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20 reviews of Arles Amphitheatre

steeped in tradition


Don't expect to find a building similar to this in the city's old town, as monuments of this size are usually located outside or far away from the urban center. You are walking through the maze of city streets when you suddenly find yourself within the beauty of this amphitheater, surrounded by Provencal style houses that hide this treasure, as if to protect it. Actually, this is known for its "Les Arenes," and is used for all kinds of shows and events. It loses some of its charm when you walk around and discover a network of metal bleachers ready for a contemporary concert. Mostly, their evenings run the Camargue, and this area of France is steeped in Taurine tradition.

Its worth exploring for its depths, the almost 2000 year old stones that make it up. A gorgeous place, well-preserved.
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I recommend it.


This is a Small town, beautiful streets with a lot of history, super old town. Trip for not more the two days.

Arles, captivated by the culture and bulls

Arles, cautivados por la cultura y los toros

Arles, situado cerca del increíble parque natural de la Camarga, es junto con Nîmes una de las ciudades francesas en donde la cultura taurina curiosamente se vive a flor de piel. Nuestro viaje que comenzó en Barcelona y tenía como destino final Croacia en coche, nos invitó a elegir Arles como una de las paradas culturales. Los niños protestaron al principio, pero en cuanto nos metimos en el bullicio de la ciudad, las protestas fueron amainando. El arte se respiraba nada mas acercarse a la plaza de la República, llena de viajeros y turistas buscando sorprenderse. Numerosas exposiciones de fotografía nos tentaron hasta caer y entrar en algunas de ellas, a precios bastante altos y sin descuento para familias numerosas. Cosa que me revuelve las tripas y que no entiendo. El paseo por las estrechas y cuidadas calles del centro merece la pena, es distraído y está lleno de comercios. Las señales nos condujeron primero al anfiteatro que no nos llamó mucho la atención, pues parte de los restos estaban cubiertos para actuaciones y por fin, el circo romano. Espectacular, parece de mentira, no lo esperas y te encuentras de repente con semejante construcción de piedra blanca, como en un lugar que no corresponde. En él se celebran corridas y parece que estos dos elementos, la arena y los toros han impregnado a restaurantes, cafés, decoración. El forum de Arles, que Van Gogh inmortalizó, está repleto de cafés. Es una visita encantadora para comer, o tomar café o helados. Aunque no es una ciudad enorme sí necesita de un día para sacarle el jugo que tiene.
Arles, located near the incredible natural park of the Camargue, along with NMES is one of the French cities where bullfighting culture curiously live close to the surface. Our journey began in Barcelona and Croatia tena final destination by car, invited us to choose Arles as one of the cultural stops. The children protested at first, but once we got into the bustle of the city, the protests were subsiding. Art breathed nothing but approaching the Republic square, full of travelers and tourists looking surprised. Numerous exhibitions of photograph we were tempted to fall and get into some of them, quite high prices and no discount for large families. Which I turn my stomach and I do not understand. The walk through the narrow streets of downtown cared worth, is distracted and is full of shops. The first signals were seated amphitheater not called us a lot of attention because of the remains were covered for performances and finally the Roman circus. Spectacular, it seems to lie not expect it and you find yourself suddenly with such a construction of white stone, and in a place that does not belong. In l runs are held and it seems that these two elements, the arena and the bulls have permeated restaurants, cafes, decoration. The forum of Arles, Van Gogh inmortaliz, is full of cafes. It's a lovely visit to eat or drink coffee or ice cream. Although not a city needs a huge s gives to get the juice you have.
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The Arena of Arles were built in the...

Les Arènes d'Arles ont été construite au...

Les Arènes d'Arles ont été construite au premier siècle. C'est un amphithéâtre romain similaire aux arènes de Nîmes ou au Colisée de Rome. Il fûr utilisé pour différents type de spectacles; gladiateurs, célébrations de jeux divers. Au 6ème siècle elle furent transformé en une sorte de forteresse urbaine qui se dote de tours, de deux chapelle et accueille 200 habitants! C'est aujourd'hui le monument le plus visité de la ville; en été des reconstitutions de combats de gladiateurs ont lieu, le reste de l'année des spectacles sont organisés; les manifestations taurines (courses camarguaises et corridas) sont particulièrement prisée dans la région.
The Arena of Arles were built in the first century. This is similar to a Roman amphitheater Nimes Arena or Coliseum. It fûr used for different types of performances; gladiators, celebrations of various games. In the 6th century it was transformed into a kind of urban fortress acquires towers, two chapel hosts 200 people! Today is the most visited monument in the city, in the summer of reconstructions gladiators take place, the rest of the year shows are organized, the bullfights (Camargue races and bullfights) are particularly popular in region.
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Amphitheater built there more than 200...

Amphitheatre construit il y a plus de...

Amphitheatre construit il y a plus de 200ANS par les romains pour y effectuer des tournois de gladiateurs, endroit que je conseil ou il y s'y déroule de superbe corrida bon bien sur il faut aimer les corrida mais c'est un spectacle remarquable!!! Foncezzzzzzzzz
Amphitheater built there more than 200 years by the Romans to conduct tournaments gladiators place I board or there takes place there super good bullfight course you have to like bullfighting but it is a remarkable sight! ! Foncezzzzzzzzz
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The arenas are the monument makeup of...

Les arènes sont le monument fard de la ...

Les arènes sont le monument fard de la ville et le plus visité ! Cet amphithéâtre romain datant de 2000 ans n’est pas un vestige abandonné, loin de là ! Il est très bien conservé et est en cours de restauration. Les arènes sont toujours utilisées, pour le plus grand plaisir des arlésiens qui y viennent lors des manifestations taurines dont les plus connus sont la féria de Pâques et la féria du Riz en septembre. A ces occasions les aficionados envahissent les gradins et l’on est baigné dans une ambiance très particulière !
The arenas are the monument makeup of the city and the most visited! This Roman amphitheater dating back 2000 years is not a vestige left, far from it! It is very well preserved and is being restored. The arenas are always used for the pleasure of Arles who come during bullfights, the best known are the Easter and Feria Feria Rice in September. On these occasions the fans invade the stands and it is bathed in a very special atmosphere!
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Wonderful Roman amphitheater

Maravilloso anfiteatro romano

Situada a orillas del Ródano y a las puertas de la Camargue, Arles es una ciudad moderna y agradable de la Provenza francesa con un pasado histórico muy importante. Sus orígenes se remontan a los Griegos, pero la ciudad alcanzó gran importancia en época romana, con el nombre de Arelate, alcanzando su máximo apogeo durante los siglos IV y V. Tenía (y aun tiene) el puente más al sur del Ródano y se construyeron numerosos monumentos, algunos han perdurado hasta la actualidad. El monumento romano más espectacular es Les Arènes, el anfiteatro donde luchaban los gladiadores y las fieras y que se mantiene en un magnífico estado. Se conservan los dos primeros niveles, cada uno con 60 arcos. En su época de esplendor tenía capacidad para 20.000 espectadores y gozaba de un magnífico sistema de evacuación. Posteriormente en la edad media se construyeron unas torres, pues se utilizó el anfiteatro como un fuerte. En la actualidad el anfiteatro se encuentra en una plaza amplia, llena de restaurantes con terraza y tiendas de souvenirs y justo en una esquina está la fundación Van Gogh, donde se puede visitar la habitación del genial pintor holandés que se refugió en Arlés atraído por la luz de la Francia mediterránea. Parte de la fachada del anfiteatro estaba en obras y para nuestra gran sorpresa nos dimos cuenta que estaban sustituyendo las piedras antiguas, por piedras nuevas. Lo estaban dejando como nuevo. Había un cartel que explicaba la filosofía de la restauración, se estaban utilizando piedras de la misma cantera que los romanos, pero en todo caso nos parecía una intervención demasiado violenta. Estuvimos allí los veranos de 2008 y 2009, así que me pregunto si ahora estará totalmente restaurado. Después de almorzar en una brasserie con vistas a Les Arènes, por la tarde decidimos visitar el interior del anfiteatro. Los pasillos que rodean la arena del circo son magníficos, en el frescor de la sombra la luz entraba a raudales por los diferentes arcos que conducían a la arena y yo que soy muy fantástica trataba de imaginar la tensión que debían sentir los gladiadores antes de salir a la arena. Subimos a la parte alta de la grada y desde allí se podía ver todo el conjunto y como la arena estaba preparada para una corrida de toros, en cambio para finales de agosto anunciaban una semana de combates de gladiadores para recordar el mundo romano. Desde la parte alta, también se disfruta de una magnífica vista del casco antiguo de la ciudad.
Located on the banks of the Rhone and the doors of the Camargue, Arles is a modern and pleasant city of Provence with a very rich historical background. Its origins date back to the Greeks, but the city reached great importance in Roman times, with the name of Arelate, reaching its peak during the fourth and fifth centuries I had (and still has) the southernmost bridge Rhone and many monuments were built, some have survived until today. The most spectacular Roman monument is Les Arenes, amphitheater where gladiators fought and beasts and maintained in an excellent state. The first two levels, each with 60 arches remain. In its heyday had a capacity for 20,000 spectators and enjoyed a superb exhaust system. Later in the middle ages towers were built, as the amphitheater was used as a fort. Today the amphitheater is in a large square, full of restaurants with terrace and souvenir shops and right on the corner is the Van Gogh Foundation, where you can visit the room of the great Dutch painter who took refuge in Arles attracted by the Light Mediterranean France. Part of the facade of the amphitheater was under construction and to our surprise we realized they were replacing the old stones, with new stones. They were leaving as new. There was a sign explaining the philosophy of restoration, were you using stones from the same quarry that the Romans, but in any case it seemed too violent intervention. We were there the summers of 2008 and 2009, so I wonder if we will now fully restored. After lunch at a brasserie overlooking Les Arenes, in the afternoon we decided to visit the interior of the amphitheater. The hallways surrounding the arena are magnificent, in the cool shade of light streaming through the various arches leading to the sand and I'm very fantastic tried to imagine the tension that must feel the gladiators before leaving the sand. We climbed to the top of the stands and from there you could see the entire set and the sand was prepared for a bullfight, in contrast to late August announced a week of gladiatorial combat to remember the Roman world. From the top, also enjoys a magnificent view of the old town.
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The Arena was built in the first...

Les arènes d'Arles ont été construites au...

Les arènes d'Arles ont été construites au Ier siècle de notre ère. C'est l'un des monuments les plus importants de la ville, actuellement en restauration. Elles étaient autrefois destinées à accueillir des combats de gladiateurs et sert actuellement pour accueillir des corridas. Le monument s'inspire du Colisée de Rome, ayant été construit à peu près à la même époque, avec une forme elliptique, des gradins et des arcades. Les arènes d'Arles sont inscrites au Patrimoine Mondial de l'Unesco.
The Arena was built in the first century of our era. This is one of the most important monuments of the city, currently under restoration. They were once designed to accommodate gladiator fights and is currently used to host bullfights. The monument was inspired by the Colosseum in Rome, having been built at about the same time, with an elliptical shape, bleachers and arcades. The Arena is listed as a World Heritage Site by Unesco.
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Arenas, being restored, regain their...

Les arènes, en cours de restauration, ...

Les arènes, en cours de restauration, retrouvent toute leur splendeur. Les Arènes d'Arles sont un amphithéâtre romain construit durant le premier siècle après J-C. Les arènes s'inspirent du Colisée de Rome. Elles sont de forme elliptique, entourées de gradins et comportent des arcades sur deux niveaux.
Arenas, being restored, regain their splendor. The Arena of Arles are a Roman amphitheater built in the first century AD. The arenas are inspired by the Coliseum. They are elliptical, surrounded by terraces and include arcades on two levels.
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Dans le sud de la France, découvrez les Arènes d'Arles, un des plus beaux amphithéâtres du monde romain. Parmi les édifices du monde romain, les Arènes d'Arles est l'un des mieux conservés. Les Arènes d'Arles sont un amphithéâtre romain construit vers 80 ap. J.-C. / 90 ap. J.-C., dans le cadre des extensions flaviennes de la ville.
In the south of France, around the arenas of Arles, one of the finest Roman amphitheatres world. Among the buildings of the Roman world, the Arena of Arles is one of the best preserved. The Arena of Arles are a Roman amphitheater built around 80 AD. BC / 90 AD. BC, under the flaviennes extensions of the city.
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Arnes ...


Les Arènes d'Arles sont un amphithéâtre romain . Si vous venez à Arles dans le sud de la france ne manquez surtout pas de vous arrêter et de venir voir un des spectacle qui se tiens dans les arènes. C'est tout simplement spectaculaire de se tenir là . Il y a bien longtemps ces arènes étaient destinées aux combats de gladiateurs.
The Arena of Arles are a Roman amphitheater. If you come to Arles in the south of France do not miss to stop and come see the show that like in the arena. It is simply spectacular to stand there. There has long these arenas were for gladiator fights.
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I could not check if it was visitable as I was able to see it

Nell'anfiteatro ottimamente conservato che si trova "nascosto" all' interno della pittoresca cittadina di Arles.

Un po' più piccolo forse dell'Arena di Verona lo stanno dal 2013 pian piano ristrutturando. Non ho potuto verificare se fosse visitabile visto che sono riuscito a vederlo di notte.
In the well preserved amphitheater that is "hidden" inside the picturesque town of Arles. A little smaller maybe in the Arena of Verona they are from 2013 flatly restructuring. I could not check if it was visitable as I was able to see it by night.
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Magnifique ville a voir absolument

Magnifique ville a voir absolument.

Beautiful amphitheater from Roman times

Splendido anfiteatro d'epoca romana

Splendido anfiteatro d'epoca romana
Beautiful amphitheater from Roman times
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Information about Arles Amphitheatre