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Historical Centre of Cologne

30 reviews of Historical Centre of Cologne

Historical old Sacramento

Sacramento was the first Portuguese settlement in America. It was declared a World Heritage by site UNESCO in 1995. The colony of Sacramento was founded in 1680 by Manuel de Lobo and passed into Spanish hands in the reign of Philip V, the first Borbon king of Spain. Two hundred years ago it was a real ruin and in 1968 its recovery and restoration began, making it a true colonial gem. You have to walk through its streets and squares slowly savoring its flavor and if it is dark it's much better illuminated with yellow light lanterns which transport you to the seventeenth century. The colony has a

Lot of restaurants and cafes, but being a very touristy town they are not exactly cheap, but once in your life it's worth having dinner at one of their sites.
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The old town of Cologne, as we call the...

El casco viejo de Colonia, como le...

El casco viejo de Colonia, como le llamamos los uruguayos y los Argentinos, aunque en su fundación fue Colonia del Sacramento, tiene un "sabor a historia" muy particular y muy encantador. Mientras paseas por las viejas callecitas adoquinadas, te parece estar en un pueblito detenido en el tiempo, y hasta llegas a perder la noción de adónde andas.... Hay paz, sosiego, muchos árboles añosos, viejos bancos adonde descansar, esquinas sin ochavas con antiguos farolitos con apenas una luz mortecina y amarillenta. Si das rienda a tu imaginación, puedes tejer una novela de época en la que sos el galán o la dama que se asoma a la ventana enrejada..... Para ver sin que lo/la vean o quizás saludar tímidamente como seguramente lo han hecho las personas que habitaron el casco antiguo cuando la Colonia fue fundada. No les voy a hablar de la historia del lugar, pues vi que muchos ya lo han hecho y muy bien, sólo voy a compartir algunas fotos con Uds.Y si recomendarles que si están en Montevideo, capital del Uruguay, en cuarenta minutos llegan en bus de línea y si están en Buenos Aires y quieren cruzar el río mas ancho del mundo, con el Buquebus, en un viaje de ida y vuelta en el día esta puede ser una opción que no van a olvidar.
The old town of Cologne, as we call the Uruguayans and Argentines, though its foundation was Colonia del Sacramento, has a "taste of history" very particular and very charming. As you walk through the old cobbled streets, you seem to be in a town frozen in time, and even get to lose track of where you walk .... There is peace, tranquility, many old trees, old benches where rest, without chamfered corners with old lanterns with just a dim, yellowish light. If you give free rein to your imagination, you can weave a novel era in which you are the leading man or lady that looks at the barred window ..... For without him / her see or perhaps greet shyly as surely they have people that inhabited the old when the colony was founded. I will not talk about the history of the place, for I saw that many have already done very well, I'll just share some photos with Uds.Y if recommend that if you are in Montevideo, capital of Uruguay, in forty minutes reach in bus line and if you are in Buenos Aires and want to cross the widest river in the world, with Buquebus, on a return trip on the day this may be an option you will not forget.
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The city of Colonia del Sacramento is...

La ciudad de Colonia del Sacramento se...

La ciudad de Colonia del Sacramento se encuentra frente al río de la Plata que une Uruguay con Argentina. Esta increíble ciudad alberga una gran cantidad de monumentos históricos siendo la ciudad misma un museo abierto lleno de historia colonial. El Casco histórico de Colonia fue declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO en el año 1993. Sus grandes murallas antiguas son un atractivo turístico muy interesante, como también la plaza de los toros, el callejón de los suspiros y un poco mas alejado el puerto y la costanera. De todos modos la ciudad es muy pequeña y se puede recorrer fácilmente caminando o en bicicleta (hay muchos puestos de alquiler de las mismas por toda la ciudad).
The city of Colonia del Sacramento is opposite the River Plate linking Uruguay with Argentina. This amazing city has a lot of historical monuments being the city itself a place full open museum of colonial history. The historic center of Cologne was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1993. Its large ancient walls are a very interesting attraction, as the square of bulls, the alley of Sighs and a little further from the port and the waterfront. Anyway the town is very small and easily explored on foot or bicycle (there are many places to hire them throughout the city).
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Ideal streets for some nice photos

Calles ideales para hacer unas lindas fotos

El Casco histórico de Colonia del Sacramento es uno de los lugares más importantes para visitar, todos los que vienen a este mágico rincón buscan la calle de los Suspiros que es una de las más bellas del casco histórico pero en realidad esta ciudad está llena de hermosas callecitas, aunque menos conocidas como dicha calle pero no menos bonitas, dentro de ellas están la Calle de las Flores, de San Francisco y de Solís, son calles ideales para hacer unas lindas fotos. En el Casco histórico está hecha para caminar, detenerse a almorzar y disfrutar de una bebida refrescante y de la hermosa ciudad. Si estás en búsqueda de estas hermosas callecitas, estas se encuentran frente al Paseo de San Gabriel, justo detrás del faro de la ciudad.
The historic Town of Colonia del Sacramento is one of the most important places to visit, all who come to this magical seek rincn Street of Sighs is one of the most beautiful in the historical center but in fact this city is full of beautiful streets, though less known as this street but no less beautiful, inside them estn Calle de las Flores, San Francisco and Sols, streets are ideal to make some nice pictures. In the historical helmet is made for walking, stop for lunch and enjoy a refreshing drink and beautiful city. If You are in search of these beautiful streets, these are opposite the Paseo de San Gabriel, just behind the town lighthouse.
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Preserved and beautiful

Preservada e linda

Muito bem preservada e repleta de lindos monumentos, a parte antiga de Colonia del sacramento é uma viagem ao passado do Uruguay. Com suas ruas limpas e floridas, construções bem preservadas e rigorosas normas de utilização dos edifícios, que não permitem letreiros, fios e outras poluições visuais, a cidade é um verdadeiro encanto! O agito acontece apenas de dia, pois os turistas não costumam pernoitar lá, mas se você tem tempo e gosta de tranquilidade, não de ixe de passar ao menos um anoite.
Very well preserved and full of beautiful monuments, the old part of Colonia del Sacramento is a trip to the past of Uruguay. With its clean, flowery streets, well-preserved buildings and strict building codes, which do not allow signs, wires and other visual pollution, the city is a real charm! The hustle and bustle happens only in the daytime, because tourists do not usually stay there, but if you have time and enjoy tranquility, do not want to spend at least one night.
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The area of ​​Old Sacremento, or "Old Bag...

Le quartier du Vieux Sacremento, ou...

Le quartier du Vieux Sacremento, ou "Old Sac" comme l'appelle les locaux, vous donne l'impression de tomber en plein milieu d'un Western ! Petits magasins à l'allure typique (dont un candy shop à ne pas manquer), bars saloons et restos à la déco unique, vous ne serez pas déçu, le dépaysement est assuré ! Impossible de ne pas voir aussi ce pont tout doré juste en bordure de Old Sacramento, lorsque l'on se promène le long de Sacramento River. Si vous passez par Sacramento, ce quartier est tout simplement incontournable.
The area of ​​Old Sacremento, or "Old Bag" as the locals call it, gives you the feeling of falling in the middle of a Western! Small shops with typical pace (including a candy shop not to be missed), saloons, bars and restaurants to the unique decor, you will not be disappointed, the scenery is guaranteed! Can not see what all golden bridge just outside of Old Sacramento, when you walk along the Sacramento River. If you go through Sacramento, this area is simply unavoidable.
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Very beautiful. Nice to stroll through...

Muito bonito.

Gostoso passear pelas ruas históricas. Com muitos restaurantes charmosos, a cidade traz um clima de paz e tranquilidade. Recomendo o passeio.
Very beautiful. Nice to stroll through the historic streets. With many charming restaurants, the city brings a climate of peace and tranquility. Highly recommend the tour.
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Perfect place! Take pictures team feel that chill a wine!

Lugar perfeito! Tire fotos sinta aquele friozinho tome um vinho!

Lugar perfeito! Tire fotos sinta aquele friozinho tome um vinho!
Perfect place! Take pictures team feel that chill a wine!
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the truth is that the historic...

la verdad es que imperdible el barrio...

la verdad es que imperdible el barrio histórico de Colonia nadie que venga colonia puede dejar de ir y es un lugar chico muy fácil de recorrer y tiene y de todo todo lo que fue un pueblito amor asado del año 1680 con casi portuguesas y españolas sea que la sociedad fue tu madre te firmemente de veces por españoles y portugueses
the truth is that the historic neighborhood of Colonia is unmissable. Anyone who comes to Colonia can stop going and it is a very easy place to go and has everything and everything that was a small roasted love town from the year 1680 with almost Portuguese and Spanish the society was your mother you firmly of times by Spaniards and Portuguese
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Romantic, ideal to meet with your guy! Different Restaurants!

Romântico, ideal para conhecer com sua cara metade! Restaurantes diferenciados!

Romântico, ideal para conhecer com sua cara metade! Restaurantes diferenciados!
Romantic, ideal to meet with your guy! Different Restaurants!
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Good place to go to spend an entire day

Buen lugar para ir a pasar un día entero

pero no mas de un fin de semana buena comida y muy tranquilo.
but no more than a weekend good food and very quiet.
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Beautiful colony place to rest, super...

Hermoso lugar colonia para descansar

La gente súper amable, relax para el fin de semana.
Beautiful colony place to rest, super friendly people, relax for the weekend.
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Without doubt the best sunset I've ever seen

Sin duda alguna el mejor atardecer que he visto

Un lugar tranquilo y agradable, perfecto para disfrutar con alguien especial.
A nice quiet place, perfect to enjoy with someone special.
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Information about Historical Centre of Cologne