A gastronomical ¨classic¨ in Guipúzcoa
This is one of the gastronomic classics on the coast of Guipúzocoa. Always true to their roots, the Katxiña steakhouse is known for three things:
1. The outstanding quality of the prime materials they use in the meats and fishes they offer. The meat is of exceptional quality and the fish is extremely fresh, recent bought from the port.
2. The method of cooking of the dishes, especially the meat and fish ones. The cooks at Katxiña use coal grills better than anyone, cooking everything to perfection.
3. The incredible natural environment surrounding the steakhouse. The restaurant is divided into two areas. One is a cute interior room made of wood. The other is exterior and three times larger than the indoor section. In a way, it’s simpler than the indoor section. As a matter of fact, the most important thing at Katxiña is not the table clothes or the silverware, they´re traditional, but the food is always the most important detail.