An orderly French garden
Parc Jouvet is the largest park in Valence, has 7 acres, and it is free to access. Next door is the field of Marte, from which you can see the park from above. There are several fountains by the flowerbeds, it is typically symmetrical and orderly in the French style. Then at the bottom, on the banks of the Rhone, the garden changes to a freer, English style. The city of Valence bought the land in the early twentieth century and, with the financial support of Jouvet, a businessman ve donated most of the funds, they constructed a public garden. It was opened to the public in 1905 and the president of the republic attended! There are several old buildings, a small botanical garden.
It is a very nice park, and more than 800 different trees and plants can be seen here. Depending on the seasons, it is closed between 17h30 and 20h.
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