, you will see it like a oath to get to another park.


Contact with nature

This lake was our initial contact with nature in Tanzania, we had reached Arusha which is where most safaris leave from. but our first contact with animals started here and its beautiful landscapes, leaving us in shock.


The real African


It is a small park with an area of...

Se trata de un pequeño parque que ...

Se trata de un pequeño parque que cuenta con una superficie de apenas 330 km2, de los cuales 220 Km2 pertenecen al lago que lleva el mismo nombre. Este hermoso parque está situado al sudeste de Arusha y para acceder al mismo habremos de pasar por el poblado de Monte Wa Mbu, situado a unos a 130 Km. De la mencionada ciudad. El parque Nacional de Manyara constituye un auténtico paraíso para los observadores de aves ya que en el mismo se llegan a concentrar hasta 400 especies diferentes, siendo la mejor época para el “birdwatching” la temporada de lluvias que abarca los meses de marzo a junio. Pero si lo que deseas es contemplar a sus famosos leones trepadores o las extensas colonias de elefantes o a los inquietos y bulliciosos babuinos déjate caer por estas latitudes en la temporada seca entre los meses de Julio a Octubre. ¿Os parecen pocos atractivos? Pues aún hay más… Resulta un espectáculo único contemplar la superficie del lago Manyara literalmente cubierta por cientos de miles de flamencos, no menos espectacular resulta caminar por la superficie de este parque ya sea de día o de noche (se hacen excursiones nocturnas) y contemplar desde un punto e vista diferente la fauna de este parque. Os aseguro que contemplar un búfalo frente a frente con la única defensa que supone la distancia entre el animal y la persona resulta emocionante y produce una descarga de adrenalina tremenda. Por si fuera poco, Manyara presenta un ecosistema único debido a las aguas subterráneas que recorren el parque y que facilitan el hecho e que Manyara sea un oasis de verdor en cualquier época del año mientras que los parques vecinos ven como sus pastos amarillean por la escasez de agua. Y ya se sabe que el agua en África resulta un elemento básico alrededor del cual se congrega la vida, la fauna, y que supone en definitiva la esencia de estos parques nacionales. Por último me gustaría destacar la variedad paisajística que presenta Manyara: Selva verde, bosques de acacias, llanuras aluviales de hierba, el gran lago, acantilados de alturas que superan los 600 metros. Sin duda podemos aplicar a Manyara la manida frase “las grandes esencias se guardan en tarros pequeños”
It is a small park with an area of ​​only 330 km2 of which 220 km2 belong to the lake of the same name. This beautiful park is located southeast of Arusha and to access it will have to pass through the town of Mount Wa Mbu, located about 130 km from that city. Manyara National Park is a paradise for bird watchers because in the same concentration to reach 400 different species, being the best time for "birdwatching" rainy season covers the months from March to June. But if you just want to look at the famous tree climbing lions or elephants or large colonies of the restless and boisterous baboons drop by these parts in the dry season between the months of July to October. Do you seem few attractions? Well, there's more ... It is a unique spectacle to contemplate the surface of Lake Manyara literally covered by hundreds of thousands of flamingos, no less striking is walk the surface of this park either day or night (they are nocturnal excursions) and contemplate from a different view point and fauna of this park. I assure you see a buffalo face to face with the only defense which is the distance between the animal and the person is exciting and produces a tremendous adrenaline rush. What's more, Manyara has a unique ecosystem due to groundwater through the park and facilitate the fact and that Manyara is a green oasis in any season while neighboring parks see their yellow grasses by shortages of water. And we know that water in Africa is a staple around which brings life, wildlife, and which is ultimately the essence of these national parks. Finally I would like to highlight the varied landscape that presents Manyara: Forest green, acacia forests, grassy floodplains, the big lake, cliffs heights exceeding 600 meters. We can certainly apply to Manyara the hackneyed phrase "Big things come in small jars"
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Lake Manyara is located in northern...

Le lac Manyara se trouve au nord de la...

Le lac Manyara se trouve au nord de la Tanzanie, dans la vallée du grand rift. C'est un endroit magnifique. Le lac est très grand ( 230 km² je crois) et tout autour il y a la foret... En fait c'est le parc national du lac Manyara s'étend sur 330 km². Pendant le safari, on rencontre des babouins, des troupeaux d’énormes buffles, des zèbres mais aussi des girafes... Il y a aussi des flamants roses, des pélicans ... MAGNIFIQUE !!!!! Pour dormir, il y a des campings à l’intérieur du parc. Le meilleur moment pour y aller c'est la saison sèche (de juillet à octobre) pour les gros mammifères. Par contre pour les oiseaux, c'est pendant la saison des pluies (de novembre à juin).
Lake Manyara is located in northern Tanzania, in the Great Rift Valley. It is a beautiful place. The lake is very large (230 km ² I think) and there are all around the forest ... In fact it is the Lake Manyara National Park covers 330 km ². During the safari, we encounter baboons, herds of huge buffalo, zebras, giraffes, but also ... There are also flamingos, pelicans ... BEAUTIFUL!! To sleep, there are campsites inside the park. The best time to go is in the dry season (July-October) for large mammals. By cons for birds is during the rainy season (November to June).
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Beautiful place

Hermoso lugar

Muy cerca del lago hay un poblado maasai, y allí creé una ONG para ayudarles hace 4 años.. Es genial ver cómo poco a poco van teniendo luz y agua sacada de pozos. Ya no tienen que andar durante horas para lavar los cacharros o lavarse ellos o beber. Los niños tienen una escuela mucho mejor y hay sábanas nuevas en el hospital..
Near the lake there is a Maasai village, and there I created an NGO to help 4 years ago .. It's great to see how slowly taking light and water drawn from wells. They no longer have to walk for hours to wash the dishes or wash them or drink. Children have a much better school, and new linens in the hospital ..
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An explosion of nature's colors

Uma explosão de cores da natureza

Um lugar que pode muito bem ser um dos mais naturalmente ricos do nosso planeta. Espécies animais e vegetais de se lhes perder a conta, numa paisagem imponente que nos relembra a grandeza da natureza.
A place that may well be one of the most naturally rich of our planet. Animal and plant species of losing them to account, in an imposing landscape that reminds us of the greatness of nature.
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