High Street
High Street is one of the four main streets in Oxford. It's the street you take to get to London and the eastern part of the city. It is partly open to traffic, but when you're almost to Carfax, the junction of the four main streets of Oxford, you can only follow the buses and cars. High Street leads to Magdalen Bridge, which is one of the few bridges in this city, and it's surrounded by water. The lack of access to this point of the city explains the horrendous traffic. A lot of times people go by bike or bus to avoid this. The street is known as "The High," and is bordered by major schools such as the University of Oxford, University College, Queens College, Brasenos, St Mary's.
St. Mary's is known as a church - college and this is where Oxford University was started. It's now a tourist attraction, and you can climb up the tower to see the views. These schools were the first universities in the city. At the end of the street you'll find Carfax Tower, the first church in the city, which you can climb.
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