This can be your side trip during your Singapore stay
The most distant way of Santiago, perhaps.
El más lejano camino de Santiago, tal vez.
Es Malaca es la ciudad más antigua de Malasia- Hace frontera con Singapur.
Por las mañanas miles de trabajadores pasan por la frontera para trabajar en Singapur, se trasladan con pequeñas motocicletas, son tantas que con su ensordecedor estruendo da un aspecto de un enjambre de abejas.
No cuenta con grandes edificios pero sí de aspectos y estilos diferentes, fue ocupada por holandeses, portugueses, británicos y japoneses.
No obstante tiene algunos edificios bien singulares como el Palacio del Sultán. Plaza del Ayuntamiento con su edificio rojo de estilo colonia, la Iglesia de Christ Church con su torre del reloj y sobre todo el templo Cheng Honn Teng que es el templo budista más antiguo de Malasia decorado con flores de porcelana.
Un lugar de gran interés histórico son las ruinas de A’Famosa. Se trata de las ruinas de una antigua fortaleza portuguesa. Se conserva únicamente el arco de su puerta. A esta puerta se la llama también Puerta de Santiago en honor a San Francisco Javier quien estuvo evangelizando en Malaca. De esta puerta sale uno de los caminos a Santiago, tal vez el más lejano del mundo. De ello hay un memorial y una estatua de San Francisco Javier.
De la puerta de Santiago salen unas escaleras para subir a la colina, en su cima se encuentran las ruinas de la Iglesia de San Pablo que se pueden visitar. En la Iglesia de San Pablo hay un mirador donde se divisa una buena panorámica de la ciudad.
Malacca is the oldest city in Malaysia-Singapore border ago. Every morning thousands of workers pass through the border to work in Singapore, moving with small motorcycles are so many that its deafening roar gives an appearance of a swarm of bees. No buildings have large but different aspects and styles, was occupied by the Dutch, Portuguese, British and Japanese. However, it has some nice unique buildings such as the Palace of the Sultan. Town Hall Square with its red colonial style building, the Church of Christ Church with its clock tower and especially Honn Cheng Teng temple is the oldest Buddhist temple in Malaysia decorated with porcelain flowers. A place of great historical interest are the ruins of A'Famosa. These are the ruins of an old Portuguese fort. It retains only the arch of your door. At this gate is also called Puerta de Santiago in honor of St. Francis Xavier who was evangelizing in Malacca. This door goes one way to Santiago, perhaps the farthest in the world. It is a memorial and a statue of St. Francis Xavier. Santiago door stairs to go up the hill, on the summit are the ruins of the Church of St. Paul that you can visit. In the Church of San Pablo is a viewpoint where a good view of the city can be seen.
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Plus ancien port de Malaisie, Malacca est une ville pleine de charme et très agréable.
Accessible en deux heures de route depuis Kuala Lumpur (les bus sont nombreux à desservir la destination, sont très bon marché, et permettent de faire l'aller-retour dans la journée) la ville a été fondée au début du XVème siècle et est riche d'une histoire cahotique. Elle fut en effet dominée par les Portugais, puis par les Hollandais et enfin les Britanniques, avant de devenir indépendante en 1956. C'est son rôle stratégie à l'entrée du détroit de Malacca qui explique ces nombreuses querelles qui ont jalonné son histoire, et influencé son architecture.
Par ailleurs, la ville, très riche culturellement, est désormais classée au patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco pour sa diversité et la qualité de la restauration de certains de ses monuments.
Au gré d'une grande balade, on peut ainsi découvrir temples indiens, mosquées, temples chinois, sagement imbriqués et très bien mis en valeur.
Une promenade hors du temps et riche de découvertes.
Oldest port of Malaysia, Malacca is a city full of charm and very pleasant. Accessible two hours drive from Kuala Lumpur (buses are likely to serve the destination, are very cheap, and allow for a return trip in the day) the city was founded in the early fifteenth century and is rich a chaotic history. It was in fact dominated by the Portuguese, then the Dutch and finally the British before becoming independent in 1956. This strategy is its role in the Strait of Malacca, which explains the many disputes that have marked its history, and influenced architecture. In addition, the city, culturally rich, is now listed as World Heritage by UNESCO for its diversity and quality of the restoration of some of its monuments. At the option of a long walk, we can discover Indian temples, mosques, Chinese temples, nested wisely and well developed. A walk timeless and rich discoveries.
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Marcela Sanz
Melaka is a lovely, friendly and full...
Melaka es una ciudad encantadora,...
Melaka es una ciudad encantadora, amable y llena de rincones floridos. Un día en Malaka alegra el espíritu. Sus calles, su antigua Iglesia, el colorido rosa que caracteriza el casco antiguo y su puerto Portugues.
Si te gusta la tecnología, en Malasia puedes encontrar lo último y en muy buen precio. Dicen que Malasia es la meca de la informática y no dudes que así es.
Lo más importante es la calidez con que la gente recibe a los turistas.
Debes ir preparado a un clima de temperaturas altas y mucha humedad. Usar calzado muy cómodo y levantarse con el espíritu preparado a una caminata de horas. El tiempo pasa sin que te des cuenta.
Recorrer el China Town por la noche es una experiencia única.
Kuala Lumpur, la capital de Malasia se encuentra a dos horas en micro y no puedes dejar de visitar las Torres Gemelas, Tamara Tower, Little India, y museos y mesquitas.
Un vieje imperdible
Melaka is a lovely, friendly and full of flowery city corners. A day in Malaka happy spirit. Its streets, its old church, the colorful rose that characterizes the old city and its port Portugues. If you like technology, in Malaysia you can find the latest and great price. They say Malaysia is a mecca of information and do not doubt that it is. Most important is the warmth with which people receive tourists. You must go prepared for a climate of high temperature and humidity. Wear comfortable shoes and getting in the spirit prepared to walk hours. Time passes without you noticing. Browse the China Town at night is a unique experience. Kuala Lumpur, the Malaysian capital is two hours by bus and you can not miss the Twin Towers, Tamara Tower, Little India, and museums and mosques. A must drive time
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Roland Flutet
Nowhere else but Melaka appears this...
Nulle part ailleurs que Melaka...
Nulle part ailleurs que Melaka n'apparaît ce mélange de culture qui distingue la Malaisie du reste du monde : les influences indiennes, chinoises, coloniales et musulmanes se retrouvent dans toutes les petites rues de cette magnifique cité historique qui a été préservée, mais aussi dans la nourriture et les traditions de la ville.
On a vraiment l'impression de remonter dans le temps quand on parcourt les ruelles de Melaka, et c'est sans doute pour ça qu'elle a été classée (avec sa ville jumelle de Penang) au patrimoine mondial de l'humanité par l'UNESCO.
Nowhere else but Melaka appears this mix of culture that distinguishes Malaysia from the world: Indian influences, Chinese, colonial and Muslim are found in all the streets of this beautiful historic city that has been preserved, but also in food and traditions of the city. We really feel like going back in time when the streets of Melaka we travel, and this is probably why it has been classified (along with its twin city of Penang) World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
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Historical Cit
Cité historique
Malacca/Melaka est bien un nom malais : le port fut fondé vers 1400 par un sultan venu de Singapour. Mais la ville est surtout connue pour son passé portugais. Les Portugais arrivèrent en Août 1511 pour plus de deux siècles de colonisation.
Des descendants perpétuent encore des traditions issues du Portugal. Le monument principal de cette époque est le Fort Fomosa. La vieille cité, l'une des plus rares de Malaisie, présente des demeures aux façades historiques, d'une architecture totalement différente de l'architecture rurale Minangkabau, que l'on découvre dans les environs.
Malacca / Melaka is a Malay name: The port was founded in 1400 by Sultan came from Singapore. But the city is known for its Portuguese past. The Portuguese arrived in August 1511 for more than two centuries of colonization. Descendants still carry on the traditions from Portugal. The main monument of this period is the Fort Fomosa. The old city, one of the rarest of Malaysia, has houses with historic facades, a completely different architecture of rural Minangkabau architecture, that is discovered in the vicinity.
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Marie & Matt
Comme nous n'avions pas beaucoup de temps en Malaisie et qu'il nous fallait quitter Kuala Lumpur par le Sud pour nous rendre à Singapour par voie terrestre, on nous avait conseillé Melaka. Une ville inscite au patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco ne pouvez que nous convaincre. Si l'on s'est un peu pris peur en débarquant en plein samedi soir dans Jonker street, Melaka aura tout le temps de se rattraper par la suite. C'est vrai que c'est une jolie ville.
Since we do not have much time in Malaysia and we had to leave Kuala Lumpur from the south to make us Singapore by land, we had been advised Melaka. A inscite city Unesco World Heritage can only convince us. If one is a little panicked right in dbarquant Saturday night Jonker Street, Melaka will have time to catch up afterwards. It's true that it's a nice town.
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Viagens Lacoste
After 130 years of Portuguese rule in...
Depois de 130 anos de domínio português e...
Depois de 130 anos de domínio português em Malaca é pena que os vestígios sejam tão poucos. Um bairro português, as ruínas à volta da Famosa e pouco mais. Muito pouco para tanto tempo lá. A cidade em si é pouco interessante mas vale a visita pelo facto dos portugueses terem lá estado.
After 130 years of Portuguese rule in Malacca is unfortunate that the traces are so few. A Portuguese neighborhood, around the ruins of the famous and little else. Very little to much time there. The city itself is somewhat interesting but worth the visit because the Portuguese had been there.
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