A Revolutionary Town
Lebanon Green is a building block in thi early New England town. On this communally owned, central patch of land, town residents would graze their animals, hold military drills, and gather at the meetinghouse and marketplace.
In Connecticut, there are over 170 town greens, but to feel transported back to Colonial days, head to the green at the center of the rural town of Lebanon. This mile-long pasture, where you might spot wildflowers, horseback riders, and musket-toting men in tricorn hats, is also one of the best places to learn about Connecticut’s Revolutionary history.
The venerable buildings around the green are the Historical Society Museum and Visitor Center, the Governor Jonathan Trumbull House & Wadsworth Stable, the Jonathan Trumbull Junior House Museum, and the War Office. Each of them tell part of the story of how Connecticut’s people and resources helped win American independence.
But Lebanon isn’t simply a museum piece; in summer and fall months, a farmers’ market livens up the town green with regional goods, produce, and music.