Alicia Ortego
The Oldest Koran in the World
In my opinion, Tashkent doesn't offer many attractions. There are some museums, some parks with Soviet memories, and a tactical-strategic way to enter and leave the country. However, one day we walked around and went to the Telyashayakh Mosque, or the Khast Imom Mosque as it's popularly known. It's a new mosque, which tries to follow the style of the country's great mosques and madrasas, although in much larger proportions. A huge park surrounds the outside, with little shade, but with cool water channels and a calming spirit, in Persian style. However, there was a surprise. In a smaller building, there's the mosque's library holding a treasure, a Koran from the 7th century, which is the oldest in the world.
It's a huge book that you can see if you are lucky (depending on the guard and if he'll open it for you, with a small contribution). Once inside, you can't take pictures, but they'll explain it, even if you don't have an interpreter on hand, the guide might speak English, or Uzbek. They say the same Timur was brought from Samarkand, but then the Russians took it to St. Petersburg, and in 1989, it was returned here.
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