Alicia Ortego
One of the top-rated hotels
This is one of the top-rated hotels in 2011 on well-known website, and the truth is that, although it is a bit expensive, if you get a good deal online it's pretty good for Dublin, and located in the famous O'Connell St. The rooms are fine, although in our case the deal we found online didn't included breakfast. As is customary here (and in many hotels and B & B in Ireland), rooms include an electric kettle, tea bags, instant coffee, and sugar. We also managed to buy a few breakfast rools. The cabinet also hid an entire iron and ironing board, heh, heh, and the decoration was with tasteful black and white photographs of Dublin.
Moreover, its location is very quiet, which ensures you'll get some rest. You also have free wifi in the reception area (ask for the password, which lasts for about 48 h.).
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