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National Pantheon of Santa Engracia

23 contributors

9 reviews of National Pantheon of Santa Engracia

Lisbon Pantheon

It is also known as the Church of Santa Engracia. It is a baroque building, built between 1682 and 1966. Yes 1966. From there the Portuguese saying "as works of Santa Engracia" to refer to an endless work. It happened to have the function of Pantheon from 1916. Among people buried there are writers, presidents of the Portuguese Republic, and also are also evoked through cenotaphs characters like Luis de Camoes, Vasco de Gama or Infante D. Enrique (although not buried here). Mainly emphasizes its great dome.


The purity of white

As you walk through Alfama, a stunning pure white dome stands out from the modest houses: The church of Santa Engracia that, by order of a "famous" dictator, became the National Pantheon. Although not really big it has surprising majesty, perhaps the pristine marble from which it's built and its location in a fishing village make it seem even more colossal. Once inside its smooth lines contrast with the bright colors of the pavement and the energy it gives off, many Portuguese personalities are buried here.

We do great Notaveis Country

Os grandes Notaveis do Pais

Todos los visitantes, o la gran mayoría, llegan al Panteón con la idea de que es, y no van muy desencaminados, lugar de enterramiento, como su homónimo en París, de los huesos y cenizas de los grandes hombres portugueses. Lo que poca gente sabe, es que es tan solo una parte de la fabulosa Iglesia de Santa Engracia, y que su dilatada historia arquitectónica empieza en épocas tan lejanas como el siglo XVII y que llega hasta su terminación en 1966, con el terremoto de Lisboa por medio. El resultado fue una mezcla barroca con toques de modernidades diversas aportadas por los arquitectos e ingenieros que iban tomando el relevo de la construcción. Vasco de Gama, Camões, Afonso de Alburquerque y Enrique el Navegante, ecos del gran pasado portugués, o el Presidente Carmona y los escritores Almeida Garrett y Guerra Junqueiro más recientes y no menos importantes, duermen el sueño de los justos. Impone la altura de la cúpula y el silencio que se respira con sólo traspasar la puerta del recinto. ¡Sean dados honores y respeto a los Hombres Notables del País!
All visitors, or most, reach the Pantheon with the idea that it is, and they will very misguided, burial, like its namesake in Paris, bones and ashes of the great Portuguese men. What few people know is that it's just part of the fabled Church of Santa Engracia, and its long history in architectural begins as far back as the seventeenth century and which reaches its completion in 1966, with the Lisbon earthquake through. The result was a mixture of baroque touches different currencies provided by the architects and engineers who were taking over from the construction. Vasco de Gama, Camoes, Afonso de Albuquerque and Henry the Navigator, Portuguese echoes of great past, or the President Carmona and writers Junqueiro War Almeida Garrett and more recent and no less important, sleep the sleep of the just. Imposes the height of the dome and the silence that permeates through the door just the enclosure. Sean honor and respect given to the country Remarkable Men!
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Baroque masterpiece by the great Portuguese

Capolavoro barocco per i grandi portoghesi

La Chiesa di Santa Engracia, nel cuore del vecchio quartiere Graça, spicca nello skyline lisbonino per la sua colossale cupola barocca, imprescindibile punto di riferimento nella città dal momento che la domina e dappertutto la si può scorgere. Ci sono voluti ben 284 anni per completare la costruzione di questa bianca cattedrale che, dal 1916, ha assunto lo status di pantheon nazionale: all'interno, tra marmi rosa e soffitti dorati, vi riposano personaggi illustri della storia portoghese, oltre a cenotafi in onore degli esploratori Vasco da Gama, Afonso de Albuquerque e del re Enrico il navigatore. L'ascensore della cupola vi porterà in cima per farvi godere il panorama mozzafiato a 360 gradi sul quartiere Graça, sull'Alfama e sul resto della città. Le viuzze intorno alla chiesa, inoltre, offrono tutto il fascino decadente e bohemienne della città vecchia; potete anche perdervi, tra salite e discese ripide, vecchi palazzi "tappezzati" di moderni graffiti e antichi azulejos e le bancarelle del mercato delle pulci: la cupola del Pantheon, come una bussola, vi ricorderà sempre dove siete.
The Church of Santa Engracia, in the heart of the old quarter Graça, stands out in the skyline lisbonino for its colossal baroque dome, an essential point of reference in the city since the dominating and everywhere you can see. It took us almost 284 years to complete the construction of this white cathedral that, since 1916, has assumed the status of national pantheon: inside, including pink marble and gilded ceilings, you lie famous people of Portuguese history, as well as cenotaphs in honor of the explorer Vasco da Gama, Afonso de Albuquerque and King Henry the Navigator. The elevator will take you to the top of the dome for you to enjoy the breathtaking 360 degree view of the Graça, sull'Alfama and the rest of the city. The streets around the church are offering all the charm and decadent bohemian of the old city, you can also get lost, between steep climbs and descents, old buildings "carpeted" with modern graffiti and antique tiles and stalls of the flea market: the dome the Pantheon, like a compass, you will always remember where you are.
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Visits grtis at s 14h Sundays and holidays

Visitas grátis até às 14h dos domingos e feriados

Panteão Nacional é sem dúvida um monumento de visita obrigatória! não só por tudo o que significa para a cultura e história de um povo, neste caso o português, mas neste caso especifico pelo edifício em si, que à entrada nos remete para a nossa insignificância de tamanho quando nos perdemos a olhar para a sua belíssima clarabóia. Depois é explorar cada um dos cantos e recantos e descobrir a biografia de algumas das pessoas mais importantes da nossa história, desde Luis Vaz de Camões, a Teófilo Braga e acabando na primeira e única mulher lá sepultada, Amália Rodrigues. PS: Aproveitem as visitas grátis até às 14h dos domingos e feriados. :)
National Pantheon monument is undoubtedly a must-see! not only for what it means for the culture and history of a people, in this case the Portuguese, but in this specific case the building itself, which leads us to the entrance to our insignificance in size when we got lost looking for their beautiful skylight. After each is exploring nooks and crannies and discover the biography of some of the most important people in our history since Luis Vaz de Camões, the Teofilo Braga and ending the first and only woman buried there, Amalia Rodrigues. PS: Enjoy the free visits of up to 14h Sundays and holidays. :)
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Monument light

Lumineux monument

On voit pointer le dôme blanc du Panthéon depuis le Miradouro Santa Luzia, et arrivé à son pied c'est un grand et fier monument qui se dresse devant nous. Une ancienne église du XVIème siècle qui fut reconvertie en Panthéon national au début du XXème siècle et abrite actuellement des personnes célèbres. C'est une oeuvre architecturale baroque, d'un blanc étincelant au milieu des maisons anciennes aux teintes pastels de l'Alfama. La richesse du monument extérieur et la beauté de l'intérieur fait de marbre ne laisse pas indifférent.
Point we see the white dome of the Pantheon since Miradouro Santa Luzia, and arrived at its foot is a great and proud monument that stands before us. An ancient church of the sixteenth century was converted into a National Pantheon in the early twentieth century and now houses the famous people. It is a baroque architectural work, sparkling white in the middle of the old houses in pastel shades of Alfama. The wealth of outdoor monument and the beauty of the interior of marble can not be ignored.
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National Pantheon

Panteón Nacional

En Portugal dicen que "las obras de Santa Engracia" es la expresión popular para describir algo que nunca termina. La iglesia de Santa Engracia sólo se completó en 1966, 284 después de su inicio. Asumió el papel del Panteón Nacional desde 1916. La fadista Amalia Rodrigues fue la última de las figuras enterrado allí.
In Portugal they say that "the works of Santa Engracia" is the popular term to describe something that never ends. The church of Santa Engracia only completed in 1966, 284 after its inception. He assumed the role of National Pantheon since 1916. The fado singer Amalia Rodrigues was the last of the figures buried there.
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Things beautiful Lisbon.

Coisas lindas de Lisboa.

Coisas lindas de Lisboa.
Things beautiful Lisbon.
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Una ciudad preciosa
A beautiful city
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Information about National Pantheon of Santa Engracia