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Louise Michel Garden

4 reviews of Louise Michel Garden

The steps of the Sacred Heart

La escalinata del Sagrado Corazón

El Parque Louise Michel es una de las zonas verdes de París de recomendable visita. Situado en la ladera de la colina de Montmartre, este parque es el principal punto de acceso al Sagrado Corazón y a la Place du Tertre (donde se encuentran los pintores y artistas), bien a través de su escalinata, bien por medio del funicular. Además, una vez en la cima hay un mirador desde donde hay una buena panorámica de la ciudad, y justo debajo una monumental fuente de piedra blanca dedicada a los dioses marinos que fue diseñada por Paul Gasq en 1932. Entre las especies vegetales que podemos encontrar en este parque se encuentran naranjos, araucarias, magnolios, higueras, castaños... En este parque se rodaron algunas escenas de la película Amelie.
The Park Louise Michel is one of the greenest areas of Paris recommended visit. Located on the slopes of the hill of Montmartre, this park is the main access point to the Sacre Coeur and Place du Tertre (where painters and artists) or through their steps, either through funicular. Also, once at the top there is a viewpoint from where a good view of the city, and just below a monumental fountain of white stone dedicated to the sea gods that was designed by Paul Gasq in 1932. Among the plant species that can be found in this park are orange, pine, magnolia, fig, chestnut ... The park scenes from the movie Amelie was filmed.
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Conceived in 1880, this small square of...

Imaginé en 1880, ce petit square de 2,4 ...

Imaginé en 1880, ce petit square de 2,4 hectares est probablement un des plus fréquentés de Paris. Et pour cause, il se trouve au pied de la butte Montmartre, où trône le sacrée cœur. Il accueille le célèbre carrousel, et abrite de nombreuses espèces végétales rares, comme des orangers des Osages, des marronniers d'Inde ou encore des ptérocarya du Caucase. Popularisé par le célèbre film Amélie Poulain ("quand le doigt montre le ciel, l'imbécile regarde le doigt!"), le parc accueille quotidiennement des centaine de passants, touristes ou visiteurs, qui s'y donnent rendez vous, s'y promènent, où y font une pause déjeuner. Un parc très agréable, dans un cadre idyllique, à inclure sans hésiter dans une ballade dans Montmartre!
Conceived in 1880, this small square of 2.4 hectares is probably one of the busiest in Paris. And because it sits at the foot of Montmartre, where stands the sacred heart. It hosts the famous carousel, and home to many rare plant species, such as the Osage orange, chestnut India or even pterocarya Caucasus. Popularized by the famous film Amélie ("When the finger points to the sky, the fool looks at the finger"), the park hosts daily hundred passersby, tourists and visitors, who meet there you are there walk, where there are a lunch break. A very nice park, in an idyllic setting, to include without hesitation in a walk in Montmartre!
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Occupying a very large area that is...

Occupant une très vaste surface qui ...

Occupant une très vaste surface qui compte parmi les plus prisées de la capitale parisienne, au cœur du dix-huitième arrondissement, le square Louise Michel est sans aucun doute l'un des jardins publics préférés des parisiens mais aussi des touristes en visite dans la capitale. Il faut dire qu'il est situé juste en contrebas de l'incroyable Sacré Coeur, sur la butte Montmartre, et qu'il offre donc un panorama très agréable sur la basilique mais aussi sur Paris. Animation incroyable dans l'après-midi avec ses musiciens de rue (en été), à ne pas manquer!
Occupying a very large area that is among the most popular of the Parisian capital, the heart of the eighteenth arrondissement, Louise Michel square is undoubtedly one of the favorite public gardens of Paris but also tourists visiting the capital . I must say it is located just below the amazing Sacre Coeur on Montmartre, and therefore offers a pleasant view of the basilica but also Paris. Amazing animation in the afternoon with street musicians (in summer), not to be missed!
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Louise Michel Garden

Jardim de Louise Michel

Apesar do clima chatinho, estava chovendo muito, o passeio pela Praça Louise Michel foi perfeito! Fazia muito frio, mas nada disso impediu uma visita a Basília de Sacré Coeur. Para chegar à basílica você precisa passar por esse caminho lindo! Onde gravaram algumas cenas do filme de Amelie. Tem muita escada até chegar ao mirante (lá no final em frente já à igreja). Mas não achei nada cansativo... dá vontade subir de costas para ir apreciando as vistas de toda Paris. É lindo e merece muito uma visita!
Despite the chatinho weather, it was raining a lot, tour Praa Louise Michel was perfect! It was very cold, but nothing that prevented a visit to Baslia of Sacré Coeur. To get baslica you need to go through this beautiful way! Where they recorded some scenes from the movie Amelie. It has a lot of stairs until you reach the belvedere (l at the end in front of j church). But found nothing tiring ... d will climb back to go enjoying the views of all Paris. beautiful and worth a visit too!
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