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[{"Comment":{"id":"2115323","total_score":"52","content":"Goat caught my attention because there is a romance in the Canary Islands is named precisely, the Romance of Count de Cabra, which tells the story of a widow who falls Don Diego Fernandez de Cordova and with whom to married by force. Therefore, and historical reviews that had flipped, I decided to visit and what was my surprise to find a lovely village, near city, architecture and friendly people, very clean, with a competent tourist office and a couple of points interest to visit. One is the parish church of the Assumption, of course, and as I always say in these cases, built on a previous mosque, so there are no remains of temples infidels .... (SIGH). The red marble and places like twisted columns, black, came from the then famous quarries of the Sierra de Cabra, were the perfect material to unleash the baroque splendor enjoys showing church. Splendor has been about to disappear due to two earthquakes that damaged so that nearly being shot down by the danger posed to the security not only of the faithful who prayed it, but all the buildings that around. Fortunately, a popular subscription managed to raise enough money for a successful rehabilitation \/ reconstruction was carried out, with the perfect result that we enjoy today.","title":"Quiet and very elegant","hidden":0,"post_time":"2013-11-14 10:27:32","lang_flag":"es","original_content":"Cabra me llamaba mucho la atenci\u00f3n porque en Canarias existe un romance que precisamente se llama as\u00ed, el Romance del Conde de Cabra, en el que se narra la historia de una viuda de la que se enamora don Diego Fern\u00e1ndez de C\u00f3rdoba y con la que quiere casarse a la fuerza.\r\nPor eso, y por las rese\u00f1as hist\u00f3ricas que hab\u00eda ojeado, me decid\u00ed a visitarlo y cual fue mi sorpresa al descubrir un precioso pueblo, casi ciudad, de arquitectura y gente agradable, muy limpio, con una oficina de turismo competente y un par de puntos a visitar de inter\u00e9s.\r\nUno de ellos es la Parroquia Mayor de la Asunci\u00f3n, por supuesto, y como digo siempre en estos casos, edificada sobre una anterior mezquita, para que no queden restos de templos infieles....(SUSPIRO).\r\nEl m\u00e1rmol de color rojo y por algunos lugares como las columnas salom\u00f3nicas, negro, proven\u00eda de las entonces famosas canteras de la Sierra de Cabra, fueron el material perfecto para dar rienda suelta al esplendor barroco que la iglesia disfruta mostrando.\r\nEsplendor que ha estado a punto de desaparecer debido a dos terremotos que la da\u00f1aron de tal manera que a punto estuvo de ser derribada por el peligro que significaba para la seguridad no s\u00f3lo de los fieles que en ella oraban, sino a todas las edificaciones que la rodean.\r\nAfortunadamente , una suscripci\u00f3n popular logr\u00f3 recaudar el suficiente dinero para que una acertada rehabilitaci\u00f3n\/reconstrucci\u00f3n fuera llevada a cabo, con el perfecto resultado del que hoy podemos disfrutar.","original_title":"Tranquila y muy cuidada"},"User":{"id":"87065","name":"Roberto Gonzalez","username":"robertogonzalez893","has_avatar":"5","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/87065_80x80_5.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"7631212","hashcode":"ee9ecc37a0356f991669c28ddf510286","post_time":"2013-11-14 10:27:32","o_width":"3872","o_height":"2592","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7631214","hashcode":"2d3b61ef77c21adb7cc33626536d2da7","post_time":"2013-11-14 10:27:32","o_width":"3872","o_height":"2592","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7631213","hashcode":"f5042c8559cc5260fde218347ac671b4","post_time":"2013-11-14 10:27:32","o_width":"3872","o_height":"2592","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7631219","hashcode":"0bf3e09be4bd02475dd01513e3f39a75","post_time":"2013-11-14 10:27:32","o_width":"2592","o_height":"3872","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7631218","hashcode":"4240d89a559bd62b984369b260b19bf9","post_time":"2013-11-14 10:27:32","o_width":"2592","o_height":"3872","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7631217","hashcode":"e80a07edbba4260077576af987b64569","post_time":"2013-11-14 10:27:32","o_width":"2592","o_height":"3872","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7631216","hashcode":"e871afb983f4df30d5f9b35179fddfd2","post_time":"2013-11-14 10:27:32","o_width":"2592","o_height":"3872","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7631215","hashcode":"571c69ff52bf0d5f4d92343951b274c0","post_time":"2013-11-14 10:27:32","o_width":"2592","o_height":"3872","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null}]
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Juan Domingo Perón Statue in Madrid

2 contributors

1 review of Juan Domingo Perón Statue in Madrid

This corner is dedicated to Serviajera,...

Este rincón se lo dedico a Serviajera, ...

Este rincón se lo dedico a [poi=160591]Serviajera[/poi], que un día me pidió que fotografiara la estatua de Perón en Madrid para colgarlo en Minube. Como la estatua está en mi barrio, hoy me he acercado a echarle unas fotos. Además, he estado buscando un poco de información sobre el escultor para poderos contar algo más de este rinconcito madrileño. Como veis, la estatua se encuentra en la misma [poi=161921]Avenida del General Perón[/poi], una anchísima calle que discurre perpendicular al Paseo de la Castellana. Es en realidad la extensión de la calle Avila, que comunica [poi=118357]Bravo Murillo[/poi] con Infanta Mercedes y de ahí a la Castellana. Aprovechando su anchura, se han abierto unos hermosos jardines con diversas zonas de recreo y allí, presidiéndolo todo la estatua de quien un día fuera vecino de Madrid debido al exilio que tuvo que vivir de su tierra natal argentina. Fue inaugurada en febrero de 1975, justamente en el aniversario de su muerte y se debe la misma al escultor bilbaíno Agustín de la Herrán (podéis ver su firma en una de las fotos), autor realista que destaca sobre todo por su escultura religiosa y por sus retratos. Su obra más conocida, por su monumentalidad (32 metros de altura), es la Virgen de Quito, Ecuador. Para su factura se contó con una colecta de voluntarios argentinos y españoles. Posteriormente el Ayuntamiento de Madrid pondría el pedestal, en el que hoy se pueden observar diversas placas conmemorativas que se han ido añadiendo con el tiempo en reconocimiento a su labor por este país sudamericano.
This corner is dedicated to Serviajera, one day asked me to photograph the statue of Peron in Madrid to hang on Minube. As the statue is in my neighborhood, I approached today's take some pictures. In addition, I have been looking for some information on the sculptor to poderos have more of this corner Madrid. As you see, the statue is located on the Avenida del General Perón, one very wide street that runs perpendicular to the Paseo de la Castellana. Is actually Avila Street extension, which communicates with Infanta Mercedes Bravo Murillo and from there to the Castellana. Leveraging its width, have opened several beautiful gardens with playgrounds and there, presiding over all the statue neighbor who one day out of Madrid because he had to live exiled from his homeland Argentina. It was inaugurated in February 1975, exactly on the anniversary of his death and must be the same to Bilbao sculptor Agustín de la Herran (you can see his signature on one of the photos), realistic author remarkable for its religious sculpture and their portraits. His best known work for its monumentality (32 meters high), is the Virgin of Quito, Ecuador. For your bill featured a collection of volunteers and Spanish Argentines. Madrid City Council subsequently put the pedestal, which today can be seen various commemorative plaques that have been added over time in recognition of his work for this South American country.
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