Las Quebrantes, great rice with lobster
On many occasions I've been in Somo for the beach, I have been many times in the restaurant Las Quebrantas, next to one of the main entrances to the beach of Somo. It has fantastic seafood, with many servings. Usually we stop at the terrace at the entrance to the restaurant for a drink at the time of vermouth, such as their squid and this weekend we ordered a serving of barnacles that had a great price. Among its varied dishes alegir personally recommend their salads are delicious, like crab, shrimp and cocktail sauce, although the best I've had in this restaurant was the rice with lobster. For
Me the best thing is that it is one of the most popular restaurants in Somo and still retains its traditional style, although I must admit that I have eaten much better time than high season, because Somo is usually always get tourists for its long sandy beach.
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