Ivan Kobler Square
Ivan Kobler Square is near the tower of the city's old door step. When arriving by sea, you'll enter the medieval Rijeka. There you'll be in the heart of the old city. The current Koblerov square was the Placa, and has a lower surface that's somewhat narrower than the community center of the city from the Middle Ages. The illustrations show how old the city center is, with its clock tower and city hall, and the houses of the important people. In the north, the patrician-dominated Rijeka Castle, and to the east there's the main church where the faithful used to gather. In the south, near the port and commercial center, the pier, the walls of the city, is where you can find what was the center of secular life.
It's where people listened city messenger announcements municipal signed agreements, buying and selling, outside or in tents on the ground floor of the houses, which are still visible today.
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