Surrounded by interesting buildings
Over the years this park has had many names: Olival do Campo (1613), Alameda do Olival (1661), Jardim da Cordoaria (1662) and since 1835 João Chagas Garden (or Campo dos Martires da Patria). This area of the city is known as "Cordoaria" (cordonería) because of the Miragaia cobblers here. The park is pretty big with abundant vegetation, benches, a pond with a large ornamental fountain and various sculptures, such as the monument to Ortigão Ramalho that pays homage to martyrs of the homeland. The park occupies the central part of a block and is surrounded by several interesting buildings, such
As the Natural History Museum, the Faculty of Science, the Chapel of San José de Taipas, the Clerics Tower and the Carmelite Church (Igreja do Carmo).
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